The Maker Movement is anti civilization The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outside their profession- is a continuation of societal collapse.
Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization.
The Maker Movement is people thinking that they can do their hobbies better than others can do their jobs.
This is now a DIY project thread. What have you been working on in your spare time Sup Forums?
Daniel Taylor
Ive been developing my own 3d printed photography accessories
Feels good man
Elijah Brooks
>This is now a DIY project thread. What have you been working on in your spare time Sup Forums? No one cares.
Oliver Ward
Op is a faggot
I've been trying to write a circuit simulator that is not dependent on time. Hope fully one day I'll have it optimized enough to simulate a CPU or something.
Right now I re-wrote it to allow for self referential circuits, components where the output is fed back into the system. It's working pretty well.
Landon Reyes
been working on machine and learning and neural networks that will put mouth breathing idiots like OP out of work
Christopher Butler
What are you doing with it?
Jaxon Wilson
>Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization.
>“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” >― Robert A. Heinlein
>let's all be like the chinks and just do one thing for 70 years
Parker Turner
i'm using the game engine Unity to generate a large set of training images from 3d models at different angles and distances and occluded by other models for all kinds of every day items like shit at grocery stores, brand name stuff, furniture, clothing, etc and training NNs to make better pos systems so high schoolers and old folks wont be able to get jobs as cashiers anymore
Robert Foster
I have been using my new 3D printer. Mostly to print parts to make the thing more functional, but today I'm trying my hand at printing up a joystick housing for old video games.
Daniel Harris
Been learning how to use a sewing machine. I mostly want to use it to make cosplay, but using it for fixing my own clothes or making my own clothing is nice too. I made an entire cosplay costume in a week, and for a first timer, it's pretty decent.
Chase Turner
>Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization. Communist drivel.
Ryder Wood
I only know what a capital m Maker is because of that chink slut with the huge fake tits
Ayden Wright
I'm making a large transparent container with some valuables at the bottom that traps the thief's arm when he reaches in to grab them. Plans were originally for blades on the opening that would slice the arm if they tried to pull it out but I was told it could be illegal to have it in my apartment
Anthony Butler
btw that bikini is 3D printed.
Oliver Hill
>being this fucking cuckolded
kys leaftard
Mason Myers
Stirling engines for a radio controlled toy boat using hard drive pins and syringes as pistons
Matthew Murphy
This sounds like feminism.
Brayden Robinson
Are you male??
Isaiah Russell
Where's the lie though???
Luke Gonzalez
Yes, I like being self sufficient, I also have my own vegetable garden and I'm good at cooking. Might sound like female activities, but being handy and able to solve all your own problems is the true redpill. I also like shooting guns, working on my bike, and doing woodworking.
Luke Fisher
Why do things that have already been done, when you can improve upon those already existing technologies. Don't reinvent the wheel, user.
Lucas Foster
Creating a Debian-powered Beowulf cluster.
Elijah Watson
Can you give me more details. What kind of accessories.
Lincoln Rodriguez
afaik this exact thing hasn't been done, most simulators run on ticks (discrete unit of time). Mine isn't dependent on time. It means that you don't have to reason about timing components to return an output at exactly the right time to be able to be used by other components. Inputs and outputs just sort of appear.
Tyler Rogers
>Allowing anyone to contribute to civilization = being anti-civilization This must be one of the most retarded OP I ever seen in Sup Forums, and that's saying a lot.