Are the current generation of kids still considered millennials or is there a new name for them?
Are the current generation of kids still considered millennials or is there a new name for them?
Is it just me or are american asian girls the biggest high school sluts there?
What the fuck are they putting in the water
She's actually 21 but is just Asian.
Calcification pineal gland causes earlier sexual development.
Stop swallowing fluoride
She looks 21 though.
gen z you fucking moron
Well I very much prefer to be considered gen z but I dunno if that's the case, I was born in 1995
Generation Z is everyone from the late 90s on
you're a millenial. Gen Z starts from late 90s - beginning of 2000s. Basically, everyone that can't remember what they did on 9/11 is a gen Z.
Oh well late millenial then. Shame, but still redpilled
I was born in '96. I remember 9/11. I was in Kindergarten. Most people consider me borderline....
underage get ou-
oh fuck...
Female puberty has been getting earlier and earlier. It's mostly triggered by fat accumulation, if you consider the fact that more fat is supposed. To translate into abundance, it makes sense for females who're a bit chubby to. Enter puberty and be ready to breed, but it's not pursued that way. So our childhood obesity just turns into childhood whores. Even the traditional guys on the right have difficulty understanding the nature of women sometimes. Of fixing society meaning we realize women are not capable of guiding themselves. Relationships will have to return to a time where women are essentially owned by their fathers and given away instead of 'dating', That's if the estrogen leeching from fat cells in men, and all the xenoestrogens doesn't prevent strong men from existing to even do that in the first place though.
you're 4 years late
Some of them are Generation Zyklon.
I suppose a bright side is that because of how absolutely fucked things are right now. Those men who endure the suffering of the modern world. Maintain good health, and acquire a name for themselves. Natural eugenics will occur over time with so many men not passing on their genes. With those few men being able to take on multiple women for breeding. I take solace in the fact that we'll eventually be able to correct our path and return to adhering to natural law.
I looked her up online. She's actually 21 and uses a fake age to catfish people.
Looks like a trans elliot rogers.
Estrogen in water, beef and dairy products
Millennials currently control youth opinion. Anyone born in 2000 will be 20 in 2020, that's when Generation Zyklon start to influence youth opinion. 2020's aren't looking too awful desu.
There will always be Chads whose testosterone levels and natural alpha-ness overcomes all the estrogen and sheeeit.
It's the drugs and lack of exercise.
Why do half of women look like this now? Like a cheap Kylie Jenner ripoff with matte lipstick and flesh toned clothing wearing way too much foundation.
Eeeeeehhhh. I was born in 96, but the usual definition of gen zyklon is 95-early 2010s.
Did someone use the faceapp on Elliot?
Are you guys gonna look up 14 year old porn on the deep web now?
inb4 cash me ouside whore
because the guys they're after respond to it
Also 98 I remember little bits of it. Main thing was my mom wouldnt let me watch tv for a day. Do I count?
Because half of women don't actually look like this, just the thots that get paraded around do. I never see a person that looks this much of a whore irl, the women I see are almost always fairly modest in dress and makeup.
>looking it up on the deep web
Are you a pussy or something? Real men look it up on Google.
>implying I even know how to access the deep web
nice try FBI
You know what's an interesting though? There's a shitload of underage porn on the internet right now, freely available on sites like PornHub, because it's anonymously sourced amateur porn. I wonder just how many videos on PornHub and Xvideos and the like have children in them without anybody realising. It's kind of a fucked up thought knowing that some kid's first sexual experience is going to be recorded and shared around by millions of people.
Generation Alpha I believe
deviantart is normieweb site that openly promotes hebe imagery
the excess amount of estrogen in your drinking water is causing premature puberty in girls
who was it who told girls that eye make up like that looks sexy
she just looks like she hasn't had enough sleep
we used to call that look, eyes that look like two pissholes in the snow
What's hebe?
Is all this planned by *them* to normalize pedophilia?
>I'm a virgin despite the fact there are girls half my age already having sex
it's a word pedos use to try to excuse their pedoness
or slang for jew
type it on google and see for yourself. add "philia" at the end, for maximum effect. Make sure to first disable your proxies, tho'.
puberty in normal human females starts 12-13, for niggers its 9. what year do females start puberty in finland? 17?
No, they didn't expect this and it's going to backfire on them. Just watch.
puberty starts at 12-13, you are not suppose to be in the slut phase at 12-13 yet
god I hope so
>tfw legal oppai loli
28? I'm 19 and I thought I was a lost cause. I have godly looks but I'm basically an aristocrat of the soul and true philosophers don't have sex or something.
I googled "hebe" and it just tells me about buying indoor plants.
Oh, I added the "philia" bit and it makes more sense now. Still paedos, regardless of how many fancy words they invent.
So basically you're a fat, unclean neckbeard with the personality of a serial killer pretending to be nice?
welcome to the alphabet watch-list, user.
>an aristocrat of the soul and true philosophers don't have sex or something
now youre just trying to bait son
just buy a whore jesus man
>I'm basically an aristocrat of the soul
>I'm 19
I believe you
Fuck off, Maruchink
Infanto -> 5yo or less
pedo -> 5 to 11yo
hebe -> 11-14yo
Ephebo -> 15-19
note that its against kike interests to acknowledge that age is a continuum. They use the term pedo to mean 0 to 17.999yo
What the fuck happened to her face? Is she allergic to bees and got stung?
I'm sure I've been on some lists for a while, this is just another one for the collection I suppose.
>Ephebo -> 15-19
So we give special words to fucking legal aged women? As for the rest of them, they're just called wronguns.
>They use the term pedo to mean 0 to 17.999yo
I use the word paedo to mean 0 to 15.9999999999. You little kiddy fiddling cunt.
I think it was obvious what I was hinting at by adding "or something"
If I broke, I would most likely just kill myself just so I don't have to live the future of this modern world, so not a serial killer. Other than that, I was just pretending to be retarded.
you know the age of consent is 16 here, right?
>I was just pretending to be retarded.
No need to pretend brother, you're Australian.
look how quickly & easily this hooknose gets triggered. Just when someone quotes his own net-reference on age classification back to him
u've made a serious & baseless accusation, so I've reported u.
Generation Fucked
> life filtered through screens
> lack confidence and critical thinking
> future sold out to globalist cabal
> racemixing and broken traditions
> future disasters, war, economic and environmental collapse
> future will be led by evil leaders like Zuckerberg
> no privacy, genetic modification, tech implants into bodies, DNA databases
>reported me
Oh no, whatever will I do now!
Millenials came of age during the rapid increase in technology that conveniently happened around the millennium. I think that the post internet generation, who have only known the current technological climate are different enough to warrant ageneration block being named after them, even if it leaves Millenials a bit short of a typical generation.
Calling them generation Z is awful and just stems from people too lazy to really consider what distinguishes a generation, so they just follow the alphabet. I lean towards The Social Media Generation, or Generation i, since technological experience has been the major factor that shaped them.
Nobody cares about the naming convention, retard.
I just turned 24, though I'll admit I've never actually tried.
>iGeneration or Social Media Generation
Lol you talk as if their futures are already sold out to Alphabet/Google and Zuckerberg/Sachs
call them Generation Fucked at least it's honest
Pic name related
Gen Maximum Degenerate
Post links.
they'll even use pedo when an older man dates an 18 or 19 year old
>legal aged women
the classification was done decades ago, based on biology & social studies, it didn't consider any society laws.
Ephebophilia is considered physiologically & psychologically normal & healthy in all males.
Just cos the kikes impose some law doesn't make it immoral or moral. It just suggests kikes can make more money with the law than without it : in the case of AoC, the Brit police make money from their control of the illegal paki run white school girl hebe sex slave gangs. They would, if they thought it was politcally plausible, raise AoC to 17, so that they could monopolize the 16yos too.
>I should have the right
Well, physical objectively measurable age isn't really a good indicator of physical and mental maturity so these girls do have a point.
However 18 is the best middle ground we have as we need an objective approach to maturity and they should be happy to be protected for so long.
There is a new generation of kids after the millennials but an official name hasn't stuck yet. This is quite common. After Gen X the next generation of kids after 1980 were first called Gen Y, then demographers noticed that there was a distinction between those born between 1980 and 1995 caused by the internet and called the following group Gen Z. However, this was a mistake as both groups were part of same generation. So, this was changed to Millennials who everyone agrees starts around 1980 and runs to 2004 at least and maybe a few years later. Neil Howe, who wrote the 4th turning thinks that the financial crisis of 2008 starts the next generational turning. This causes a lot of confusion on this board as late Millennials think of themselves as Gen Z as that is what they were told growing up. They are considered Millennials now.
So, the generation that was born after 2004 or 2008 is now called either:
Gen Z(yklon)
'Plurals' - The left wing demographers like to highlight the diversity of the age
'Homelanders' - Neil Howe coined this to indicate that the generation is growing up in an age of uncertainty and state authority
'the iGeneration'
Personally, I think that there is a big distinction between early and late Millennials so I use these terms:
Millennials - anyone born between 1980 and 2008
Gen Y - Early Millennials born between 1980 and 1994
Gen Z - Late Millennials born between 1999 and 2008
Homelanders - Born after 2008
Remember to archive
>mashable com/2015/05/12/marketing-homeland-generation/#KYVpodkaDsqm
This is true. Not to mention ages of consent vary state to state and I believe it's 16 in the UK. Historically, anyone who had reached puberty was fair game. I wouldn't personally fuck anyone under 20 at this point (I'm 32) but I wouldn't be angry at some 22 year old who banged a 17 year old.
Just a fancy word for "but I'm only a paedo by a little bit guys". By a little or a lot you deserve the same beating. You sure do spin a lot of shit to explain away your sick desires.
>Gen Z - Late Millennials born between 1999 and 2008
This should say 1994 to 2008
Them: how old do you think I am
Me: fuck off spic
no way this is what americans wear to college
You can identify her race? All I can see is a car crash covered in make-up, an identity-less blob.
when the next gen of women is alpha cavemen from all the hgh in the water we will take back the planet
>but I wouldn't be angry at some 22 year old who banged a 17 year old
That would be illegal tho in most Western countries. The age of consent is indeed as low as 14 in some places, but most laws are constructed in such a way that if you're under 18 and if you fuck a 14 y/o, you're good to go - if you're over 18 and you fuck a 14 y/o, you might get prosecuted if you don't play your cards well enough. Basically, the age of consent is strictly tied with the age of the person that initiates the sexual advances.
Bingo. Just with 1000000% more autism than you described. Autists will rule the world
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I haven't heard of a case when an user successfully sued another user for slander but I think it'll happen.
I like you user, never change.
I know and I think it's ridiculous. To me 22 and 17 is perfectly acceptable though I acknowledge it's illegal. What I mean is if they decided on a relationship and it became sexual and you could be sure the 17 year old woman wasn't fucking insane I wouldn't personally shame you, but you would open yourself up to prosecution if, like you said, "you don't play your cards well..."