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I'm going to save this thread as proof that the white supremacist movement will fail as they will never make friends with anyone, even with the people who agree with them

a special state for Gypsies with billions of dollars in funding when?

the real victims of the hollowcost

>white supremacist
>agree with a jew

You're not just a faggot, you're a stupid faggot!


She doesn't agree with us. She believes the holohoax...


This thread again.. She's not Jewish. Never was. You have no argument.

Saged, reported and hidden.

As if that proves anything...

Didn't know DNA test showed religious affiliation.

In every thread, there's a fucking shill like you, literally 10-15 minutes after the thread was made, claiming she's not a kike.
She's a crypto jew and all her views are not her own. Only beta orbiters and retards, who gobble up everything jewtube spits at them will take her seriously.




Leftists continue to show their fear of her with shill threads. If she had a higher IQ and less anxiety, I'd say she could be a dominant force like Jordan Peterson.

She's going back all right. Her family dodged one too many ovens

>it's your daily dose of anti-Lauren shilling

Technically her statement here is completely true. Jews indeed were escaping from Europe and leaving their possessions behind. I don't see whats the big deal.

Can't wait to gas her with the rest of the Jewish whores.

Reminder to everyone that she is not Jewish at all and OP is either a commie shill or a shitposter.


I'd say most of Sup Forums was bluepilled 2 years ago.

i see this error becoming more and more common
thanks, public education


>10% spanish

might as well be from the congo m8

>babby southern

no fucking way

>girl chastity belt leaves a hole for butt fuckin


thats so she can Poop.

it's alright bro. she's wearing a nappy.

Don't believe everything someone tells you? Any blonde woman can braid her hair the same way.

>t. swedecuck
Posted on April 3rd, 2017

So many shills on both sides. You kids are insufferable.

>opposing shills is shilling
Good to know.

on one hand she probably has a beautiful cunny on the other hand she's illiterate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Here comes the finnish beta orbiting cuck again.

>that same faggot who's always calling her jewish despite dna evidence proving otherwise
YOU have to go back.

HOLOCAUST IS REAL. Every European who claims otherwise should be deported to an island somewhere in the farest outreach of all continents.

I fucking knew she was a coconut nigger.

what's wrong with nordics?
are they all beta orbiters?

Sounds heavenly.

>untraceable 1%
That is called genetic noise. These tests show the areas where said DNA is most common, not where it is from.

I'm still recovering from my ex-wife. I lost everything due to the unfair laws created by Jews.

Fuck Jews and their fake 6 gorillion.

If you think she is not in it for the alt right beta orbiter shekels then you are really stupid.If she really cared about the white race she would be in a mans kitchen taking care of children.
Also,being from norway and having brown hair and brown eyes....yeah she is a jew.

Same for Hitler, he was a Zionist puppet. If he really cared for his people he would have stayed in the army as a soldier, and never even dared to get political.



how many times do you need to start the same thread per day?

my fucking god, someone had a hard talk with their boss this mornin'