it's fucking legit
i dont know if it's been posted yet but holy FUCK
go to the cartoon network page on kikebook and it was posted yesterday

Other urls found in this thread:


not politics

Well yeah, the GOAL is to make everything white into something brown. It's not going to stop. It's not ever going to stop.

can you not see something wrong with the picture?
niggerbook com/CartoonNetwork/photos/a.85358203371.82732.84917688371/10154911569393372/?type=3&theater





WTF?!?! The powerpuff girls literally fight against degeneracy. How does a nigress add anything to the show?

Looks like the doctor used different ingredients in that one
One positive from this is that it still seems nig hair is so unattractive they even avoid it in their faggy propaganda

The show was woke af

ETA until black activists calls them out for her having straight hair?


Actually it's to remove anything that reminds anyone of early Modern/late romantic aesthetics, this is postmodernism and the only two motivations are to make it easier for Chinese and Russian artists to make art without western competition and to normalise low standard, low skill art in the west to allow low skill people to become recognised and respected artists.

>using phone to screencap
>ads in your web browser

Despite the get, the media they put out for children is very much political.

Sooo we're just gonna forget there already was a 4th sister, albeit a mongoloid deformed sister, Bunny. Just like re-writing Brock & Misty out of the latest Pokémon movie retelling the adventures of Ash from the start... I have no faith in humanity anymore..

Frankly I am not surprised. More and more of our childhood memories will eventually get blacked into oblivion.

But is she(male) transgender???


When you think abou ti, those three made it not the professor, so that thing was more like a daughter instead of a sister. if you see it as an incest baby been so fucking deformed makes sense.

ok guys REALLY fucking important thought here for sake of devil's advocacy
>pandering also obvious BUTT
turns out she becomes manipulated by HIM, who turns her with illusions of victimhood and false blame for being a reject.

all in all, I strongly feel this episode actually ended up mocking SJW's society of indoctrinated victimhood and finger pointing using HIM, a trans faggot devil, as a representation of the establishment manipulating her into this sjw state by taking advantage of her insecurity.

this new Powerpuff girl has a potential to be a good thing and deserves some patience. Let the cash grab happen and let's see what comes next.

It's a real shame desu
I was never that big of a fan of the show but it reminds me of a time that was devoid of this political crap
God damn I hate niggers
So much nigger violence on Sup Forums today too

Holy Shit, thanks for reminding me of HIM.
Come to think of it the PPG, aside from showing weirdass big bug-eyed girls, had a pretty conservative narrative.

>>>Mutated Green Mexicans get beaten the shit up, but always given a chance if some of them actually stop being scum for a moment.
>>>Asian-Mutant-Monkey with mega-autism is tolerated but again is beaten up if trying funny stuff.
>>>Satan himself is a literal degenerate tranny and if I recall correctly, is the only evil character never to be forgiven.

Its kind of retarded getting upset about a kiddy show, mainly aimed at little girls, but as it turns out they are doing their jobs at instilling normal conservative values in kids.

I might write them a letter of complaint if they turn it into injust pandering.

Stop with the brown shit, its BLACK

Serious question

Were the amoeba boys gypsies

It's a damn cartoon for children. Who cares?

But who will watch it user? You don't think about this.

why did they made her so thicc?

look at those hips jesus

didnt they make an episode about exactly that in the original series where a new unnecessary character was added?

oh shit this thing is her voice actor


PPG was already dead my man


Finish this sentence:

>Little brown girls are the _____.

Grow up you fucking kid.


People from Sup Forums? I know, you ment children. And they will see a black atom girl. And why would that matter? Even if skin color matters to you, black colored cartoon character won't prevent you to raise your children to become racists like the parent. Same all white atom girls wouldn't help to keep your your children on track with KKK ideology. Another bull shit scandal.

I always thought they were italian gangsters


for real?

Nigga you don't understand. Diversity is being pushed down people's throats wether they like it or not, at this rate this will become the "norm" and it will be too late to try and preserve whatever traces of our ancestry we have left. It's just like with BLM, Antifa and now this DACA movement as well, the more we accept such movements as genuine and noble, the more cucked we become. WAKE UP.

Well it could be worse. They could be doing this to Courage the Cowardly Dog or Dexter's Laboratory.

Fuck me man don't give them any ideas...

>at this rate this will become the "norm"
shit was the norm at least two decades ago when every cartoon had its multiracial group of kids doing xyz

For fucks sake, can't there be ANYTHING that doesn't have a fucking shitskin in it?

Nigga? Seriously?
Diversity is already in movies industry. It has been used so many times in very dumb way before and it's going to be used in the future. But this specific example is of no matter.




and Bix Nood!

That thread was grand yesterday do you have a sailor coon screen cap as well?

Dexter's meth lab will be on BET this spring

Okay, but by "norm" I meant that elements of pop culture that used to be mostly white are getting diversity forced into them. Remember the mess that Ghostbusters 2016 was and turning Johnny Storm (Human Torch) from white to black?, what a fucking joke that was. At least those ideas backfired which still gives me some hope for the future.

Actually I agree with you with what I mentioned above in this post, but by saying that this is "of no matter" you're becoming part of the problem, no offense, but that's what I meant with how we're getting to accept this kind of forced diversity as the norm.

>re-writing Brock & Misty out of the latest Pokémon movie retelling the adventures of Ash
They fucking what?

the funniest part about this is that the PPG reboot was already getting hated on by fans of the original series. this jsut proves that the earlier pre-this criticism was accurate.

nigger powerpuff? i see no problem here.

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

fuck off newfag


>Wearing a wig
>Desperately trying to fit into girl clothes too small for her
It is.

Of course you don't its because it fucks with the creation story of the powerpuff girls a white man created three perfect white women and now apparently a nigger for some reason that no one cared about till this point

Why is she like twice as big and has a stupid hair colour?

>at the front like she is the main character and not a new one
>has the most props and is the most noticeable
>only one that has hips implying white girls dont

yep. seems jewish enough


>grew up liking Static Shock, Cyborg, GL John Stewart, and Spyke (Xmen Evolutions)
>still ended up hating niggers.

I wish they'd make new stuff rather than ruin old creations.

It's like if they went and drew a nigger into the background of the mona lisa for the sake of diversity.

She was probably meant to be on a show called "Crackpuff Girls" but someone made a mistake or something...

>helps white girls for a few days
>kills them and takes whatever she wants

You might be onto something there... Maybe push for diversifying old and new artworks bc muh racist white artists...

>first purple ppg was a giant mentally stunted mongoloid
>new one is black

Jesus you are the reason why the cultural war is being lost. You can't notice the problem just not bo be called wayyyycist. Go and see the pattern in "Pamiętnik Florki" on TVP ABC. A "full-polish" production, with Jew as main producer. Everything there is fucked up, mother works harder that father, also the consevatives are being shown there as pure evil and rude. I know who are you voting for, spread your legs for Petru.

Yes they did, say hello to Souji and Makoto

>mfw I stopped watching this anime when more than 150 pokemons started to show up

Is this a reboot or alternative reality?

Meh the last good pokemon games was gold and silver
Fuck, even the pokemon designs has become shit,just take a look at this gen 7 pokemon

Same here, although Togepi was acceptable.

Mimikyu is just trying to be loved, be nice!

Nope, sorry.

Yeah he was alright, he added a bit of quirkiness to the show.

Only so much I can do at work.

they hate mongoloid so they changed it into a nigger, fucking shit cartoon network can you see whats the difference there? mongoloid cant steal shit

It was him all along

What happen? The professor took a shit in the pot?

It's astounding how worked up you nazis get over trivial shit like this.

They're pushing multiculti ideology on children

Bet you this show is full of programming

I'm a Nazi and I couldn't care less.

can't wait for the memes

Hold up a sec
>is a real hair color
>is a real hair color
>is a real hair color

Found it on Sup Forums recently



Apparently Professor Utonium made Bliss several years before the Powerpuff girls. Bliss decided to move to the Bird Poop island because she was afraid that her power would hurt someone. Years later she returns and sees that the professor has created three other girls, and starts befriending Bubbles

The nigger should have been a villain

Fucking cunts. The original show was funny

>Bliss was the first girl Utonium created
>she was best friends with Mojo the lab monkey
>she has telekinetic powers and is super strong
>Utonium abandoned her on an island because she was too strong, like the typical racist straight male he is
>Him fuses with Bliss to use her massive power
>uses Saturn to try and cut Earth in half
>power of love stops them and unfuses them
>Him defeated, Bliss goes to space to put Saturn back where it's supposed to be


Oh, I also forgot. Bliss gets COLONIZED.

fuck this guy and fuck bill trinen too
Trump should make an executive order on creative authors doing this shit

it was posted over and over weeks ago when it was teases, no reason to think it wasn't legit then

If blacks followed those characters as role models no one would be racist


Look at the hairstyle on the sweatshirt. Nothing compared to the blue wig in the OP... late art style change? Nigga hair too unattractive?

It's very telling that Mimikyu is perhaps the most shilled and famous of this generation. Being a grinning facade of Pikachu that's literally dead on the inside, desperately seeking attention. Couldn't be a more fitting mascot for Pokemon right now.

Also, her fucking voice


The thing is this is pleasing absolutely no one. The usual cuckolds are just saying it token black shit. You can't win.