Deep state coup happening

It's been a long fight, we've lost a few folks, and we've had to lay low. Sorry for seeming to abandon you. Tonight’s news is the last piece of the puzzle you guys need to blow this deep state coup apart. Do your research and spread what you find everywhere. You’ll have help.

According to CNN, agencies of the US government surveilled Manafort under a FISA warrant. Here is what you need to know. NSA policy and standard operating procedure dictates what is called the "two-hop" expansion. This is an allowable expansion of surveillance around a set of selectors corresponding to a FISA subject which encompasses all those selectors that communicate with the subject (the first "hop") plus all those selectors that communicate with those additional selectors (the second "hop"). It's NSA policy to do this and a search of the Snowden leaks will confirm. This is important because a two hop expansion on Manafort will sweep in communications from all Trump campaign staff and Trump himself.

Democrats and GOPe colluded on fabrication of the “piss dossier” with Steele and then persuaded the FBI to use it as a fraudulent basis for renewing the FISA warrant during the election campaign. The top ranks of the Democrat party, McCain, and Graham were in on it and that’s why they have been warmongering against Russia since Trump won. It’s a distraction from their own crimes.

US persons must be masked if captured in this expansion per US law. They can only be unmasked under specific circumstances. You'll recall the unmasking scandal involving Farkas and Rice as ordered by Obama? All of these communications were improperly unmasked and provided to the deep state conspirators in the government.

They were then leaked to the media by Comey, Rice, Lynch (remember her unhinged video?), and others. Comey is on record as leaking official FBI memos. There are others who have been exposed as leakers and there are those who are yet to be exposed. Shephard Smith and McMullen are involved.

BLUF: The NSA and FBI used a known fraudulent document provided by the political establishment as a false basis for renewing a FISA warrant, evaded surveillance law to expand it to include the entire Trump campaign, improperly unmasked and disseminated the take, and leaked it as political opposition research to controlled media who were colluding with them against the Trump presidential campaign.

You're too good for Sup Forums. But thanks.

We know all this. Pull the damn trigger boy

Did you know that the piss narrative was made by a user on Sup Forums?

this. gettin real fucking old


none of this is new...

chances are Trump brought in Manafort specifically for this purpose. Just do something cool or badass or you can fuck off

There are no laws in DC, just political leverage.

it's not even part of the US. We could attack DC on grounds it's a foreign occupation.



why no shills in here arguing over nothing to bump posts when the thread actually has coherent factual data in it


not sure what the shills are doing right now, it is quiet in here



cant shill a thread with facts that cant be argued i guess

its 1:50am here central time. they should be asleep by now. a shill has to take a break sometime right?

Assuming it's not AI, yes. Looks like all the shit threads being bumped right now.

It's a crazy world


Have a bump OP

Shills only wish pic related happened

appreciate the pep talk, but this doesn't feel like a strong enough argument to base the whole illegal unmasking on a piss dossier. how is hiring russian hookers to piss on obama's hotel room bed grounds for a warrant?

No mention of Awan?

Also ?
>According to CNN

Do something then faggit. Stop posting it on 4chins

bump, bump & go on bumping this.

OP is no larper.

KEK is with you, OP.

So what will the distraction be tonight/tomorrow

Sounds like it violates the 4th amendment's right to privacy
which means its a bill of rights violation, therefor applicable especially in DC due to bill of rights being Fed Govt restrictions.
Illegal search and seizure, could probably nail them on espionage charges especially due to some of the medianiggers being unregistered foreign agents

Bump for justice

Ready for Okeefe!!



wtf we need to stop them


Keep thread alive

Interesting stuff.
Unfortunately, I think most of us are pretty sleepy right about now.
So, why don't we just get some rest?
I'm so tired. Aren't you guys tired?
Let's sleep.

bumping this! Holy fuck!

Save the kids Sup Forums


Fake news, there is no deep state. Nobody has proven it so far. It's almost as if there is not proofs



Kek wills it, king nigger is going down

God Bless America. Hopefully Trump will say on September 24th “God bless Germany“


death to globalism
god bless president trump
god bless america

The msm even openly talked about it..

>kek agrees




[Autistic Baby Boom screeching!]

is this even technically illegal? getting a warrant of false evidence I would say so but what else?

>Tonight’s news is the last piece of the puzzle you guys need to blow this deep state coup apart. Do your research and spread what you find everywhere. You’ll have help.
this is literally said every time and every time it turns out to be nothing. go fuck yourself larper. screenshot this post and repost it in exactly 1 month when nothing happens.

You know, I bet that hot coup attempt on trump is/was planned to be done on sept 23rd hence all the end of times revalations shilling attempting to meme magic it into fruition.

nothing new, but good summary nonetheless

Nice job OP, will discuss this at the NSA tomorrow with my coworkers.


Someone with a twatter send this to that Sup Forums news account.

I thought you meant right this second, not over the past year. We already know all this.

Since the goyim obviously know, is it too late to shut it down? What happens next?


I see you

Bump, burn it all down purge the scum hang them outside of our moments that's what will please the soul and God.


I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely something profound within this information. It is substantial at best, and downright interesting at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on staying awake as long as possible in order to research this further.



Bump for the truth. Commence operation


^This stale old pasta.^


Did you actually read what it said, or just skimmed over it assuming that it said what you expected it to say?

Donald Bump

Nothing to discuss

Bump for nonexistent justice.

To the top you go

Better reply to some blacked threads to restore balance

not sure coup is the right word to describe it. but good post nonetheless


THIS THIS THIS THIS. Never understate what happened!!

bumping coz shills and mods are fucking fags that are addicted to jew cocks

It all likelihood most threads about this are created by shills with their formulated derailment tactics but as long as people just use these threads to push out real information and discussion it doesn't really matter

Not even close to Trump
Not even close to Hillary
>implying corrupt career politicians want to stop corruption

delet all g00gal
CIA beetfo

>and thoth sees you

Found the thread being slid


>gop and democrats fabicated the pissgate
Wrong. Sup Forums did


Are you going to start killing pedophile jewish bankers? Can we have a white ethnostate now?



theory regarding shill inactivity:

the more they argue, the more we respond, and it's now counter productive to their job. they specifically stay out of valid threads, and only attempt to slide.

don't let threads die, don't be ashamed to bump without argument.


How you gonna BLUF at the bottom? What kind of IC goon are you?

This is it. Posts like the OP where it’s all laid out perfectly are left untouched. Can’t refute it or sow any discord, so they just let it drop away

It’s remarkably quiet in here whereas I saw a flat earth thread with 380+ replies yesterday. Rly makes u think

We start the ovens