Help me (a white Conservative) get the girl (a white Libertarian)

Help me get the girl.

>Am 19
>average height
>currently /lifts/
>pudgy in the mid section though
>okay face
>clean-kept appearance
>have good family
>dress well
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>smart, but somewhat of a sperg

>is 21
>T H I C C in a fit way
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>sweet personality
>comes from good family, dad's a cop
>former coworker, we got along well
>lives in different city than me
>has overweight bernout stoner bf who is 7 years older than her and lives in a different city

Honestly, how can I do it? pic-unrelated

You'll never get this broad based on the fact that you think Sup Forums of all places can give advice that will make up for you being spineless.

i hate white people so ffucking much desu

pics or it didnt happen


>Help me get the girl
chloroform, car, and a basement


if she has a boyfriend why are you going after her? your a fucking low life

Kill the boyfriend. Continue to do so until she's out of options.

>Unironically using infantile, nigger term "THICC" as a compliment.

It would be better if you didn't breed. You're begging for help because you've rightly perceived that you'll fail.

You must post pics of her tits for Pol to accurately answer.

autists that will never see a vagina
larping underage

where do you find asian qt's in FL. I can only find latinas.

Ima die alone
I want you to also

Tell her all the right-wing policies you believe in and how they would fix the country, while walking a few blocks to an antifa /blm rally. pretty sure if she isn't raped before you escape, she'll fuck you.


Long story short, just don't be a faggot. There's no step by step process to pussy, but girls can smell desperation so if you give it off they'll go dry as the Mojave

Asking Sup Forums how to get the girl is like asking the democrat party how to win an election. You understand that, right?

oh and
t. manlet (5'8), wealthy but NEVER let it on (most my clothes come from sales at macys), muscle but also an alcoholic so have a nice blubber barrier on top

>>blonde hair
It's BLOND, since, I assume, you're a dude.

Let me translate that



There are 4 billion women o the planet, but you insist on this whore, because you have built an image of the perfect girl in your head and your brain is projecting that image over any girl that happens to smile to you.

Idiot. She is not what you make her to be in your head and she doesn't like you, move on.

don't act desperate, but exude confidence. She's IS gonna fuck you..

Roamie is a hapa, so you could say she got permanent genetic surgery.