The Biggest Red Pill?

50 year old documentary exposes the details of the illuminatis plan with extremely detailed reports of global elites activities since 1776, all of which came exactly true to a tee today.

Other urls found in this thread:


You can't bump your own thread, newfag.
A YouTube video is not a thread.

In 2012 Clinton admits she gets her orders from Council on Foreign Relations.
Documentary linked from 1967 is titled "The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations"

I can do you one better than 50 years.

old shit guy ben freedman

Check my gets bitch this shit is fact. Fact check this shit, go ahead.

um yes I know retarded faggot I wrote a book about all of this, you are just now looking into the rabbit hole. I went all the way down it. How do you think Sup Forums even knows about any of this? Who do you think has been leading you all to the truth? There is way more going on then you can possibly imagine. I can help you in your journey to find the ultimate truth if you want to find it

hit me with it nerdo link me a pdf of your book

after you read it if you want to know more email me at [email protected]

read it in web layout for best layout

sorry [email protected]



hit me with a pdf the link is dead

tax free status for illuminati shill groups

you gotta dl it don't try to read it online

fuck off same faggot

>same faggot

reupload it to a no-register file host

why would I ask for a pdf of his drive doc thats clearly malware if I was the same faggot nigger

niggers read it or don't I don't care I gave you all a link to DL a word doc ffs fuck you fags on this site kill me you are some massively lazy and retarded individuals

>1 hour 14 minutes
i just can't commit to that at this time, that's what 95% of people who click this video probably say before clicking away vaguely intending to perhaps visit it again when they have the time but then forgetting about it and never getting around to it.

just saying

why can't we read it online? who the fuck wants to download a file from Sup Forums? probably some hacker shit with a virus in the pdf or something i don't know do i?

I think google does it on purpose honestly, they are Illuminati HQ after all with their servers in Israel and their "people" have given me bribe offers and death threats on more than one occasion. It works to read sometimes and sometimes it doesn't do w/e u want leaf I ain't ya daddy
>word doc possessing a virus
bro do you even computer?

he put a macro in the docx file that does some malicious shit. don't care enough to download it, but it's clearly a virus. 51 mb, just big enough that the google virus scan wont scan it.

>doesn't know docx can contain malware

how the fuck do retards like this dress themselves


I am c computer scientist and former computer science college professor kid stfu and sit the fuck down you are making an even bigger fool of yourself than you did posting this orig vid of something I have been exposing here for 2 years

The file is safe. I could convert it to pdf and upload it to, idk, zippyshare if anyone wants it?

seriously though nice job copy and pasting 51 mb of anti jew articles to a word file with a macro embedded. 10/10 script kiddie would LOIC again

lmao the spic fell for it

hey moron do you know wtf a macro even is? Obviously not stfu and gas yourself. You are simply a minion a useful idiot, I offered you a chance to get in the big game, you ain't ready just do your simpleton job and keep shitposting information we give you


Just skimmed through it. It is deep. Congrats man you did a great job. No viruses for me because I'm using linux.

Here's a pdf although some parts have a different layout but it's still safe and readable.

www29 zippyshare com/v/UorLRihs/file.html

Don't tell user to gas himself. I just watched some crazy fuck on /k/ make mustard gas in his bathroom.

Watch the Canadian news.

a macro will only run something you already have on your computer you massively retarded jackass. The doc can't contain one it fawk you dumb boi

yah I saw a bit of that myself left it, sauce on coverage?

ty bruv, it is only scratching the surface, when you are ready to know more email me and I will show you what they don't want you to see, the code of the matrix

seems legit



good new powershell comes installed with windows buddy

It's literally just copypasta articles from various websites to fill the document past the point where it is not virus scannable by google docs.

holy fuck just post it online, literally copy and paste the fucking thing into an html file, put it on a free website host or post it in a blog and there you fucking go. it doesn't have to go on google.

if your major redpilling that will shake the foundations of our reality is a suspicious file that might or might not contain something malicious, big shocker, people aren't going to want to read it. and you wouldn't have written it if you didn't care whether anyone read it.

frankly your claims seem wild and unbelievable and the file suspicious so i'm out

you are literally an idiot for describing the appendix, again just do your simple job, you aren't ready to move up, when my publisher releases it you can buy a hard copy from amazon and not worry about big bad macros imbecile

Biggest Redpill
Earth is flat
God is real
expect Alien/E.T. invasion falseflag in the future

>frankly your claims seem wild and unbelievable
if you only knew what is really happening in this world lol. Bruv I can show you how to find the architects, the source, that will blow away every concept you ever had about how this world works

The ego on this one

I was not speaking hyperbole when I said I can show you the code of the matrix, I can show you magic time

lol @ "ego" for describing what I know and am willing to share, the idiocy on this one, shhh back to sleep

>providing information
>declaring you can provide information

Get back in the womb, you're not ready.

alright, i'll bite. show me. without any suspicious downloads or emailing, is that possible? i'll admit, you've peaked my curiosity

Go try to sell your malware on a more blatantly jew hating thread

if i check the links in that image will i learn? or is that just entry level babby stuff?

there are people that see things in this world 99.9% of people will never see and don't care one bit if you see it. I am willing to show you and you mock me for it, you all stay ignorant doesn't hurt me one bit or any of the rest of us that know but some people are here searching, and we are guides that help them

the irony, that's my meme monkey

this, I am finally certain that he is yet another regular larper
it was pretty entertaining yesterday though

i'm willing to learn, i'm not willing to download a suspicious file. does any of this have to do with the nature of our false reality universe and imprisonment by higher dimensional entities?

listen to the documentary anyway. very interesting stuff. can't say for sure that the rothchild family is part of some new world order clusterfuck, but their activities are highly suspicious of having ulterior motives.

you should prob start with the book it baby steps to you to what comes next. You will likely never understand it otherwise. Like looking at an algebraic function without knowing math first, but sure you can look
bro our amigo provided a link to a pdf for you all

stop giving it (you)s it'll starve off. the document is nothing, a friendly spicanon make it into a pdf and linked it on zippyshare.

>can't say for sure that the rothchild family is part of some new world order clusterfuck
shhhh back to sleep you are not ready

>Buy my book online!

gotta love the sheeple, never change user, never change, maybe one day I will make it a YT video so it very simple to follow for you types

I lol'd nice pic

i gave a quick google to whether pdf files can contain virus
i'm not a computer guy but there seems to be a plausible possibility that pdf files can be dangerous.

Taken from this

>muh emotions n' opinions n' conjecture

draw correlations until you're blue in the face, it will never prove causation.

>draw correlations until you're blue in the face, it will never prove causation.

Oh fuck my sides thanks for stating the obvious, waht you are referring to it's called science

there is much truth in this, impressive

wow I am highly impressed, it is all here but just everything in this life it is coded so only the illuminated will understand try this, tlel me what you see

>you have to realize that 1000’s
of people over the last 3000 years have said this exact same thing before me
including many Jews themselves and all the evidence throughout history proves
its validity. Here is another image I got off the Sup Forums Sup Forums image board, kek.

literary masterpiece, a modern day L. Ron Hubbard

Yeah they started to get a bit cucked later on but they have some great episodes. Too bad they stopped making them.

i dunno, i'm 5 minutes in and they're trying to tell me my mind conjured the image of organized evil at the top of the worlds government as a way to maintain a sense of innocence or some shit. NOPE. the satanic global elite are not a figment of my imagination, if only. nice try bilderburg
but it's still good, some slick lyrics.

>Here is another image I got off the Sup Forums Sup Forums image board, kek.

lol who do you think posts these images? How many in this thread have done a single bit of original research? Who do you think drops the information you all consume here? s m h You don't have any idea about the power of symbols. You see them and even you don;t understand your consciousness feels their power we are always here user have been for some time

>their "people" have given me bribe offers and death threats on more than one occasion
can you greentext one of these occasions

nothing is what it seems brother, as I said there is much truth in it but only the illuminated can read between the lines. I was helped on my journey and now I am helping you, if you are ready you will find the way

where do you order your foam jew noses from for larping irl

we're fucked. they have already won..

There is nothing we can do now

I can give you an entire convo, I changed my name and OP's name and there are images missing and there are links in it I missed but I am to lazy to take out and repost I don;t suggest you try and contact them lol but you can do w/e you want

A guy researching x, abudcted by ayys.
A guy running from the light
An eye in a pyramid overlaid over breasts
Model of the solar system

>but really all I can think about is a cat jumping off a ledge

i suspected as much about symbols having power, that's why i don't look at them, especially in gif form. so who does drop the information we consume here? and how does one do "original research". i'm not trying to be a dick here, just curious. i've been reading eco science by john holdren does that count? these people seem to warn us before they do things, which is interesting. is that who you are implying drops the redpills? the elite themselves? are you one of them? is your book an establishment trap somehow? are your symbols dangerous?

we have allies in places you would not expect, don't lose hope

you may have done some good research but you derail every fucking thread you post in. fuck off faggot

meh you see the surface desu. Work on trying to figure out by doing your own research I pointed down the path even gave you a manual

Thanks user, can you give some context for the conversation? I'm reading it but it would help if I knew what was going on or what happened before or why the conversation was happening, stuff like that. Keep sharing the info brother.

start with the name of the band, that is the people in this thread desu, including yourself

the thing about psychopaths is they have a hard time imagining themselves ever losing. their are blind spots in their psychology where they underestimate the risk humanity presents. at least thats what i tell myself for some optimism that we might yet surprise them. but they're wicked smart so who knows

no. The current zeitgeist we are in is an eternal state of sleep. We are in a coma and there is no coming out.

I require no man's leave

The west lost, russia kicked the rothchilds out, china and japan aren't fully operated by jews yet. There's still a good chance that the east wins WWIII

>who does drop the information we consume here?
"we" do desu
>and how does one do "original research".
first you have to start asking the right questions, for me it was started with researching the holocaust
>i've been reading eco science by john holdren does that count?
never heard of it I will look into it
>these people seem to warn us before they do things, which is interesting. is that who you are implying drops the redpills?
No they don't but we trace what they are doing and we keep you all up to date and try to led those that show promise in getting in the big game
>are you one of them?
I am not of the elite know, but I know what they know, and know what they don't want you to know
>is your book an establishment trap somehow?
No not at all, I expose them and call them out by name
>are your symbols dangerous?
No they are where it all starts they are the building blocks

>only way to get this guys redpills is to download one of two files in this thread, either of which could contain a virus. with several anons saying it does. so... honestly what am i supposed to do? download and open the files in a virtual machine with a linux operating system on a computer not connected to the internet? i don't have enough faith this isn't bullshit to bother with that hassle. i guess i'll read the links in that image he posted, seems to be all i'm going to get out of this guy other then vague and fantastic promises coupled with assurances that i should download his file. pretty suspicious

the pdf the spic posted seems fine. I'd sandbox it anyway. The "book" is 200 pages of ramblings, copypastas, and bible quotes if you're really interested in that type of trash

InfoAnon pls respond to thanks

lol @ derail oh my sides. You types are the absolute worse. These anons are starting to wake up from being in the dark and I am turning on the light. Leave the thread if you don't like it. There are actually people at this place that want to help fight the people that are destroying their nations and people, not just shitpost like an angry little man in their underwear because someone typed stuff he didn't like. Are you ever gonna do anything for anyone in this life even yourself?

i don't think i want in the big game. i'm curious but also i kind of like staying alive. if any of that is true good luck to you sir, but i do not think i shall be signing on. messing with symbology sounds suspiciously like dark magic, which i avoid for obvious reasons like not wanting to get involved with demonic extradimensional entities and such, really not my thing.

Well they know who I am and have for some time. I drop red pills on FB in my real name I don;t care as I said I am a published author so there is no use for me to hide. When you start saying the right things, showing you know certain things they will find you don't you worry

Here's another great one.

I understand user. But how did that conversation (in the pastebin) start? How was it initiated? Can you explain what happened please?

brother I am turning on the light dragging people kicking and screaming like goofy user above crying because he wants to post memes of anime instead of listening to people lead others to the truth, is time to wake up

you and everyone else are already gone user, that is the problem


>You can't bump your own thread, newfag.
That's how I know you are actually a newfag.
>A YouTube video is not a thread.
And a shill.

illuminati because they misdirect. they shine the light on what they want to be illuminated and keep it shined so brightly that it blinds people to what's hidden behind it. special spotlights are reserved for those who keep to the edges and try to start peeking from the shadows.