>cities built by Venice and Austria >took all the coast >universally hated by its neighbours >had concentration camps >had concentration camp even for children >had its own death camps where they killed close to 100.000 people >almost got rid of entire gypsy population >forcefully converted Serbs to catholicism >1995. comes >ethincally 250.000 Serbs from Croatia >bad at sports > subserviant mentality >economy entirely relies on tourism
I leave you to add the rest.Stop visiting Croatia so that shithole which relies on tourism collapses.
wait, how did we convert serbs to catholicism if we are catholic serbs?
Dominic Harris
>almost got rid of entire gypsy population
i dont see the problem here
Carson Hernandez
>cities built by Venice and Austria true >took all the coast not a bad thing >universally hated by its neighbours let them hate as long as they fear >had concentration camps not a bad thing >had concentration camp even for children jasenovac was a lunapark >had its own death camps where they killed close to 100.000 people serbs, gypsies, jew are not people >almost got rid of entire gypsy population as if that's a bad thing lolwtf >forcefully converted Serbs to catholicism not a bad thing, orthoshits are heretics >1995. comes 4U >ethincally 250.000 Serbs from Croatia not a bad thing >bad at sports false > subserviant mentality true >economy entirely relies on tourism true
Mason Brooks
I dont see any problem here
Asher Roberts
Sounds based as fuck. Plus they historically have the best football NT in the Balkan. 9/10 country desu.
Ian Bailey
This is ridiculous.JNA was 7-8 largest army in Europe.
Brody Butler
Gib Blanka Vlasic waifu plz croatia kun
Cooper Morales
You'll never achieve a croatian hate thread that has croatian hate, let alone hits thread limit.
I mean, nice try fag but your desperation is showing.
Adrian Green
I made croatia hate thread before and it reached thread limit.
Jason Gomez
>almost got rid of entire gypsy population Wtf? OP is a Romanian. Filthy gypsy. You should be genocided
Levi Carter
No, it wasn't. Yugoslavia was a third military force, right behind Britain and France. No other country had such military. Germany wasn't allowed to have more than 10000 servicemen, same as Italy and other Axis countries. Warsaw pact countries depended entirely on the Soviet Union, as NATO countries depended on America.
Hudson Edwards
Nobody here hates croats
Leo James
damn Why I was born in this fucking Russia?
averagy salary is 10-20 thousand rubles (200-300 euro) dirt and shit on the streets corruption in all spheres of life, bribery must always be given stray dogs, no one catches them and they bite people the dictatorship of Putin, for views that differ from those of others (criticism of power, the struggle for freedom, the struggle for improvement of the country, for a new power) You will be hated aggressive Slavs, will always find an excuse to beat you on the street, and if you try to contact the police, they will call you a weakling and laugh at you conscription, but the Russian army is terrible, the senior in rank can humiliate and beat the draftees, and for all russians this does not matter almost all countries and peoples of the world hate the Russians, being a Russian is a shame
Hunter Russell
>>cities built by Venice and Austria and Hungary - FIUME !
Matthew Anderson
You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly. You snail-skulled little rabbit. Would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. May you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus.
Justin James
>>almost got rid of entire gypsy population Damn, didn't finish.
Lincoln Evans
Hey, Gypsies don't come from Rumania. Rumanians aren't even comparable to the terribleness of Gypsies.
Dominic Rogers
fuck off back to serbia, fag.
Lucas Jackson
The only part that triggers me is the claim being bad at sports.
For a nation of 4mil it is not true actually.
Anthony Nguyen
Yep - Croatia punches way above it's weight in sports.
Jason Lee
t. Serbshit
Carson Edwards
How about that one time canucks btfo croats
Gavin Rogers
this thread
John Lewis
You idiot.You mean to tell me that JNA between 1991 was 3rd military power in Europe?Ok, lets go down the scale.Russia,England,France,Germany ( East Germany),Italy,Spain and you can also include Turkey if you consider it European.
Wyatt Roberts
Just wanted to say that I love all slavs and every other non slav brother who hates commies, liberals and all the other (((rats))).
Here is the list containing some other seeds of satan
>bosnia (should be divided with serbia, we get hercegovina, you take the rest and deal with the muzzies) >t*rkey >eu >albania >"""kosovo"""
Isaiah Russell
>turkey >europe
Connor Wright
So why am I to hate them again?
Lincoln Cruz
you know, these kind of bitches should be used before the OD and vomit.
You can clearly see that she would be up for anything. Once she throws up you just laugh in her face and leave...
Chase Gutierrez
>Bad at sports
Caleb Anderson
If you mean the supposed battle in 1994. It never happened.
With whom the Canuck were fighting and if is abother issue.
Brody King
I don't think everybody actually hates the Russians.
Ryan Cook
Croats are just Catholic Serbs and Bosniaks are just Muslim Croats. You are all the same. Fuck all of you pissy genocidal babies
Isaac Myers
Why do people keep making threads about Croatia and Serbia here? I can't tell anymore if it's some kike d&c tactic or just locals being attention whores Probably the latter
Henry Sanchez
Fuck Croatia and all slavic, white and christian nations
worthless slaves
Brandon Bennett
I hate Croats so much
but Croatia is pretty beautiful tho
Parker Wright
Šta ti je ponos...
Brayden Watson
serbop is butthurt about getting his ass kicked in the 90s.
Dominic Ross
Fun fact: Almost 10% of Croatia is made up of 11 nature parks, eight national parks and two nature reserves.
which is the highest rate in the world
Jack Clark
Croats are so irrelevant they are not worthy of hatred.
Nolan Lopez
Oliver Russell
As for Croatian towns, like OP said All of them were built by foreigne powers
what did worthless slavs brought to Croatian architecture: shitty, ugly commieblocks
kill yourselves Croats
John Powell
Robert Russell
Justin Perez
ugly low iq slav(e)s
Mason Myers
Jack Reed
It isn't any kind of distraction. Serbs and Croats just have their heads that far up their asses about how different they are from each other and how superior they are because they are exactly the same and have nothing to be proud of.
David Mitchell
Oliver Bennett
Aaron Morgan
Joseph Evans
these are croatian trump supporters lol
Connor Sanchez
Colton Myers
According to that Kosovo is a greater sports "nation" than Germany, France and Spain combined.
William Wilson
Wtf i love croatia now
Michael King
I smell buttblasted serbitchian tractor rider for some reason..
Kayden Williams
anyone who has ever been to that fucking shithole croatia wont be in a hurry to return. they rely on tourism and act like the biggest jews in europe.
joke country, joke people.
Cameron Taylor
vienna is full of these balkan retards who all brought with them their stupid hatreds against each other. when, they are basically all exactly the same.
Austin Edwards
our country is a place for German, American etc. toruists, our masters
not for poor subhuman slavs
Zachary Rodriguez
whats wrong with cleaning the gypsies ? whats wrong with fighting muzz?
i went to croatia this summer and its a beautiful country with smart & tall people
Jeremiah Miller
i guess compared to france everything there will look better.
Camden Jackson
>who all brought with them their stupid hatreds against each other That just isn't true. Balkan diaspora gets along pretty well. They're generally quite happy just for the opportunity to speak croatian / serbian with someone
Elijah Jenkins
Here is your (you). Now get out of my sight.
Ryan Scott
>tfw you hate yourself so much that you call yourself subhuman
Elijah Bell
is this an ukranian talking ? if ukrania is so nice why your population went from 51 millions in 1989 to 45 millions in 2016 ?
france is good if you take the times to go out of paris
Brandon Smith
Don't forget: >allied with muzies to fight christians
Aaron Gomez
because you can thumbs my post you sad trash ?
mayb croatia is a cool country but don't forget to educate your womens
like girls in split are huge fucking whore lô
Jose Roberts
Fucking kockoglovi. They are truly ugly as fuck.
Camden Rivera
they look exactly like me lol
Zachary Mitchell
fuck off I like them, the genocides and counter genocides were just bantz
Wyatt Morris
Alexander Stewart
Carson Moore
kys attention whoring faggot
Cooper Lopez
Embarrassing. There's so many people who consider themselves ''right-wing'' when all they say is ''fuk serbs and commies, muh independence''. Calls for shitty alliances with other NATO puppets are the most cringeworthy. Fuck em and their right to vote.
Liam Cooper
>Serbian diaspora detected Delusions is real.
>cities built by Venice and Austria >had concentration camps >almost got rid of entire gypsy population The first one applies to you too (if we add Turks to that), the second two are pretty based. The rest of the points you made are all bullshit.
there are such ultranationalistic retards in each country m8. as you already know, ours here love to suck russian cock even without any conditions
yeah i don't wanna to see us throwing shit at each other because i like croatia and croats
therefore just SAGE this shitty thread
Hunter Fisher
Any hanbbening in the Balkans? When will the maps change?
Dylan Morgan
explain this to me
Camden Rodriguez
>>almost got rid of entire gypsy population how is that bad seriously
Henry Thomas
>there are such ultranationalistic retards in each country m8 They don't get as much attention I think. Media talks about them and wannabe partisans all the time and there's always retarded LARPing in the comments.
Matthew Cook
JNA got threatened by NATO so they left Croatia but for one year they killed over 7k Croats whille loosing only 1000 soldiers,and the rest of the war is just Croats fighitng farmers.
Juan Cruz
How is that bad?
Henry White
>almost got rid of entire gypsy population >bad thing
Gabriel Robinson
reveal your flag serbroach!
Parker Lee
JNA was dissolved after Vukovar already fell.
James Nguyen
You know if you say some men are ugly it sounds gay
John Brooks
Yeah nobody is afraid of the alcoholic seafarer who's only capable of working for 3 months in a year.
Jace Taylor
my point is that Croats were fighting JNA for 1 year only whille the rest of the war just fighting farmers who are for some reason in JNA,and this annoyes me because my dad and uncle were in JNA and after that they joined RS army in Bosnia.