I am proud of being gay.
Do you have any problem? biogt.
I don't shame on myself anymore. I do nothing wrong.
I am proud of being gay.
Do you have any problem? biogt.
I don't shame on myself anymore. I do nothing wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
well done.
Im proud of being straight, but i dont have to make a thread about it.
I didn't care about you yesterday.
I don't care about you now.
Why are you gay...besides feeling gay
You are not special OP.
>OP is a faggot
nothing new here
no u faggot i don't care if you fuck boys now go back and make some more anime
Whatever you need to tell yourself to prevent cutting again...
also, post that stuff in /lgbt/
You are not gay, you are just a faggot craving attention.
>Op is a fag.
Next in : Water is wet
This is why I came here.
What do you call a gay Jap?
A rice packer
The problem is the pity I feel for you, being the victim of sexual assault or jewish mind games that you are.
Homosexuality is, directly or indirectly, caused by pedosexuality.
Why are you proud of having a sexual fetish which precludes your opportunity to have and raise children, and which causes you to defile yourself with disgusting and risky anal sex practices?
It would be amazing if someone went around telling people about their bukake fetish and demanding society recognise and celebrate their love of bukake.
>not an accomplishment
No one cares. No one cares about you. No one cares about your family. No one cares that you're gay. No one cares. Do something constructive with your life and stop telling people you're gay. It's annoying and probably the only thing you talk about. I dare you to go 24 hours without mentioning you're gay. I bet you can't do it, because it's the only thing you have left to hold on to. You know that the only reason you tell people you're gay is that you have no other quality that differentiates you from others. Instead of being good at something, you're whole existence encompasses telling people you're gay. You're not special and your life is pathetic. Not pathetic because you're gay, but because that's all you are. Again, no one cares.
that's because you're not a bigot like op.
I'm a cishet white male who works a good, but (ohno!) blue collar job. I don't give a shit who you want to fuck so long as you keep that shit among consenting adults.
That said, you're gay. So fucking what? Think that makes you special? Think that means that I should give any kind of a shit about you? Fucking be more than what you want to stick your dick in/rub your pussy on/whatever if you want respect. My sexuality isn't even a major part of who I am as a person, and that's where people like you fuck up. You care too damn much about what who you want to fuck says about you and what others think about you because of that. You'll find most people are like that. Be a fucking decent human and bring something to the table and you'll be just fine. Just be your sexuality though? Yeah, life is going to suck.
Are you shitposting in an attempt to summon that one autistic faggot that will spam the thread with links to refute you?
>what is surrogacy
seems like you are feeling insecure and need to show off now
WTF is wrong with you faggots ? If you were supposedly born that way, what do you have to be proud of ?
I'm proud of having brown hair. I'm proud of being heterosexual, I'm proud of being right handed.
Do you see why society is sick to fuck of your bullshit antics ?
Get married and have kids anyways. The Japanese population is declining, you need to help reverse this or people will keep pushing for refugees.
Surrogacy is another word for kidnapping a child and keeping him away from his biological father.
Keep it inside your bedroom, like a traditional moral faggot should.
why the fuck would you even be proud of that?
is it an accomplishment to exist?
There are no rights left for gays to pursue so they're only being annoying faggots at this point.
You wot? Surrogacy is when one of them ejaculates into a jar and pays a woman to carry it to term, are you confusing it with adoption?
nobody cares
Not really, it's not my life.
Don't be degenerate.
Go chug cock, yay.
Or do you need me to be a motivation to strive onward?
I can do that.
Fuck you queer!
You take your hands off that guys cock right now!
Don't you put that guys cock in your mouth!
user, I said no!
Cocks are for peeing jizz into girls!
user don't make him finish, that's gonna make baby Jesus cry!
You faggots never listen!
I hate you!
(((people))) will do this regardless.
Aren't you exposing yourself to considerably greater physical and mental health risks though?
As long as you don't force your lifestyle on anyone else, even bigots don't have much of a problem with you. You can't be proud for not doing wrong. You can be proud of actively doing good. Lots of people think your actions in society actually do the opposite of this. This is why you think bigots have a problem with your sexuality
>I do nothing wrong.
>I do nothing wrong.
Go on...
kill yourself you fucking faggot you have absolutely no use to the human race
I am a proud bigot.
Neck yourself fag.
>I am proud of being gay.
who the fuck cares you fucking faggot no one give a fuck if you faggots didn't have to try wear like some badge of honor and mention it everywhere you fucking go. Stop being a fucking flamer and no one will give a fuck you goddamn degenerate
>I put my dick in farm animals and I am proud of it
See how this works you retarded motherfucker? Stop telling people what you do with your dick no one gives a fuck
I don't blame you, it'd be hard to be human when you get your genes nuked twice. Good luck with being a fag, OP. I'd probably be a fag if I didn't have to worry about saving my race and gassing kikes.
The problem is faggots confuse pride for the opposite of shame in the context of existence. Pride is only the opposite of shame in the context of achievement. i.e. I am proud of the mark I got on that test, I am ashamed of that mark.
In the context of existence the opposite of ashamed is unashamed. Be unashamed, no one will care and you can focus on actual goals.
Yes, you're right!I'm a bioGT! New improved bio model, that you bios cunt keep up with.
/lgbt/ is for trannys, not gays anymore
I don't mind homos. Now, trannies on the other hand...
and I am proud of being racist
Ok, pawn. Great job.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
That's nice. Say, come up on this roof with me, I have something really neat to show you.
Normies also always fail to see the distinction between desires and acts. Homosexuals have done anything wrong just by receiving thoughts of sexual attraction to their own sex. But if they act out these desires then they have made a choice and we can judge them morally for what they have done.
The premise that it is wicked to encourage people not to act out their sexual desires is everywhere thanks to the social revolutions of the 1960s. Such a premise is wrong. It is good for society to encourage people to exercise self-restraint. 21st century people are morally illiterate because they worship science as a religion, and it can't deliver in telling us how to act morally, so ultimately, morality is just dictated by whatever spongy slogans happen to be being promoted on the television this week.
Why are you proud of what you do in private? You don't see heterosexual people have parades do you? It's like you have a mental illness and need validation to fool yourself that what you're doing is right.....
God knows no gender, please remember this.
Enjoy your aids, faggot.
And yet he can be jailed in some places for using the wrong pronoun.
Disgusting reprobate sodomite abominations. I hope you all get AIDS and die
Ya sick bastard
I hope you get rectal cancer and die a slow painful death
I agree with you user. Discipline is the most sacred virtue, IMO.My point was more to address the importance that is placed on sexuality in the gay community, this in itself is detrimental to society at large to some degree but more harmful to gays themselves because it distracts from what is really important in life.
From a religious perspective, I can't condone it, but am a sinner myself and so can live without subjecting those whom partake in it with scorn or ridicule just as I expect not to be ridiculed for say having sex outside of wedlock.
I completely agree that "progress" for progress' sake is one of the main reasons for the destruction of the family unit and collapse of communities and also agree that discipline and adherence to a moral code are the solution. I only aim to point out that fixating on your sins or trying to justify them as a source of pride is not the answer.
If gays believe, as society has reinforced, that what they are doing is "not a choice"but inherent, then, whether this is true or not, it still does not qualify it as a source of pride. That is all I am saying.
OP is always a faggot
end yourself
Yeah, I do have a problem with you, cunt. You are an abomination. A defect. An affront to my God. And you will pay for eroding society and spreading your cancer. You will burn in the Lake of Fire for eternity. You will know true agony. You will not inherit His glorious kingdom and divinity.
You'll get ass fucked by demons. But you'll probably like that because you're a faggot. Faggot.
Modern science has proven sexuality is on spectrum anyone could become gay, you're not special just a conditioned faggot
>I do nothing wrong.
Good for you. Now the rest of us that have children and a future are going to continue discussing things that matter.
>mfw op is an actual faggot
>people actually believe this shit
go watch boko no pico and bring shame on your ancestors you faggot
Good for you, nipfag. I'm biogted AF
So you are proud of putting your dick in somebody else's poop?
Japan is not gay.
Fucking English teacher
Good job polish make your fatherland our motherland proud
Pic unrealated
You shouldn't be proud, what you do is filthy and disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself
You're breathing. That's what your doing wrong.
Just kill yourself. Seriously.
This, total fag
Why would you be proud about ending your lineage? Do whatever you want with yourself but admit that being gay is actually quite sad and isolating.
Seems fair defeatist to be proud of something you had to personal part in (or so it's claimed). It seems more logical to be proud of things you've actually worked to achieve.
Proud of shit cock and aids cum farts? Wow sad.
I swear you fags have infested and ruined every board on this site. For that I will never, ever forgive you.
Op is just baiting you, but I'll tell you the truth from a life long bisexual who has struggled for years to resist gay urges.
Homosexuality is a curse on your life. Nothing has brought me more sadness and sorrow. If there was a cure I could take I would do it right now. Unfortunately all I can do for now is abstain and remain in the closet.
Gays dies much earlier than everyone else. There is an enormous amount of disease, drug abuse, and alcoholism in their community. There is also tons of domestic violence, depression, suicide and mental illness. Check any gay personals page in the country and you'll see countless ads for "daddy, pig play, scat, anonymous cum dumps, fisting, etc"
Homosexuality is a sick addiction for most men. They will risk disease and their safety simply because they cannot control their sexual desires. Gay men are pathological liars who think nothing of infecting another person with a disease.
There are tons of gay men who are married, and sneak around behind their wives backs having sex with men.
Homosexual sex destroys your body, and eventually your life.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that being gay is alright, or that these people are happy because they're not
Is your boyfriend a fat-man or a little-boy?
Bisexual isn't a thing. You're mentally ill but have the will power to recognise the symptoms and fight them.