Aus/pol/ Vote No Edition

>Springvale bank fire: CCTV shows 'pandemonium' as customers flee arson attack

>SSM: Same-sex marriage surveys found 'dumped in Brunswick', security concerns raised

>ABC crew denied access to Gold Coast council media conference after donation revelations

>Liddell power station on 'sliding scale to oblivion', AGL general manager says

>'With his death he made a statement': Clive Deverall's widow speaks out on euthanasia

>Barnaby Joyce: Political forces eye hypothetical by-election in New England

>SSM: I've sent back my same-sex marriage survey form. Now what?

>SSM: Canberra kids' party organiser ditches entertainer who said it's OK to vote no

>Q&A: Gay audience member shuts down MP’s argument against same-sex marriage

>Why Christians should support same sex marriage

>Far right nationalist Party for Freedom to hold ‘Straight Lives Matter’ anti-same-sex marriage rally

>Knife pulled in Dulwich Hill heist of $1100 Kanye West 'Yeezy' sneakers

>Postal survey: gay Muslims shake off conservative image to back same-sex marriage

Other urls found in this thread:

>shuts down
any person who uses emotional/misleading/manipulative language while working for a public broadcaster should be instantly fired and blacklisted from all government jobs


Fuck off faggot


>Woolworths in damage control over former chief executive Roger Corbett’s anti-same sex marriage stance

“A black man and a white man are equal, but they’re clearly different. A black man will never be a white man and vice versa.”


>shuts down
>scientists ... (almost always used in a misleading manner to refer to scientists or to make unfounded claims about papers)
>slaps down
>any title formatted as a question (the answer is always no)
>watch this ... do ...
>the ... will ... you
>anti ... protesters

any of these should get you instantly sacked

I was on the fence but i think i'll just vote no.
The political left needs to be dismantled and reinvented.

Remember, Safe Schools is still a thing and it's coming to high schools in 2018.

>“A black man and a white man are equal, but they’re clearly different. A black man will never be a white man and vice versa.”
wow racist and sexist much? why is he assuming that they're both men?

they might as well just tell the kids to go on Sup Forums

Can I report these fuckwits to AFP for voter fraud?

Guy sounds pretty redpilled.

Guys they doxxed the plane company, now they're trying to dox people who donated on gofundme to fund the skywriting. They might need help

and this is why i deleted my kikebook 3 years ago

he probably is, he was the CEO of Woolworths he could probably see that stores with in immigrant areas had high theft and if there were lots of immigrant staff at a store it would of performed worse

not surprised they love the tactic of trying to shame anyone who doesn't agree with them and if that doesn't work they turn to violence

Further proof that bogans are shit for brains that support poofters
Australian men are so thirsty for womens attention they're willing to become fucking faggots

>Remember, Safe Schools is still a thing and it's coming to high schools in 2018.
I've reached the point of not giving a fuck about Safe Schools. Solely cause including all the other shit they're pulling into classrooms right now, school is such a clusterfuck Safe Schools doesn't matter. Just homeschool the fuckers.

t. high school teacher

>Australian men are so thirsty for womens attention they're willing to become fucking faggots
literally what are you on about lol

What's for dinner cunts ?
Anyone getting the 9 pieces for $9.95 ?

what other kind of shit are they doing? elaborate mate

Fuckin do it cunt

Just put two pizzas into the oven, leb flatbread is unironically godtier for bases and way cheaper than paying for pre-made pizza bases from coles

you better be cooking for at least two cunt

>We need to open our borders for Myanmar refugees
>the very next day
>A Melbourne court has released confronting CCTV of an asylum seeker from Myanmar setting fire to a bank at Springvale, in Melbourne's south-east, in an "act of retribution" for being kept waiting to make a withdrawal.

porterhouse steak

what do those fucking signs say

something about being part of the problem if you vote no?

just let the Buddhists massacre them. It's what they do to Muslim scum

Forcing special needs students into general classes, fucking over both the special needs kids and the normal ones because we now have to plan lessons around both cohorts, and guess which one is gonna get fucked the most. Spoiler, it's not the fucking tardy in the class.

Or their brilliant idea of trying to get Aboriginal students to integrate better in classrooms. You wanna know how they're pulling that off? Segregating the fuckers. Then bitching that the kids aren't integrating well enough and that falls on the teachers.

Fuck the public school system. Private is worse off right now too, because they're now going through a system where kids can't fail due to how much their parents pay. Meaning we're getting some of the most retarded and unprepared people into both the workforce, and tertiary studies. It's no fucking wonder universities have gone to shit.

I miss eagle boyz pizzas fuck dominos is shit

my sister is making beef something and cous cous
it will probably taste like shit but whatever
shes depressed because her bf has autism

I remember we had this kid with downs in my science class in high school. One of my mates hid in a cupboard and would peak out and wait for the teacher to turn around. Then say the teachers name in a tard voice. She ended up sending the kid with downs to the principal. Shit was funny as fuck

you forgot to block their names out.

do you have any experience of normal kids being put into special education?

no wonder kids are soft as fuck these days. Cant hurt their feelings either. Make them all go to military to toughen them up.

The only time I've ever heard of it happening was in Malcolm in the Middle

>Make them all go to military to toughen them up.
That won't last long.

is it true that teaching is an easy job?
aren't you miserable in that kind of environment?

how did she not no he had autism before she started going out with him?

Reported them to the AEC for fraud. Thank you citizen.

i guess its only mild
when his team loses the footy he sulks like a little girl for a whole week and doesn't want to hang out with her.
he was going to cancel their holiday away together if richmond lost last weekend.
sportfags are weird

the only way I can watch a sport and be get into it is if I bet on it

>is it true that teaching is an easy job?
Yes and no, if you know the content and know the kids it's fairly simple. If you're doing shit you don't know about, you're fucked.

>aren't you miserable in that kind of environment?
It depends. The teaching part itself, dealing with the kids, showing them the content, far from it. As much as a cliche as it sounds, it's actually rewarding. The fucked part is dealing with the higher ups, the changes they implement to "better" the school that always do the exact opposite, government changes on the education system that exist solely to fuck over the kids, external bodies coming in thinking they can change the school around and improve grades, then again making it worse for students and the teachers themselves. That part is fucking miserable. But you pretty much learn to suck it up and go through with it, because your job is on the line if you call out an AP on their stupid shit.

I swear to fucking god I've had my vote stolen.

I get electoral shit all the time in the mail; I know they have the right address, be neither me of my wife have received vote forms.

Fucking dog cunts.

little ceasers is coming.

$5 hot n ready as long as you like cheese or pepperoni. they even have a drive through.

I think it's like that in most jobs though. People higher up the chain have no clue what the actual job entails and they just come up with stupid ideas that don't work

Please inform the AEC immediately and a new form will be sent out. We're trying our hardest to stop this issue in it's tracks.

Thank you.

>>Springvale bank fire: CCTV shows 'pandemonium' as customers flee arson attack
This was footage from last year, the best part of this is ABC carefully avoiding the fact that the culprit was a Rohingya from Myanmar. That wouldn't fit the current narrative too well now would it?

Instead, they described him as a refugee from Myanmar but his last name is Islam and muslims make up less than 1% of Myanmar so you can put it together all on your own.

>What to do if your same-sex marriage survey form is stolen

Thanks lads. Will do. Postcode is 2065. Several of my mates close by have received theirs, and some haven't. Someone has been pilfering the fucking votes.

Pisses me the fuck off. So fucking unAustralian.

Those were my exact first thoughts

I had the wrong address on the roll it's been over a week since I updated and no mail yet.

Instead, I convinced about 10 normies who otherwise wouldn't vote to vote No and converted 2 voters.

I don't understand why they haven't set up something with the mygov website for shit like this. Then we could just vote online and non of this fraud shit would happen. I guess the government is fucking incompetent though and can't fucking do anything right

Well yeah, it's exactly the same. I pretty much see APs as HR, they exist to fuck you over

That's where you want to report it, because the serial number on the nicked one will be struck off.

If you find out who is doing it, immediately report it to the AEC via the fraud page located here where you may report anonymously.

Remember, tampering with mail is a federal crime and heavy penalties apply.

>brochures put under every door in my dorm saying voting yes is the only moral choice (pic related)
>the dorm is staging a pride week event
>the uni's student association is doing some similar bullshit for "queers" whatever the fuck that is
When will this bullshit end lads? I'm seriously getting sick of all the shilling

HR are the biggest waste of space. We had some fat red haired bitch come out to my work not that long ago to show us how to lift properly. We all just started laughing at her because what she was trying to show us was fucking retarded

you should print out ones that say Pooftas Fuck Off vote no and slip them under every door in your dorm

I've considered doing this but I don't know how to print off 500 brochure card things en masse without bankrupting myself, any suggestions?

You really think people will be able to remember their mygov questions?

Set up a IRL shitposting crowdfunding page

does the uni have some place you can print stuff for free? you could just print it on A4 paper nothing fancy

Black and white at officeworks.

yeah I haven't done my tax yet because I have to do all this stupid shit because I don't remember what password I used

I have been. I am not considered "normal," because I have autism. I got the "rain man" side of the disorder though. I am a Junior, taking 3rd year German, 4 AP classes, and one BS elective. I am forced to take one hour of "directed study" just because I have an IEP, due to my diagnosis. This is a "study hall" for the tards in the school. It's kind of hard to concentrate on my AP Stats while some other kid has autistic screeching trying to learn to count to five.

Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I basically have to reset my password every time I try to use mygov, solely because my password will be right, but the punctuation will be off on the questions.

Do you not remember the census fiasco?
But yes, that would be the much smarter way of doing things for plebiscites. Of course, it'd be nice and easy to commit fraud, as well.

I also didn't even think about how many people would loose their shit because the government would be able to tell how they voted

yeah I remember that, that is why I said our government is incompetent

only got mine yesterday in Brisbane so you might still be ok m8

I was out of the country for the last week and when I returned to find there was no vote form in my mail box. How do I get another one and make my last one invalid?

strap a bomb to yourself and go to the local council and demand a new one your you will Jihad them

I never got my anti-faggot No vote form in the mail. I bet some little slut girl stole it. BITCH!

Inshallah. Soon, brother.

Go here and click on Request a replacement Marriage Law Postal Survey

thats breaking the law assholes!!!

Yes it is. For that specific crime it can mean 12 months imprisonment if they cannot pay 60 penalty points ($10,200)

Ticked yes on 22 strangers' forms so far lads.
Lots of old dickheads around here, feels great to make a difference.
Dumb pricks probably aren't even with it enough to realise what happened lol

I hope you burn in hell

> forgot


I hope you kill yourself when things don't go your way

Maybe you won't be found out but if you are found out you will face You're committing a federal crime and shows an extreme lack of decency.

why would I kill myself when I could go kill a bunch of poofs and claim I was possessed by Jesus and get tried as not of sound body or mind. Do a year in a mental institute and then claim I am cured

They won't find out.
Even if they do, they won't do anything. I'm doing the right thing.
Besides, the return envelopes are anonymous so they have no evidence. Just the musings of a faggot browsing some chinese flash video forum.
I can't wait to see the rainbow flags fly.

They're most likely signaling, Worth a report anyway, sick of these poofters.

Let me guess your from Tassie and your also her boyfriend

>Even if they do, they won't do anything. I'm doing the right thing.

You're not doing the right thing, the law does not stipulate that what you're doing is okay, quite the opposite.

I also find it completely ironic that someone campaigning for fairness would do something that was completely unfair for others.

While I do work with the AEC and cannot do anything to stop you, I think I speak for most here when I say you're a complete utter idiot.

do you think being a homosexual is unnatural?

chemitrails confirmed

what now faggots ?

even the reptilian aliens controlling the government hate fags

Why do I care if poofs get married Sup Forums? There's no information on the issue

Look what happened in Canada. They said the same shit here that people would not be forced to marry or rent out venues to homos if they didn't want to. Then once the law was passed hey said that they had the same rights as any other married or couple who wished to get married had the same rights. Then you were forced to marry or rent venues

You shouldn't care, if fags want to fuck fags then fags should fuck fags, whatever.
It'll also substantially assist Australian adoption programs.

The religious protections?

yeah they say the same thing here, that you wont be forced to marry them if you disagree. The same thing will happen here

Fags fuck fags anyway, marriage has nothing to do with that

This bitch is so fucking dumb, it should be illegal to be such a retarded psychotic cunt and have a political position.

As a homosexual I can't say anything but yes

First off it makes no sense, why would anything but heterosexuality be natural in humans? Sex is an incentive to reproduce. This is its first and primary function. Anything else is liberal feelgood nonsense.

Two, dont believe the born this way narrative for a second. I wasn't born this way and it took a very long time for me to even realize I was attracted to men. Most of us homos will say this because its a defense mechanism.

What it is is a glitch that only exists because sexuality is wired up in a hopelessly messed up way and gender roles in your family affect it when you're a kid.

I'm a programmer and sexuality reminds me of horrible Indian spaghetti code I get to dig through sometimes where you try to fix one thing and it messes up something you thought completely unrelated. That said in most people with decent upbringing it will work most of the time.

I'd say just dont kill us and let fag society remain confined to the night where we do our thing out of sight. The "community" is beyond horrible and it wont affect mainstream culture in a good way. We are also mentally not like straights, gay marriage is just for show, two dudes wont last three years together on average.

The Greens are full of nut cases