>buy one
>use condoms to make clean up easy
>enjoy gains
No bullshit
>buy one
>use condoms to make clean up easy
>enjoy gains
No bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
what's it like being 15 i miss it
Doc Johnson main squeeze series.
Just jelq if you want a bigger willy.
Don't delude yourself into thinking thosw things make your schlong bigger.
>fake pussy
>still not going bareback
what are you, some kind of cuck?
>Just jelq if you want erectile dysfunction.
just accept being a dicklet
And the only way to use it imo is standing up. Core workout#
>get a fake pussy
>even it has roasty flaps
Because it's modeled after a pornstar, Remy Lacroix.
It's not an issue.
do you jerk off with her pussy toy as you watch her get railed on porn? lmao literally worse than a cuck
this. jesus you put on a condom to fuck a fleshlight? lmfao. fag.
Or any porn.
They're expensive. Cumming in it would ruin it.
>buying a fleshlight that is blown the fuck out like a roastie.
How exactly does a fleshlight make your dick grow? That would be jelquing. You might wreck your shit up but short of surgery its the best chance you have
Harder, thicker, longer. It uses the muscles.
Maybe it's because I'm using it standing up I dunno.
Nothing wrong with it.
Dunno what the fuck OP is talking about or what his pic is, but I can answer people's questions about fleshlights. I'm a loser with money so I have over the years gone through alot of them.
Ill start by saying the most important thing to wrap your head around is that it is NOT a vagina replacement ; it is a hand replacement .
Is that why japs have the biggest dicks on earth and here I thought it was all that anime.
Neets need to be banned from owning them
Is the ultra tight one good? What's good?
like a quality bottle of Scotch you can have sex with
don't think that's how a dick works.
>He goes out and buys condoms
>cashier thinks he's about to get some puss-puss
>jokes on them, he's just buying them as an accessory for his fleshlight
OP, what's it like being this Chad?
I never thought of it that way
at last an alpha male on pol
>bangs an actual woman
>get's her pregant
>she accuses you of rape
>paying child support in prison
How does it feel being chad?
I drink aged scotch out of mine
What kind of condoms have a water based lube so the fleshlight won't decay?
Redpill me you fags can you make your dick wider? My length is fine but I have somewhat of a pencil dick
I'm a big guy, so I haven't tried it. I actually haven't tried any of the "basic tube" models as they seemed boring (that doesn't mean they arent great). Simple models are great for people without privacy as they dry fastest.
You can definitely feel differences in tightness, but overall the material is EXTREMELY stretchable so it isn't profound. My favorite tight ones have been "forbidden" and I think one was called "love humps"
This is true too. I blame the Juden.
There is no cure.
Its called cleaning it you retarded fag. How the fuck does cum ruin it? is your cum made of acid?
fucking bluepilled fags use fleshlights anyways and this board is for 18+
Exactly what I thought
>nothing wrong with fucking a hunk of rubber that resembles the vagina of a broad who's vagina was stormed like the beaches of Normandy.
Buy the lube separate, I didn't include that in op.
Yeah. It succs the head and it makes the head bigger and shaft harder.
>whats good
I think a great all-arounder for someone owning just one model is "heavenly" it has good variety, but isn't so complex.
The absolute worst I have ever gotten was "obsession" i think a jenna haze model. fucking awful, and I really tried to give it a bunch of chances.
>MGTOWfags actually beleive this
Perhaps if you losers didn't wife up the first roastie to spread her legs for you, you wouldn't have these issues with marriage. You're as bad as the losers from /r9k/
>whaaaaaaaa women won't fuck me!
>why can't I have a woman sex slave?! It's not fair!
God you (((people))) are fucking pathetic
t. happily married white man, married to a white woman, and we have 3 white kids
What the fuck is the point of this stupid thread about your masturbation habits?
go back to fucking Sup Forums you loser.
So you use non-lubricated condoms?
If you get cum in it, you gotta take out the whole rubber part and thoroughly clean it with soap and water or else it ruins it.
With a condom and water based lube you can just rinse it out with water.
I hope you had daughters and they marry a chad black or chad hispanic in the future
I don't think you are supposed to use soap on them. I only use water on my fleshlights and proper drying is way more crucial to their longevity than special washing liquid.
always clean with cold water!
Doc Johnson has another company, fleshlight patent ran out.
Stay mad LARPing kike with a memeflag. Though I'm sure (((you))) would love for that to happen to a white person, you fucking hook nose heeb
Why is it that the amused anime children always have the sickest burns
I'll get one when I move out I guess
Stop worrying about your dick growth, Jesus Christ.
>rubber vaginas are illegal in Australia
No really. i want it specfically happen to your children.
Those roasty flaps are mere decorations. What matters is how it feels inside.
Sure thing shlomo. You're either a kike, or a fat neckbeard loser from /r9k/... I'm guessing it's both
This thread is 10/10 for keks.
I'm on so many layers of cynicism I can't even tell if OP is baiting.
His fuckstick is a roastie and he's even using it with condoms;holy fucking shit that's some next level cucked.
Keep it going,buds.
Can be grandkids. Just know your blood line will be black or browned
As usual, the kike exposes himself, even with the memeflag
I'm cracking up too
You need to off yourself. I've figured out a better solution and you're scared. Whites evolved to get along. We could destroy your influence easily. I've explained it multiple times, and you seem to be frightened by what you read. You're attempting to save face.
No bait this is my life.
Can't wait for your wife to get blacked also.
I am betting 3 years at he most before that happens
heh heh, yeah... why would anyone do that heh... he must be memeing... no one could be that desperate heh heh
Ha. Notice how mad the jew gets when he's exposed?
Your impotent rage is hilariois keyboard kike warrior with the memeflag
>They're expensive. Cumming in it would ruin it.
at the very least cumming in it destroys any resale value it may have, that's for damn sure.
A good fuckstick is better than a woman in every possible way.
>thinks he has explained things to me before even though never posted to me before.
Take them and stop larping
Nope. Kike to the max. Selective white breeding with a blonde hair, blue eyes, and large penis being the foremost selected traits, with white "beta males" reproducing once in order to reduce inbreeding. Readheaded bro Napoleon made a big mistake.
Anyone here used gas station dick pills?
Those Rhino pills work pretty well.
I developed my own technique to increase girth, but it involves a lot of pain abusing the hell out of your dick, losing sensitivity and weaker erections if you're not fully torqued.
>stop LARPing
Coming from the filthy heeb with the memeflag.
>resale value
only the worst degenerates would even consider buying one of these, let alone used. cumming in it probably increases the resale value.
>thinking you can even legally call it "Scotch" if it's not aged
>resale value
kek. even if anyone were mad enough to try and sell a used fleshlight who would believe that they never came in it?
Looks like it's time to kys. You read it in the other thread. I know. Trust me kike bro. I know.
I reported your thread. Be prepared for it to get deleted by mods in 6-8 hours.
You can, but it's just like with fat. You can't loose fat just from belly doing crunches. You loose overall fat through diet. Same with PE. You'll grow in leght too. It takes 2 years, 2 hours a day to grow fom average to Lex Steel, which is actually a tad over 8 in not even 6in circumference. Don't buy anything, read first if you're really interested.
Did you forget to sign a prenup. Will tyrone be getting the kids?
What other thread?
Have 0 clue what you are talking about
>his impotent kike rage is building.
Keep it coming Moishe, it's hilarious to see you get so mad, over the internet, on an anonymous imageboard, with a fucking memeflag.
Stay mad, ya fucking loser
Time to off yourself. We can do whatever the fuck we want to do.
Of course! Alt-right 'anti-SJW' trolls know absolutely nothing about sex, what a shocker
I will take that as an yes
You read it. I know.
This thread:
>thinks god exists
You really need those pills
I haven't seen a heeb this mad since I glued a nickle to the sidewalk
Tfw thin cock
Help me Sup Forums is surgery the only cure?
STOP goofy ass white nigger
No just use it more.
never been in that thread in my life.
>Human pocket pussy
Get adventurous.
>Remy Lacroix
I wonder if tyroine will let you watch
On a scale of 1 to 10 how close do these things feel to the real thing? Asking for a friend, course.
That post didn't mention marriage.
Well, you're typing a whole lot of mental retardation under a Nazi flag. Looks like suicide might be your only choice.
to all the dicklets in this thread
take some zinc supplements you fucking niggerfag fucks
In Russia we have groovy time baby!
This is how Russian bear prepare for sexy time!
Trying to say something, shlomo shekelbergstien?
>Using science, it theorizes that a large penis is a visual sperm competition cue for males. A large penis has a higher chance of impregnation, which is probably why both males and females are interested in seeing them around females now due to the internet. Porn has large penises featured in it overwhelmingly, and when males see this, it triggers a subconscious desire to ejaculate in that female. Why does this matter? Because we're slowly being negrified and browned. There is a way to fix it and stop all of these weird sexual fetishes and paraphilias people are becoming afflicted with, which degrades society.
>We would be fine if there were no brown people in white societies, and this natural evolutionary course would simply happen.
You are in this thread and you are more or less admitting your cock is like a baby carrot, so tiny you have to take pills