High Average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?

Most studies on Ashkenazi Jewish IQ shows Jews at an IQ of 110 in the United States. However, people fail to recognize that those studies only test about 59 Ashkenazi Jews and 2200 white people in those studies. The studies on IQ with higher ( about 150 sample) Ashkenazi Jewish samples is about 107 IQ. However, the only study at 1000 Ashkenazi Jews puts them at 101 IQ. They only really excel (about 107 IQ) in verbal intelligence but fail spatial reasoning ( about 90 IQ).

All other types of Jews are rather stupid with an IQ of 90.

Side Note: I am a prowhite and Christian, and I generally dislike the Jews.
Side Encouragement: Work Hard! Major in a high paying major! Exercise Regularly and go to Church often!

Sup Forums What are your thoughts on this? Are some studies unreliable due to small sample sizes. Do you have any useful information on the topic.

jews jew themselves too

Jews do not REALLY Jew themselves. Jews Jew goyim to a magnitude to 10^23 more than they do other Jews. Jews are pack animals.

You think you're fucking chosen people because of a book. You're a moron.

I am NOT a mormon. I am a baptist although I may change to American Orthodox Christianity. I think Zionist Jews are evil. Moses is likely the person that told them they were the chosen people.

Let's stay on the topic of IQ please.

Sup Forums better not make this a slide thread since this is a real topic to discuss.

Keep your mind on the topic!
"Sup Forums What are your thoughts on this? Are some studies unreliable due to small sample sizes? Do you have any useful information on the topic?"

Sup Forums, you have to focus on this thread. You focus on bait????

You Goyim sure do love your IQ test.

Sup Forums comment on my thread.....please.....

Shut up gay jew! Why is there a theme of many countries wanting you to remove them for their country?

In most of those countries the theme was ''remove everyone who isn't part of the majority''.
But the others can no longer speak for themselves....

Why do you terrible thing to the goyim and go out of your way to prohibit those things among felow Jews?

Anyways, I think my posting of this thread had good content, but..........

Having a brain is it's own kind of punishment Goyim, but it just so happens to prohibit other problems

Shalom fellow land occupier! How is your colonialism going today? I think I will sun bathe at the stolen beach, meet me there?

>sun bathe at the stolen beach
Sun bathing in Gaza is also it's own kind of punishment

40% of southern Jews in the U.S. owned slaves; where as 3-7% of southern white people owned slaves. Who is more moral? Who had a war over slavery?

>but fail spatial reasoning ( about 90 IQ).

Which is why kikes can't invent shit and suck at engineering in general.

All wars are Jews against Jews and Goyim are along for the ride

marhaba my stealing friend, i would gladly meet you there but unfortunatly im occupied by reclaiming some """"palestinian land""""

A brain with an IQ of 101.

The real problem is that you get mad at white people for colonialism, but on the same token genocide the Palestinians.

101 is a godsend when 80 is the standard needed to shill Goyim

My people were almost genocided and I can't forget about it, in return I need to murder some brown people to return the favour, they worship the wrong god anyway.

It's only a crime when white people get killed, no?

The major success in the effectiveness of the ashkenazi jews is not REALLY their 101 average IQ, it is the Ashkenazi's group cohesiveness and willingness to promote their group's interest by any means necessary.

Jews were never almost genocided. Look at many early Almanacs! There were about the same number of Jews before World War 2 as after World War 2. See Jews lie to promote their group's self interest as much as possible by any means necessary.

Cohesive, willful and working together

Could you truly ask for a better master race?

IQs not the be all and all. Chinese have a higher IQ than whites and look at how operate. Racial behaviour is more significant

70% of U.S. Jews are zionist Jews. Well, at least, I know you Jews will go to Hell.

If you read your texts, you would know that Jesus is your messiah.

East Asians have a higher average IQ than white people and ashkenazi Jews, but East asians have a very narrow deviation.

The 86th percentile of IQ for white people is 115; where as, for East Asian people, the 86th percentile of IQ is 111. White average = 103. East Asian Average = 106

We read your texts, they add not much,
they hold no truth we hadn't touched,
We do like how they simplify things to yah.

Based jew

Interesting post but where are your sources?

Jesus is the messiah your prophets had predicted!

He and many others
Had we made every men who claimed his feats a Messiah, we would have crowned 50 kings.

Why don't you keep him Goyim.....you seem to like him so much.

Here is the source. Backman ( the study with the most participants) states the average verbal IQ of a Jew is 107, but he lists their other IQs being low such as spatial being at 90 IQ

You claimed his feats. Jews just say his amazing miracles were "not of God". Modern Christians help way more people than modern Jews.

Hah yes,
We see how well you help;
help a starving family to grow,
help the muslims kill their foe,
help a man straight to a ditch,
If he breaks his leg I can help him out

If only they had friends like themselves.

I'm sorry I couldn't read that over the billions of dollars that the Catholic Church donates to the third world. The U.S. give much Aid the Evil Israel, so I do not know what you are talking about.

pic related

You are a dumb or deceptive Jew. The U.S., a historically Christian nation, gives billions of dollars to Israel to help kill muslims. I do NOT think we should give any aid to Israel.

I agree
The fact you're paying both us and our enemies only prolongs a violent conflict, serving only yourselves.


ten thousand hours in paint

You ought to have never genocided the Palestinians to begin with. Also, I say we should stop giving Jews and muslims any aid. Just let them kill each other completely.

If their spatial IQ is so low why are there so many famous Jewish sportsmen?

I found that image and then recylced it to keep the thread alive. This thread is still good.

I do not know of any. Who are you referring to? Anyways, it could be due to the JEWnections.

mad? colonialism was a necessity for both you and the dindus. I'm pretty sure colonialism is the only reason at least some africans have electricity
the irony is that blacks are so fucking stupid that drove out the whites because mah white devils, but in doing so fucked themselves so hard that they have no choice but hand themselves over for neo-colonialism by China.

and I'm pretty sure that once China feels the need to just take resources instead of paying for them, they'll make king leopold look like a fucking gurbachev

Now prove that chinks don't have high IQ and you'll be the master race.

White people were the first people to use electrical energy, so you can thank us for that too! Dumb kikes would have never came up with it themselves!

jej nice bait

Really makes you think.

Thank you for the opportunity to accept the white master race as the master race!

"East Asians have a higher average IQ than white people and ashkenazi Jews, but East asians have a very narrow deviation.

The 86th percentile of IQ for white people is 115; where as, for East Asian people, the 86th percentile of IQ is 111. White average = 103. East Asian Average = 106" Most studies show this. History also can be explained by this.

and jews were the first physicians to develop effective vaccines against polio. so fucking what?
we have enough jew inventors and researchers that won nobel prizes

>other types of Jews have IQs of around 90
Why I like sephardic Jews and other non-Ashkike types. They're too mentally retarded to Jew you, and act like white normies but even dumber.

You're not even wrong, Schlomo.

Now use your kike powers get me off this fucking ride.

What about niggers Arabs all the others?
What's their deviation?

White people would have been fine without Jews. I doubt jews would have figured out how to use electricity on their own. Romans were using batteries in 600BC like the true white master race.

>All other types of Jews are rather stupid with an IQ of 90.
don't pretend like all AshkeNAZI are smart, tons of low IQ versions of them also, they have more mental patient retarded children than any other racial group in America

because of the inbreeding

>Jews are pack animals.
well you definitely got the animal part right

the only jews who rise to elite status are F1 phenotypes, recently mixed, also these are chosen for the intelligence of the parent who is not in the tribe

Jews are the real problem. Do not concern yourselves with hating arabs and black people.


It is the relatively smart 101IQ Ashkenazis that are very group oriented that pose a massive threat to the 103 average IQ white master race that keeps fighting itself for Jew reason.

Jews have an average of 90-95 IQ but they have a strong in-group preference, high self-confidence and high speech skills.

This. Blacks are just dumb asshole victims and Arabs are retards with explosive personalities.

"Backman ( the study with the most participants) states the average verbal IQ of a Jew is 107, but he lists their other IQs being low such as spatial being at 90 IQ" This puts Jews at 101 on average with other aspects of IQ being measured.

Here is another series of tests going back to the 70s. The Russian category is at least half-Jewish (as the people giving the results didn't want to highlight Jewish IQ again as it's becoming an obsession for some)

The Jews are the ones who promote more black people and more Arabs in white nations.

>missing my "explosive personality" comment

Jews lick a big old hairy bunghole baby.

No jews mean no Jesus
No Jesus means no catholicism
No catholicism means no protestant reformation
No reformation means no capitalism
No capitalism means no industrial revolution
Basically the reason whites were the first to industrialize and outpace the Asians despite the latter having a massive technological and numeric advantage from an early point of history was some jew who was put on a cross.

It's ironic that retards think Christianity kept civilization FROM progressing, while all the civilizations encountered by christian explorers from the 15th century onward were hopelessly outclassed by european gunpowder and shipbuilding

It is funny, but the Jews want more of Muslims in white areas.

The bubonic plague and other plagues that kept sweeping across Europe resulted in smarter people reproducing because people like Newton and Tesla's kind knew how to avoid plagues.

Anyways, we still made batteries. God would have reached out to Europeans in one form or another. You do not know.

(It is interesting to know that I am likely communicating with an Satan-controlled Jew online).

Not gonna lie. That was funny AF

Ethnic Ashkenazi Jew here. Raised Catholic.

My IQ is 130 something. Around two standard deviations above the mean anyway.

My spatial reasoning is absolute shit. I'm shit at math and even shitter at basic spatial tasks like navigation.

As far as language goes, let me tell you, I really do have the best words. I've never scored below 99th percentile on any standardized reading or writing test.

Sometimes I don't think this has as much to do with genetics as it does the Jewish culture of education in the home. My Jewish parent made me read and read and read and read starting at the age of 3. I was reading a *lot* more and earlier than my peers growing up. By 2nd grade I was reading pulp crime fiction (e.g. James Patterson) before getting into classics ala 20,000 leagues under the sea around 6th grade and into philosophical fiction when I entered high school. I just don't think I would have ended up with as strong language skills if I hadn't started with those shitty James Patterson books and gotten addicted.

When you are really laughing at yourself and your current country's situation and inevitable future....

Yes, Jews have very high verbal IQ. So do the Irish.

But spatial IQ is very interesting. I'd like to see more studies on that. Do you know what's out there?

I only dislike ZIONIST JEWS. Ethnic Jews are cool id they are Christian, but thank you for your insight.

and the only european jews that could afford feeding mutiple offsprings were the richest and thus most intelligent and numerate merchants, since jews were prohibited from farming land or joining guilds. by extension we also got shit ethics though
again, so fucking what? if jews are dumber than whites, then how come we constantly get blamed for being so succesful at manipulating and exploiting you?

>Jewish IQ

Correlation is everything when it comes to IQ.
You cannot compare a select group of one race to the whole of another (I.E Ashkenazi Jews IN AMERICA vs "White Americans").
This is how you get skewed IQ stats like American Indians with over 100 IQ, despite the average Indian having well bellow 100.

No study has ever taken a Comprehensive sample of "Ashkenazi Jews" and compared it with other comparably selective groups (like say: White Anglo Saxon Protestants) because it's too much work and they won't like the results.

Jews are very pack oriented to aa very large extreme. You should meet them in real life to see the extent. I go to University, and when I worked in a lab with jews in it, the jewish PI always favored the jewish workers even though I worked harder than them and was more competent than them.

Your arguments are weak af goy nigger.

"muh electricity"


NOBEL called they want you to suck my genius cut schlong you neanderthal faggot cuck.

We run this shit and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop us.

I am a Zionist though. Bibi is the champ of telling all the world's multiculturalists to go fuck themselves while also fooling stupid American goyim into protecting Israel's "right to exist" while they perpetrate the genocide of Palestinians because "muh Jews are a disadvantaged group".

Indians who come to the United States seem to get a 103 IQ which is not too high. However, we are mostly talking about Jew IQ.

20,000 leagues as a youngster was so fucking exciting.


They have done selective tests on individual white ethnicities (with WS GSS being the most famous).

Ashkenazis still come out on or near the top.


Jews may be smart, but they are vastly outnumbered in the United States by even smarter white people, just based on numbers. Yet Jews have complete control of media, banking, and politics. They're 2% of the population, and their entire population is fewer than the number of white geniuses alone. How could we let this happen?

LOL, ( I refuse to use KEK) What is Bibi?

No Christcuck, the by far biggest open border, pro-Islam, pro-multiculti, "anti-racist", white guilt spreading asscancer in this country are the Christian Social Democrats. At least the Israelis are anti-mudshit.

you do realize that even nepotism has to start with genuine success, right?
jews couldn't favor jews from high positions if there weren't jews somewhere in the past that managed to get into said positions before there were any jews there to assist them

if goyim are so smart how come they always lose?

We are too nice. It is more of a gradual occurrence.

Fagget, King David had to kill much of his people to take control of Israel. Why ere those Jews losing to each other then? Also Solomon collapsed his own kingdom due to his sex addiction and 1000 wives.

>friendship ended with EU, now Orbán is my best friend

White people are smart and nice. Christians are too nice. Evil doers such as Jews take advantage of Christian kindness.

And what Jews are sampled? American Ashkenazis? That's my point.

>All born in the U.S
My point exactly, if you're going to compare races you can't take a sample from a single country because that country might have only taken the top 10% of X race and the mid 50% of Y race.
This is why American Indians score 100+ but surely you idiots don't think Indians are smart race?

No in-group preference and as much greed for power as Jews crave the Shekels. Made the perfect pair to form the (((USA))) and Rotschild-Britain.

90% of U.S. Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. Look it up!

That was my point to begin with. MANY IQ studies showing askenazi Jews are smart are bad because they have very low sample sizes. The ones that said they have a 101 IQ had high sample sizes.

Alright cunt you've got shit for brains.


and then the same for every other select racial group you compare them to.