My spidey sense is tingling like crazy Sup Forums. Pic related is a false flag and we all know it.
>Armband apparently on wrong arm >Dressed like antifa >Going around Seattle 'shouting racist vitriol'
Unless this guy is a genuine autist, this is fake and gay and I won't stand for it. What do you say we find and expose this fucker? Leaving this as is just legitimizes the nazi bullshit that the left is craving.
>inb4 real punch
That was definitely a real life nigger punch but what's one punch to manufacturer a nazi beating on camera? I'd take a punch if I was a false flagging rabbi faggot.
I haven't been able to find one detail about this fat faggot which is suspicious on its own.
I don't usually believe in false flags but this seems pretty suspicious.
Ryder Perry
aren't there like 4 black people in seattle, who cares?
Matthew Evans
I dont think you understand what this thread is avout
Christian Ramirez
>Pants are down like some black guy in the hood Either he is legitimately retarded or it's faked
David Carter
Dude, Seattle is the home of liberal cucks on the west coast, regardless of race. Even if there WHERE only 4 blacks (there's a lot more), the whites over there are indistinguishable from blacks on the basis of attitude and demeanor.
Logan Jenkins
WERE not WHERE. Fuck my life
Adrian Bell
was it his plan to get punched?
Kevin Allen
We could probably id cars license plates in the video and get a location
Adrian Reyes
wearing a nazi armband around in public... top kek m8
Nathaniel Bell
>Be Antifa >crappy style is consistent through your disguise >"Hello my fellow White people, time to do the fash and heil sigs"
Dominic Martinez
>was getting punched in the face part of your plan? >everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face wat do?
Henry Bell
yup, psy op to larp up a civil war. doesn't matter who wins as long as the emerging power structure is even more powerful and tyrannical then the one we have now, and it will be because how else would you win the war without giving a power structure that kind of power.
Dominic Reyes
link niggers?
Gavin Jackson
Duh it's fake as fuck >armband on wrong side >Nazis in Seattle? >Nazis in Seattles public transport >true nazi wouldnt lose fight >head not shaven >ETC ETC
Landon Allen
Shouldn't we go after the guys who punched the guy? They committed a crime and need to be brought to justice.
Let the leftyfags find this guy... you know they will.
Asher Jackson
He had it on the wrong arm. False flag.
Jace Nelson
There are far more than there should be
Caleb Scott
did he get his shit pushed in or what? dont see any links of the "punch"
Part of me thinks he was just a lefty dressing up, like how they pretend they are KKK for some cuck rally.
Owen Hall
There's plenty of nogs in Seattle, the city is a fucking shithole.
Jonathan James
Much like the one swastika flag guy in Cville who they made sure was on every fucking newscast.
Nolan Perry
Isaac Richardson
Kek, if this was real there would be a video of a sheboon yelling in his face and it would have gone viral on Faceberg.
Owen Ward
this is fake as hell and the tranny shooting last night was probably fake, too.
Kevin Wright
Yeah, I've never heard of one of us doing something like that. Even when the Neo-Nazi's do their crazy shit, they do it in groups. It stinks of those instances where the left is trying to portray us, and they can't get it right because they only know the strawman they created.
Jace Thomas
why would a natsoc be fat, dress with his underwear hanging out, have pathetic posture like that, and not know basic self defense?
Robert Campbell
I think the tranny wanted fun be a martyr. Called the cops on himself, told them to kill him, approached with a knife. False flagged himself so all the faggots on face book would share his story and virtue signal and all that BS.
Noah Allen
hitler was right about his spirit rising again. not in the literal sense but its becoming apparent as of late
Ian Jackson
Is that a fucking Jack Reacher quote?
Oliver Sullivan
That quotes old as fuck. Are you even 15?
Leo Stewart
Even the police were in on it. Fake!!! A real natsoc would have been smart enough to get the police to protect them.
Adrian Bennett
Good night, alt right.
Anthony Hill
whres the fucking link? PLZ is there no footage of the fight?
>Sup Forums: "WHY AREN'T NORMIES WAKING UP. RACE WAR NOWWW REEEEE 14/88" >Sup Forums: "anyone who who expresses these beliefs in public is obviously a false flag agent"
Benjamin Rivera
Nothing looks like a false flag here desu. 99% of Sup Forums looks like this guy when they leave their mothers' basements.
Thomas Allen
>when you're literally shaking so much the camera can't focus
Aaron Miller
You got the actual link? Not this cancer.
Jeremiah Wilson
Jacob Gomez
There's plenty of weirdos out there mate, what makes you think none of them could ever possibly stumble across info on the JQ or The Greatest Story Never Told?
Colton Smith
>UNigger flag >shill statement checks out
Ayden Edwards
This. The Mussolini fanboys can't accept the fact they're inept neckbeards.
Jonathan Gomez
does anyone here have that post about antifa buying an APC? asking for a friend
Caleb Stewart
It's Mike Tyson
Christopher White
>alt-right simply refuses to believe a desperate nazi ethnic kekistani got punched out for tenth time this year
ish-shiggaz muh niggaz
Carter Hernandez
You post an image of a fun with a full auto mod saying "so much for the tolerant left" which is an obvious false flag type meme narrative and then you post this which combined with your meme flag paints you as antifa. Your 2 + 2 isn't equaling 4 you fucking faggot failure.
Jace Morgan
>hurr durr durr it's a false flag
This board is full of autistic, overweight shut-ins who can't fight just like the guy in seattle. The delusion is real.
Jacob Hernandez
>checked Awooo
Easton Long
Parker Peterson
Look at the poor attempt to fit in while at the same time destroy what's here. Look at how quickly they revert back to the basement dwelling talking point. This is the only legit post criticizing the OP topic.
Carter Wood
at least we can still live vicariously through our memes
Justin Rodriguez
Albaku kekabar
Ian Garcia
Jack Watson
Remember all those threats to synagogues and jewish centers after Trump won?
It was a kike in israel who phoned them all in.
John Hughes
Jordan Gray
How is it a false flag, did you see how hard he got punched? If he hit his head on the concrete he could have died.
Christian Thomas
shit was hilarious. Sup Forums called it beforehand, too.
Evan Sanchez
>Pants are down like some black guy in the hood I was looking at that, and thinking the same thing. What right winger would wear their pants like some stupid nigger?
Aiden Gray
>tfw I didn't have to look up what arm the band is supposed to be on I've been here too long to not have accomplished anything of note
Charles Cruz
>Be antifa >you gotta do this, user, it's for the greater good! >by faking as a nazi who gets beat up in public >you'll draw the real nazis out where we can get them >plus you get to inspire people to beat up nazis whereever they see them >you'll be a hero, user! >(doesn't let the nigs in on the plan) >heem sleepy
yeah this one screamed fake from the start, or maybe the guy is that retarded. but yeah looks fake as fuck
Nathaniel Reyes
There's no fucking way that guy is a real 14/88er. This is a staged LARP.
William Diaz
>Implying anyone would ruin their own life and suffer a traumatic brain injury for an antifa false flag operation
You guys are fucking autistic.
Noah Gomez
Who fucking cares. Stop giving attention to this bait.
Christian Williams
He wasn't going around shouting racial slurs. He was probably a basic bitch libertarian trying to make a statement about free speech or something.
Carter Wilson
Wyatt Young
Yes, he was. He threw a banana at someone and called them an ape.
Ethan Moore
my dad used to live there when I was a kid and I'd visit and that was my first interaction with drunk homeless niggers on public transportation. theres a ton
Ian Nguyen
bait of what
Aaron Gray
You underestimate the self hatred white antifa members has for white people, to include themselves, and how many would gladly self harm themselves if they were convinced it was for "the greater good." We may be autistic, but were right. If the world were actually fair, the best of us would be perfect for investigation work.
James Bailey
You underestimate the overwhelming likelihood he was just some Sup Forumstard who thought he could handle himself because he practiced what he would say in front of the bathroom mirror.
Nathaniel Ortiz
We need to ban islam in the West and stop all invasion of muslim countries. This is the only peaceful solution, otherwise we'll have to go full Myanmar against all muslim men women and children like our Buddhist brothers. Our globalist treasonous politicians do not seem bent on having a peaceful solution happen, so the only choice besides death is to terminate all muslims kikes and traitors once SHTF, women and children included. War is unavoidable, see: And also read this: The underlying math and systemic problem in that article applies to all Western countries. If there isn't going to be enough money to pay police and firefighters pensions when the bubble pops, even if you raised taxes to 100%, and gibs to the low iq dindus and muslim savages goes bye bye, S will HTF. You'll have people calling for expropriating everyone of everything to pay for unsustainable past promises (it will be like Venezuela, but all over the West. Once again, socialism, even our soft socialism we live in now, always end up exploding in your face.) Add to that the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the incapacity of governments to finance their budgets via debt and imagine what that looks like. Really, use your imagination to figure out the implications of these facts I am presenting you. You better start prepping NOW. I recommend starting here: -> This guy survived the Bosnia SHTF in the 90's, he was not a prepper before that, then he became one.
Isaiah Morgan
>Larping as a retarded neo-nazi >expressing our beliefs >obligatory "Sup Forums is one person" Gas yourself.
Andrew Cooper
>retards who agree with my retarded ideology could not possibly exist!
>if someone makes our edgy movement look retarded, it's a false flag!
And this is why no one takes nazis seriously, you're so brainwashed you're willing to believe any stupid actions your following engages in is a product of a Jewish/leftist conspiracy
It's Nazi shilling through and through, you're brainwashing your own people so they don't leave your ranks no matter what stupid shit you do
Nicholas Gomez
this it would fit with uncle teds profile of the left about how they use masochistic protesting practices
Zachary Hughes
Mexican shilling like his life depended on it, guess you got sent back.
Austin Jackson
>people pointing out muh retardation have a vested interest in emigrating into the US Yet another shining example of how much you can deep fry your brain in memes and stupidity
Elijah Gomez
If he was actually a "Sup Forumstard" as you put it, and had put the effort to do as you said, that person would have been autistic enough to make sure he got the armband on the arm it's supposed to be on and wouldn't have made such a glaring mistake. Your move, user.
Connor Myers
And why does wearing the armband on the correct arm defines whether he is a Sup Forumstard or not?
>he would be le autistic so he wouldn't make that mistake xD Arguing in memes is for the mentally deficient
Landon Adams
The Cameraman is literally a Stunt Actor, who works with Marvel and other shitty Hollywood films. He lives in British Columbia, was "visiting from Canada" when he filmed this... Tagging WorldStarHipHop and many others... it's an obvious ploy.
>I haven't been able to find one detail about this fat faggot which is suspicious on its own. Wait, so lefties haven't dox'd him yet? That's a bit odd.
Robert Thomas
Goddammit, Pedro, it doesn't. It's dialectic rhetoric that deconstructs the other person's argument and shows the holes in said argument. If the person is going to make autism a qualifier then they have to apply it generally as a qualifier and not just personally. >condescension towards memes Memes are just ideas and the expression of those ideas, Pedro.
LMAO why the fuck would anybody go out with a nazi armband?
thats like the epitome of retarded. armbands are gay themsevles. swastika armbands are on another lever of gay, pic related.
Xavier Wood
Fake and fag.
Adam Long
>dude is dressed like an average black bloc retard who just slapped on a shoddy armband on the wrong arm >cops came, the guy just took off the armband and left, gave them no details whatsoever, not even a name >cameraman was a fucking stuntman who just happened to be there to film it
This shit stinks.
Aaron Roberts
We got a plan to ID the fake nazi???
Luke Ortiz
ITT when Sup Forums leaves its moms basement
Robert Lopez
All the tweets show him with headphones on sitting alone minding his business on bus....
Then he is supposedly yelling and harassing black people for an hour or more.
No one has video of that. No eye witness.
Just rumor.
Zachary Jackson
you're never coming here taco paco
Asher Cruz
Most of us are realists, not nazis, so you're wrong. As if you could be right with that flag, you fucking kike
Angel Johnson
He more than likely thought Basketball Americans weren't violent and wouldn't hit him so hard. He wanted to cause fear and maybe get in a scuffle, he didn't come expecting to get his lights knocked out.
That's why the police noted he took off his armband and fucked right off out of there without a word.
Nicholas Watson
Occam's razor? Isn't it simpler that an idiot is this retarded? Why does it have to be staged? Why can't there just be idiot attention whores?
John Wood
Who took that pic? Maybe there lies a clue.
Jordan Allen
>dressed like antifa
didn't know antifa had a certain /fa/ style
if anything he is dressed like someone you would see in a protest, including both extreme right neonazis and leftist antifa thugs