Nigger Hate Thread

>Hang out at local bar
>Monday night football ends and no one hangs around but some twenty something nigger
>nigger has a few drinks and starts slappin his monkey lips about how he is a cold gangster wit a hard life
>continues on about his exploits of jackin young kids in the hood for lunch money and says he is a killer
>I grow tired of this chimp piece of shit and tell him I am a veteran of the Afgan war and have killed 30+ sand niggers in various combat situations.
>Nigger says nothing and starts to piss and moan about how he be a victim n shieet
> I flick my lit cigarette at his Nike Air faggot shoes and he shows his grill to me as if that will scare me.
>People start to laugh at him
>I walk away thinking I ought to go back and cut his tongue out when he leave the bar

What do, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

shit that never happened.


For your fresh pasta.

>cut his tongue out when he leave the bar
You already know what to do.


thanks quad quints checked

cool niggerwalk user, but what really happened?




pics or never happend

That is what happened. I could really get him and no one would know unless someone saw me. It is really hard for me to say "chill" right now. To see that fucking nigger without a tongue later on would be funny as fuck and most would agree.

I ought to film me cutting his tongue out. I would be anonymous legend!!!!

>I'm a vet lmao
sure thing boss
and i was in JTF2

Teen Titans GO is the best show on television. The art, music, comedy and thought provoking narrative being of such quality is incredibly rare in this modern age. Shit like Rick and Morty (More like Dick and Boring) has taken over television despite not being anywhere near the quality of Teen Titans GO. Remember when Robin make that one joke you didn't find funny? It's probably because you're not intellectual enough to understand the full thought of that joke. Teen Titans GO might be the most thought provoking show ever. Rick and Morty is stupid unitellectual trash compared to the God that is Teen Titans GO. I just wish more people had high IQs, like me, so they could truly understand the true smartest show on television.

>>Hang out at local bar
>>Monday night football ends and no one hangs around but some twenty something nigger
>>nigger has a few drinks and starts slappin his monkey lips about how he is a cold gangster wit a hard life
>>continues on about his exploits of jackin young kids in the hood for lunch money and says he is a killer
>>I grow tired of this chimp piece of shit and tell him I am a veteran of the Afgan war and have killed 30+ sand niggers in various combat situations.
>>Nigger says nothing and starts to piss and moan about how he be a victim n shieet
>> I flick my lit cigarette at his Nike Air faggot shoes and he shows his grill to me as if that will scare me.
>>People start to laugh at him
>>I walk away thinking I ought to go back and cut his tongue out when he leave the bar
>What do, Sup Forums?

You should really fight someone. You know....for real!
We could.. where do you live?

like fight club?
interesting idea, user

Did you come up with this in the shower?

Teen titans go is a travesty. It's mindless. I miss the old teen titans.

>> I flick my lit cigarette
Smoking indoors at a bar in the US?

Lel sauce

Haha was gonna say

Holy fick your racist

No wonder niggers are retarded.

I think you mean jewish slide thread. Sage and fuck off chaim

I never get sick of these.

(You)'d for truth

stop with the fantasies op

>No wonder niggers are retarded.
that only makes sense if the babby was a nigger too
>hiring a nigger babysitter to begin with
retarded white people

Why would anyone ever trust a nog to look after their child

jesus fucking christ

it's practically child abuse by the parents.

Casinos in CA you can. Texas you can.
14 states have no statewide ban:




fuck LARPers

> be me back from Fuckastan
> go to local bar
> nigger talking shit wanting free beer
> nigger gets into my face talks more shit
> pissed off just just smoked 3 haji's days ago
> tired beat nigger senseless in bar
> nigger on floor holding his stomach after beating by me
> nigger saying I'll get you while on floor
> crowd laughs
> great time to be alive






I do it in South Texas.
Not every state has the same rules user
I own 2 rifles, a shotgun, a pistol and a rev and I can open carry it all AND my foot long Bowie knife.

pussy laws
no smoking states
what a bunch of godamnshit
how about that
rip cigarettes. samestates with smokeban?

those things are poison some guy told me they where and made with carpet glue and aluminum. makes them burn and makes them go out. Like cooke and sugar. He said they where deleting all information about it, he said hed put it on the internet and it would be deleted. I was like, ok. 2 weeks later, i checked. It was deleted.

reduced ignition propesity
those cigarettes that go out FSC
first names where RIP
ever heard dumb niggers say smoking is bad so ban pot. cuase smoking


>going anywhere alcohol is served
>watching fat tackle
Did you expect not to encounter the worst type of niggers there or what?


If this happened, then pretty awesome dude.

Did everyone get up and clap?

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

that's great


I love you.



it would be safer to leave you kid with a female gorilla than with a female nog

>>Hang out at local bar
>>Monday night football ends and no one hangs around but some twenty something nigger
>>nigger has a few drinks and starts slappin his monkey lips about how he is a cold gangster wit a hard life
>>continues on about his exploits of jackin young kids in the hood for lunch money and says he is a killer
>>I grow tired of this chimp piece of shit and tell him I am a veteran of the Afgan war and have killed 30+ sand niggers in various combat situations.
>>Nigger says nothing and starts to piss and moan about how he be a victim n shieet
>> I flick my lit cigarette at his Nike Air faggot shoes and he shows his grill to me as if that will scare me.
>>People start to laugh at him
>>I walk away thinking I ought to go back and cut his tongue out when he leave the bar

...And that's when OP woke up and realised he was still a fat faggot NEET whose only achievements in life were on Steam.


It didn't happen in the US. It happened in OP's mind.

