I just got doxed

I just got doxed.
I received a PM on reddit by 1 day old account name I_Dox_Nazis and goes "Listen up Grant. Here is the letter that I am sending to all the big game developers in Los Angeles This letter outs you as the white supremacist sack of shit that you are. I hope this letter prevents you from ever finding a job in the industry. I hope you suffer the way all white supremacist bigots should.
I am also sending a version of this to your mother and step father in Kansas. I know they are conservative Trump voters themselves. But I hope they are not Neo Nazis and realize what an animal you have become.
Fuck you Grant. Fuck you for your violent hateful beliefs. Fuck you for thinking you could hide behind a username and keep the world from knowing who you really are. I know who you are. I know all about you.
Good luck with the job search."

There goes my chance of getting a job in the game industry. I really don't know what to do right now. I really need help right now.

Give what ever info you have to the police

gtfo and kys

Fuck off antifa shill.

This. Blackmail is illegal.

>going on plebbit
>going on /r/ the donald
>putting enough info on plebbit to get yourself doxxed
You deserved it retard also Sup Forums isnt your personal blog

>using reddit

Fuck off and die.

>posting on leddit
But why? It's been common knowledge for years that the admins actively dox people they hate.

dude, just claim that that was someone else impersonating you, deny everything, didnt you ever get in any trouble when you were younger?

Why wouldn't you just deny you idiot? Nukacola seems like it would be a popular username lol

Were you actually posting neo nazi shit? If not you have a case for slander

just change your twitter handle and deny...

Dumb shit

>posting in /r/The_Cuckold
You deserve everything you got, you fucking faggot.

This desu
You should ask why he hacked your account and posted all those hateful things.

Hunt Him Down.

grant seems like a bro. if you are grant what did you specialise in art, programming?

plus you're retarded for using your name on twitter

I think Reddit doxxed you dude. Everyone learn from this... don't give sites real personal info. They will do shit like this.


Wow. Now I'm not going to like Hitler anymore. Now I think minorities enrich communities. I support transsexuals too! Thanks OP! Your story certainly changed my world perspective!


go kill him faggot

just deny deny deny dummy and change that twitter name if u can

Do two things now. Go to the police and get life lock or a similar service.

Youd think thatd be obvious by now. Especially with sites like reddit

Serves you right. Fuck off back to plebbit.

kek, he's totally a narcissist.

he thinks he has you. act dumb and afraid, get him to drop info about himself (these pricks always start monologuing if you let them), and find out who he is.

>moved to LA to make (((video games)))
kek what a fag

Deny everything, admit nothing, make counter accusations. Take note of all the posting that faggot has done on plebbit, gather info, and bring him into the light for attempting to ruin your life. They want to play dirty. Play dirty.

Sounds like you deserved it

Get fucked you racist piece of shit. Preach hate, expect hate asshole. I love it. Racists need to be afraid. I'll make sure you're fucking blacklisted cunt.

Congratulations, you are a dipshit, serves you right for using reddit.

I don't know why you'd expect any sympathy here.

Fuck off Grant Knox. redditor faggot

Go back to T_D and stay there.

>implying I am ever going to sympathize with a redditor

Get fucked.

Fucking 2017 and still getting doxxed. You fucking deserved it desu

1 post by this ID

"_ _ _ _" goes in every fields.

>goes to reddit

You deserve it you stupid normalfag faggot you don't belong here

>Delete all Reddit posts and account
>Delete all Twitter posts and account

It's not difficult.

Also for the future use different handles if you're going to post controversial shit.

Your degree is from a community college, you were never going to get a developer gig anywhere other than Popcap or Zynga anyway. The fact that your OPSEC was so shit as to let this happen just reinforces the fact that you're literally too stupid to even live.
People telling to just deny don't realize how fucked you are. This person has your LinkedIn and full name - as soon as you take a job your employer will be receiving a copy of that email, and no one will be willing to risk having people know they employ autistic fuck who rants about lynching people and denies the holocaust.
Best option is to go back to Kansas and flip burgers. If that's not your cup of tea then neck yourself.

Lmao go back to plebbitto you utter retard

Kekistani racist fuck. Get fucked.

My nibba what information did you put out that made you findable?

how much mail do game companies get?
doubt this even gets opened, let alone moved along to the right people.

If you look at the picture, the Jew found OP because OP's reddit account was pretty much the same as his Twitter account's username.
OP, see if you can find the person who doxxed you. Perhaps the individual didn't protect himself with anonymous bullshit.
I hope you legally rape this sand nigger, OP. God bless.

I specialized in development. I never imagined this would happen to me.
I've been thinking about going into a trade as an electrician. Guess I've got a reason to now.

Have you tried not being an edgelord that gets taken in by memes?

2017 and still getting doxxed. You fucking deserved it, i hope more morons get their asses doxxed too, some stupid people really need to learn it the harsh way

Send it over to the fbi and local law enforcement. It's most likely over state lines or possibly international. It's federal level black mail and doxxing is a no no.

Congrats. You're now a full time soldier for the alt right cause. Contact others, get a safe house, and work full time to take down the kikes.

Guys, this is Fbianon #1. I tried to drop a few points and congratulate you faggots and it got pruned instantly.

Sooner, later doesn't matter. And i honestly don't know fucking dates, user. Everybody has a role. Mine is done.

I hear the right things are being investigated. I hear Awan is just the first foray into the true swamp. He's not gonna domino into EVERYONE. Just a few.

The funny one with the longer feet is this Russia nonsense. Every single path of investigation leads to Hillary/globalist/everyone is guilty. It's fucked up. But Putin has become the honeypot because of the cover story. Who knows what's he'll do. The longer Trump delays muh Russia resolution, the more powerful Putin gets. And he's already chased all these idiots out of his country. It's always 10 steps ahead of normies. And at least a couple ahead of you. You fall for the shills. It's not your fault.

I'm not gonna answer a ton of questions. Just wanted to celebratory larp with my favorite faggots.

When the trials start, pay attention and be noisy. You let Weiner happen in complete silence. That's a fucking mistake.

Stop being a faggot.

Claim that it's a psycho ex-gf

Stand up for yourself you fucking faggot. Go on the offensive.

He is not getting blackmailed. "Pay me" or "do this" then threatening to dox is blackmail, just doing it is not.

I don't know what is more stupid:

>Op, for putting his real name on the internet
>This sjw for caring enough to do this
>Or the game companies who might actually read his e-mail and blacklist Op

>leaving a paper trail on twitter and leddit
I wouldn't want to hire someone so dumb.

this is an antifa shill trying to make them seem more powerful than they are lmao, if op actually lets this fly then he is retarded, the guy literally has zero proof the reddit account is the same as the twitter account.

Why did you use the same username on two different websites and link your real name to them as well? Rookie mistake my compadre.

What a fag

Good, maybe you're not smart enough for it. You should know your place, trash.

thats why you make your own company Grant: Reich Entertainment, collect shekels by making normeis butthurt.

Unbelievable. Racists on Sup Forums? Fucking scum. Sup Forums is a board of tolerance and acceptance

nukecola is an extremely common thing though, it's like goku_ssj or some shit.

Claim you hate muslims because you're jewish
also kill youself for going on reddit

You need to stay their

>having a reddit account
>wanting to work in vidya
Well he's right you're a piece of shit at least.

Just deny it and point out how doxxes like this are often false. Shit, say it's an exs new jealous boyfriend.

Can you guys even read the pic op posted? Its shit tier quality for me

oh no, I believe that leftist retards are gonna dox all of us now. Oh wait, I don't, because I don't use faggot sites like plebbit where your post history lives forever and can be mined for data about you.

Yeah, you don't want your posts to get sent to your employer? Don't post on a shit site like reddit where your posts live forever, associated with a single username.

Reddit users are fucking retards for discussing anything important on that site. It's one of the stupidest ideas ever. One click, and those faggots can scroll through everything you've ever posted. It's annoying as shit because they always dig through your history rather than arguing the point at hand. They just try to find something to beat you over the head with instead of acting like logical adults. Hence, you should never go there. It's a faggy site for faggots.

Antifa shill slurp slurp you suck niggerdicks

lol who's going to hire a nazi electrician. fuck off idiot

change your name and attain a new identity

>he thinks Sup Forums posts aren't archived forever

It detailed it in the picture.
Reddit username, links to twitter username which links to real name which links to linkedin page.

Reminder to everyone: Social media has ALWAYS been cancer.

I love how i think I'm awesome for helping the revolution and I need to pasta my own shit to get heard. Jesus fucking Christ.

How about you kill yourself you literal redditor?

Just say it isn't you lol, say this guy has been stalking you and making accounts to smear you


Also, this, fucking this! This is clearly a shill post

Reply "heil Hitler faggot, see you on day of the rope."

This. Game devs are faggots anyways

We didn't let anything happen, we are overrun by shills on all sides. Our power is greatly diminished from when you originally came here. There's not much we can do.

>he thinks tracking my ip would doxx me

That's what you get for going on reddit

>I don't know what to do right now

Find a job in a real field. Game developing is for hipsters and trannies.

Hahahaha, a reddit faggot crying to Sup Forums for sympathy, or a pathetic antifa faggot troll thinking any user gives 2 shits. Kys.

You deserve it 100 percent.

If they interview you just say you don't use reddit and that the person who sent them that is probably a guy you got in a fight with on Facebook or something. Learn to bullshit

Literally this

not your personal army?
the police is though

Dont expect synpathy or any constructive comments on pol.

You will probably find more sympathy from redditors.

Make a new thread and link it here, I'll keep it bumped by myself.
Make the OP good and use a spook image like you used to.

Why would you think you were safe posting like that on anywhere outside of Sup Forums?


Can't even troll reddit anymore without ruining your life... Wow so much for 1st amendment in RL or online. Strange times...

> Get's tons of job offers at the highest gaming companies kek

thread shoulda ended here
OP is a fag as per usual

Sue reddit

I hear you fbianon.

change your name if it really bothers you.