What are the political and sociological ramifications of mass-produced, consumer-grade lolita sex bots?
What are the political and sociological ramifications of mass-produced, consumer-grade lolita sex bots?
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What's with rhe influx of sex bot threads?
It's easy to shill your products on anonymous imageboards
true, but if we earn shekels and you earn waifus, do you care?
you basically described most subreddits
What the fuck is with you autists and your stupid fucking sex robot posts
FUCK off you fat fucking neet turbo virgins. Holy fucking shit, just go interact with real people for change or you'll end up forever a loser. Probably too late
Very large /r9k/ influx recently. No idea why.
i want to see the rest of the video.
Stop projecting, fagatron
thats the whole video, i was dissapointed af when i found out
>What's with rhe influx of sex bot threads?
Welcome to Sup Forums
Fuck off roastie, you will not be missed on the sexual market.
Yeah I'm projecting myself as someone who loves sex robots so I go onto a Japanese cartoon image board and flame sex bot posters. Makes sense ya fucking fat loser fuck
I don't think you know the definition of this word, virgin
You admitted it!
if they dropped them into nigger and refugee ghettos en masse, things might just work out.
>I don't think you know the definition of that word
You do know we invented it, right?
I wonder if my wife gonna be mad when I buy it for fuking.
Wife have some medical condition that makes sex painfull and I dont want/like porn and wierd fantasies build up from not sexing.
The same as thode dildo fuck machines women have been using for decades.
It will create a lot of jobs, a new tech boom and a shift in morality to a third position outside of the traditional left/right paradigm.
>Development and production of artificial human companions:
The forbidden industry. An economic “godsend” which will allow everyone “power” over someone else. Polite, sophisticated, technologically feasible slavery. And the most profitable industry since T.V. and the computer.
Which will occur alongside the rising popularityof total environments:
>The opportunity for anyone to live within a total environment of his or her choice, with mandatory adherence to the aesthetic and behavioral standards of same:
Privately owned, operated and controlled environments as an alternative to homogenized and polyglot ones. The freedom to insularize oneself within a social milieu of personal well-being. An opportunity to feel, see, and hear that which is most aesthetically pleasing, without interference from those who would pollute or detract from that option.
And an era of increased social stratification, which is already occuring:
The point on which all the others ultimately rest. There can be no more myth of “equality” for all—it only translates to “mediocrity” and supports the weak at the expense of the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without interference from apologists for incompetence. No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity.
Sup Forums is a pro robowaifu board
Fuck off arbys cunt
>not VR
That's.... GENIUS!!! it might actually stop those filthy degenerate muzzies from constantly raping everything that moves.
Stop thinking through your selfish desires for a moment and, if you care about something else than your sexual gratification, please consider the following:
>How will sex robots affect marriage and the family unity?
Will it promote further distortion in the standards of sex and romantic relationships, creating shallow individuals who don't care about family? Or will it create a benefitial enviroment in the dating scene, since real women would have to compete against perfect dolls?
In my opinion, the mindset of treating sex as entertainment is already a problem. I suppose we can all agree that, when we look at history, one of the reasons the west raised above all civilizations in the world was the strong moral foundations of the western people.
Take off your fedora and pagan larping for a moment and recognize that Christianity played an essential role in this process.
Part of the way christianity civilized the west was by moralizing sex in a way that no other religion or cultura has ever done. Under christian standar, sex is only acceptable inside monogamous marriage.
This created the ideal incentive for initiating relatinships. It made the instituition of family so much more important.This created the best enviroment possible to raise children, under two parents who not only loved their offspring and nation, but also loved each other.
Therefore, if you treat sex as entertainment, you're subverting these values that made the western family so sucessful in the past. Sex Dolls, just as prostituiton, is treating sex as mere entertainment, which should never be accepted. If we want to see the western family unity raise againg, we should rescue
we should rescue these christian values, not further bury ourselves into sexual hedonism.
>you could have a family of nothing but robots
>You could run q company with nothing but robots
>You could have a city with nothing but robots
What about an entire nation made of nothing but fertile loli robots with artificial wombs that were designed to take my seed. Then I could make an army of robots and breed my own nation of genetically enhanced superhumans.
You gotta be kidding, even these are showing up? wtf is wrong with you people. I will pray for you tonight. You people need to stop being degenerates.
Tradcucks and feminists are one in the same. If policing sex made western civilization great, then why isnt the Middle East the beacon of civilization? Or Somalia where they use female circumcision? No, muh sexual morality has nothing to do with the success of a civilization
1. What you're saying is unique to Christianity also exists in Islam and probably many other religions
2. Brazil is one of the most traditionally Christian nations to remain... It's not doing so great.
Pray away
1. Islam is a very recent religion and originated from judaism/christianism. No other religion treat marriage as such importance and with such spefic standards as christianism, unless of course they are deverived from it like islam.
2. Brazil is a catholic country, and catholicism isn't really christianism. Also, the brazilian family unity is far much more healthier than the western family unity of today, and that's because we're christians. Even broken christianism makes for better families than no christianism at all.
How come people on Sup Forums always post the big eyed Japanese dolls when these American pornstar ones are the bestsellers?
>If policing sex made western civilization great, then why isnt the Middle East the beacon of civilization?
Because sex is not everything that matters in a civilization. There are several other factors. Christianity moralized everything, from sex, family, market, politics.
Christianism is about living with dignity and compassion under God's law, while Islam is about world domination in the name of God.
Jesus was a sacrifice, while Muhammad was a conqueror. The implications of these standards are very different.
Those are hideous
Mainstream pornstars are gross.
So, I'm a guy who understands why men want sex dolls but would never buy one cause its cringey and I would rather have the real deal because of my own reasons, but. . .
>these women have a lifelike replica of them made to do what they do
Am I the only one who finds this awesome in a non-lewd way?
Like, am I incredibly vain wishing I could have an army of me? Heck even if they didn't move around or did anything and were just dolls, I could hang out with me, myself, and I.
That just, seems so awesome.
Its just another way for pedophiles to let out their urges without fucking real children
Would robot Lauren's feet smell the same?
Out of all the biosluts you could have picked, you picked that crypto jewess?
Can't wait until the sex robots get here and women realize they have no more power
>mexican intellectuals
>Jesus was a sacrifice, while Muhammad was a conqueror. The implications of these standards are very different.
But Christianity didn't spread into Northern Europe via gospel, it spread via the sword, and once in power it sustained itself via the sword. The spread of Christianity is one of war and violence just as much as the spread of Islam. The only difference is that Islam spread rapidly under a few warlords while Christianity spread slowly under many. The implications of that are pretty interesting too.
Jesus may have been a sacrifice, but his followers were conquerors just as much as Muhammad was.
What game is that?
>read it spacing
>I am the only one posting
>wanting copies of yourself.
Like, am I incredibly vain
Why read it here? Go back now!!
I am going to get a Sylvie bot
Reddit spacing is having a space after the greentext, like this:
At least thats what I recall, but I've been sticking to lurking fph threads on /fit/ recently.
Which ones are the real ones?
this is actually plausible. with a sufficiently high-tech womb we would be able to model genetic recombination sufficiently so that conventional human reproduction is no longer necessary
imagine how advanced our species could become if society were only white men? we'd experience a new antiquity. it would be glorious. hail victory. hail our people
I still want to see a chick wearing a strap on fucking a sex doll.
Are you sure you're not a leaf?
First of all, you're wrong. Christianity raised mainly from the gospel. Saint Paul himself gone from Greece to Spain spreading the gospel, and when he arrived there there was already some christians there.
>The spread of Christianity is one of war and violence just as much as the spread of Islam
Let me correct you here:
The spread of Empires/Kingdoms is one of war and violence as the spread of Islam.
The european wars happened not because of religion, but in despite of it. These wars happened because that is characteristic of the political landscape of the time, the mentality of imperial expansionism. Religion may have been used as a tool for this, but a tool is never the source reason. The only true religious war Europe fought was the Crusades.
Christianity is characteristic from taking over a nation from the inside out, and this can't happen by force, it happens through evangelization.
oh just the collapse of civilisation due to birthrates approaching zero
Nothing out of the ordinary then.
wiem, ze czasem to jest psychosomatyczne i wystarczy troche psychoterapii. calkowicie do wyleczenia. gorzej jak to jakis fizjologiczny problem.
>Benjamin NetanYahu
Fucking quads
Might also stop them from knocking their wifedaughters up 9 times.
wife probably fine with it, as long as keep it secret and don't tell anyone. same as having a girlfriend.
Send them by the boatload to africa. They can all gather round and fuck the things til they are silicone mush piles and we can bring their birth rate down.
go haha