i've never seen a nigger irl
only on television and on the internet
are they really as bad as you say
Brown people
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Well, in class I had to work with one and he was a lazy POS. So I guess there is some truth in it.
>driving home from college
>hear sirens
>police escorting american tanks and trucks filled with infantry
>truck drives by
>filled with niggers in US millitary uniforms
I wish this was a joke
Niggers in the suburbs are of a slightly higher quality than niggers in the ghetto, which are most of them.
I've mainly had contact with the former, and they're not that bad. The crime rate and demographics of American major cities are not coincidental though.
Saw a few apes in New Zealand once, they literally looked like apes, but they were pretty nice and went to the local church.
Some of them are nice. Some of them are very smart.
It's almost like normal people, there are a lot of bad, some nice.
Just take the positive you have to take and ignore others. That's how I do in Paris.
Ayo hol up
*Smacks Lips*
We dindu nuffin
any enterprise involving black people will be slowed down drastically to the point of futility
I live in a nice 95% white area we get the occasional African nigger who is nice enough usually. It's why the rhetoric is accepted by most normies, We're dealing with the top 5% of their population who are high IQ.
Spent enough time working in abo communities to know better, and of course all the red pills about niggers online, not to mention Melbourne nig gangs.
They need to go back
What's sig, some cripple chan board?
>get a few dindus in your country
>they behave without a problem
>get them ganged up in a neighbourhood
>they start to act ape
>i've never seen a nigger irl
Just visit club Swagga, my man.
Stop lying. You can see them in every city these days thanks to Swedistan.
Self-improvement general
they just look goofy. they stick together.
Ah. Thanks
HA imagine touching one
Why has no one attempted Belyayev fox experiment with niggers.
I once worked at a Smithfield's over here in 'Murica a long time ago. There was this negro, fucking nasty creature looked like a pear. Remember that Spongebob Squarepants episode where Squidward eats a lot of krabby patty's and gets bloated? "No, it'll go straight to your thighs... Then you'll blow up!" Remember that? This thing would lick his fingers and stick them in the food we would serve the customers,swirling it around making sure to contaminate it with his spit, yelling something like "Hmm, shawty, I love me some potatoe salad!" real feminine, like a full-blown faggot would sound like. Everyone seen him do it a hundred times, and I got fed up. Shits disgusting, because he didn't do it when we were closing or after, he would do it DURING open hours.
Some are great, but most black people, as a whole, bring a society down. There's never an instance where a country has a black population that isn't responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime. Most blacks aren't very intelligent - average IQ of 80 in the US - and or often lying poorly educated. They also have a below average work ethic and feel that this is justified because of their issues with authority. They take no personal responsibility because any time they hear constructive criticism, they think it is unwarranted and is just motivated by racism. They are perfect in their own eyes. I work with black guys all the time and they're just like this.