ITT come up with your own gender
Is nigger a gender?
Great white.
Transnigger yes, it's one of the 72 first official genders
Normally, I am male
Pronouns, he, him, his
When I am upset, I revert to a con-male
Pronouns eh, mih, sih
If I am misgendered, I become a con-female
Pronouns ehs, reh, sreh
I can only revert to a male after calming down.
I'm the gender, gender.
omni-gender. I have all the powers and oppressions of every other gender COMBINED
You can't say a fucking THING to me or I'll sue the shit out of you
Then my gender is nigger.
My pronouns are bix, nood and dindu nuffin.
Tenmen. I am not a man, I am tenmen.
did anyone put that into google translate to see what comes out?
Holocaust survivor
quadrapedal rape-orientated dick missle
Ooga booga.
I identify as a man and my pronouns are him (subjective) and he (objective)
>him (subjective) and he (objective)
Other way around, unless you mean to say "Him went to the ghetto. Niggas beat he up."
Huwhite 19th Century Slave Master
My pronouns are Massa, Massa, and Massa's
A dickshift transmission gearbox.
Do you have the number tatto?
If not you're just a holocaust in female form
congratulations, you found the joke
I found your dick? Where?
If I finish the muhfugga it translates to nothing.
leaf poster
you fuckin monster
Heh, Sup Forums is bretty highbrow today. Is summer nearly done already?
/po/ male - only attracted to internet waifus and cartoon women
>Patrician gender
My tastes are superior, yours are shit.
I don't need a number to know my pronouns! Also I'm genocide fluid, I can be holocaust survivor or armenian refugee depending on the day.
A Toyota Corolla Sprinter Trueno.
floor tile