Treaty of Trianon, was it justified?
Was it justified?
Cant wait for the subhumans swarming in and trying to bant/shitpost. But one day we will get our lands back from those cunts and if not atleast the french who made trianon come true will die thanks to Islam and all of us will go down with the gypsies.
Vae Victis
Hungols got BTFO out desu senpai
just how much of a hate filled loser are you haha lmao
majority of those territories weren't even ethnically Hungarian, and were lost almost a century ago. It has absolutely no relevance to today's world problems and would only stir up an unimaginable amount of troubles to try and fail in the meantime.
Everytime I see another terrorist attack I feel nothing but joy.
They might have given our territories away, but their sons and daughters will be lost to Algerians and thelike in a century. Feelsgoodman
No but the allies lost control and just gave in and let it happen.
Justify, justify...
We have this Trianon syndrome but we can't act pragmatically to force autonomy in Szèkelyföld. We have to fight for every Hungarian school abroad, autonomy for Hungarians in Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine
Our political elites just say romantic things about the Old Hungary but do nothing
it was a net positive, because of all the mongol/gypsy banter its created
It was obviously not justified. Everybody knew it then, and they know it now.
No one gave a fuck about Romanian, Slovak, and Serbian demographics. The only thing that mattered was the destruction and destabilization of Hungary, because her fiercely independent nature was always going to be a problem for the globalists, as it is now.
As soon as the EU falls, Hungary will with the help of Poland reclaim most of that territory, So lets hope it happens sooner than later.
All colonial oppressors must be dealt with.
Kill the magyar, kill the paprika.
Mate leaving the batz aside we were more than 50% , and you were kind of fucking us hard, so an all honesty for our part i would say it was fair.
I cant express myself on the other situations.
Have a good day fren
hungarians are human scum, you cannot bully them enough.
Show your real flags faggots
show your first
>We have to fight for every Hungarian school abroad, autonomy for Hungarians in Slovakia
So you are OK with your government meddling in the affairs of another sovereign country ?
Austrian empire would still exist if it stayed no the north of Danube and Sava.
Are you blind? There is a thing called ID it shows every post from a person
You're autistic
romania and hungary this message is for both of you:
nobody cares your irrelevant shitty countries. you have zero impact on global politics.
this is also true for serbia, bulgaria, macedonia, slovenia.
There are 2.5 million Hungarians in our neighbour countries (Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine mainly). They've been living there for more than 1000 years. To ask a fair education system and autonomy for them are not a violate act against a souverign country
>more than 1000 years
>Treaty of Trianon
This sounds like if Sup Forums and two other chans that i can't mention brokered a giant internet peace treaty and ushered in a Golden Age of Shitposting.
Hungarians trapped in a different country just because someone draw a line. They didn't move, they didn't want to change country, they just woke up one day in their homes and they lived in another country. Of course we have every right to do whatever we can to protect the rights and well beings of these people.
We should make a /Trianon General/ where we should redpill people on how (((trianon))) was not valid and unlawful. The treaty of trianon is unlawful because the countries doesn't care about Hungarian minorities therefore the borders must be rewritten to pre-1920 state.
This was my first post
This guy is blind or stupid
You're a faggot
All Hungarians who I met in Brussels were generally very decent people,
romanians on the other hand are pure subhumans.
They luv to whine here, how they are different from gypsies, but in reality they are same shit.
Was it fair? No
Was it justified? Yes you lost a war
hungarian schools in romania are doing just fine. you force romanians in szekely land to learn hungarian. but your government lies frequently about romania. many, many lies. hungarians in romania have benefits that do not exist in any other country in europe. so, fuck you.
You mean you still start an aggressive war of conquest in the 21th century, over a region inhabited majoritarily by someone else since there are historical records...
...against a country which is twice as strong as yours, has defeated you in every single conflict since it is a nation state, and arguably with better bilateral parternerships beyond the EU and NATO.
Tell me more.
hungary lost the war and hungarians were not the majority in those lands. shit happens
>autonomy for them are not a violate act against a souverign country
Sounds like you dont realize you lost the war.
>Hungarians trapped in a different country
They can move back to hungary if they are so trapped
And Romanians should be trapped in a different country because of that too ?
You also lost. In hard power and diplomacy. You just lost. Mostly in diplomacy and public opinion. Germans and gypsies voted to unify with us in 1918 also.
technically, there was no hungary in 1918, only a multinational empire with its capital in vienna. but romania and serbia were there. so , if you want to talk about trianon, talk to americans and Woodrow Wilson
>Hungarians somehow cared about the minorities from before their country was divided.
Double standards are always funny.
Let's not forget hungarian officials were literally bawling their eyes out to not cut up the country since they would give minorities basic human rights now!!!
they whine like austrians in south tyrol.
Wilson disliked Romania, and especially our Queen Maria (who was main envoy in many in those negotiations)
The French and her great-uncle on the British throne liked her though, and Romania had good PR after WW1, so we got to set some terms at Trianon.
Stay north of Drava, there are no hungarians here nor there ever were any, being part of st.Istvans lands doesm't mean you're hungarian. Drava is border, even though entire pannonia used to be slavic dutchy before you mongloids came. There is something about pannonia that attracts horse people, first Iazyges, then huns, then avars and lastly magyars.
yes, hungarians changed many romanian names in 19th century, closed many romanian schools, they tried everything to destroy us, just like in apartheid south africa. they lost, fuck them. we will never forget their hideous crimes, the butchering of children and women.
MFW only country in Eastern Europe only bordered by weaker neighbours
>they whine like austrians in south tyrol.
quads of truth.
or italians about Istra
looks alright
I do wonder why some romanians moved there a thousand years ago.
Maybe the beaches are really nice.
Lies and lies
You always want to shut down Hungarian schools there
Germans voted to unification, yes because you lied to them.
How many ethnic Germans are living in Romania now? Less than 20.000. In 1918 they were 2 million. You killed and sold them to West Germany. And now picked the only German guy there to President called Iohannis to show your 'civilized' image.
You're nothing more than a balkan nation.
probably because no turks I thinks there are around 1000-2000 Istriot romanians left
We need to get back karpatalja and szekelyfold
>or italians about Istra
Not really, it was ours only for 30 years or so,
and we lost it after the war.
Simple, you fight, you lose, you gonna get fucked.
How can a bozgor look at that map and unironically say that Trianon was unjust ?
Besides the butthurt ? Anything else, any ethical or logical arguments ?
Your neighbours dont have to bow down to your jew-tier ethnic cleansing and expansionistic greed, especially when you keep losing aggressive war after aggressive war.
Maybe hun fags should grow up and understand we have common geopolitical goals. And always remember that when Aredeal became Romanian, everyone got equal rights and citizenship, while under Viena suzerainty the majoritary population was second class citizens.
We were too weak and merciful unfortunately.
kek, maybe we confused you with italians and threw you into foibe with them
>How many ethnic Germans are living in Romania now?
And how many ethnic Germans live in Hungary now ?
You forget your own history of deportations, Atilla.
but there were many italians there, even now, many italians live there. Dalmatia on other hand, you have no right to it
>You killed and sold them to West Germany.
Are you mentally retarded?
They were forced to leave because of the soviets and anti-german sentiment AFTER WW2.
Holy shit what is wrong with you?
There were no turks back when they migrated. Regardless, they'll suffer the same fate all romance speakers do outside of those with their own countries.
C'est la vie.
We never asked you to move there, it was mostly the fault of the Ottomans.
>We wuz genocided and shieeeet
Prove it please
Would do it again
te fideszes fasz :D
We know that. We have problems with Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Ignore those Hungarians, who write 'occupy Croatia' things we don't want that
They're low IQ geographically uneducated mongolid trolls
please notice no hungarian will ever reply to a picture with ethnic maps in a trianon thread.
Hope you enjoy yourselves, Mohammed.
well, you already control INA and bank of Split, what else would you want?
transylvania belongs to hungarians
Southern Poland belongs to Croatia. Eastern Germany belongs to Serbia
>romanians were moving to Transylvania to be oppressed because of Ottomans, even though romanian states were autonomous unlike the hungarian eyelets.
Hungarian intellectuals everybody.
And only one of this country actually wins wars to some fucking degree, so better pick on the others.
It's such a coincidence all Hunneighbors reject their glorious, civilizing influence.
Seriously, look at history, Hungary is jihad tier and any westerner who thinks differently just doesn't know the facts.
There are about 100.000. ethnic Germans in Hungary now and 500.000 people with German anchestry (svàb ). Soviets and Communists wanted to deport them back to Germany in 1945-47. They deported about 300.000. between 1945-47
Look this is Economics, for example Germans control almost every company here
Romania was sucking turkish dick while they were being killed by them, and they only wanted to be alive in Hungary what we actually provided.
>but there were many italians there, even now, many italians live there.
Italians from a thousand years ago.
It's what makes you slightly better and less subhuman than the Serbs.
And again, Dalmatia was Roman province, very old stuff.
Now, more Ottoman than Italian.
>We have problems with Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Yeah, you're like Muslims that way.
Nieghbor countries all happy with each other, all except one.
Maybe try harder to make friends with neighbors.
Your proof being?
It's partly true. Soviets and Stalinist Communists forced Germans to leave Romania in 1945-47 same happened here. BUT After 1947 at least 400.000. Germans remained in Romania. Ceaucescu sold them to West-Germany during the 60s 70s and 80s. It's your fault not the Soviets.
You're a good liar and propagandist.
We were actually bulwarking the West while you were literally a fucking EYELET.
Romanian principalities have NEVER lost autonomy since Posada, even though we weren't independent, though, as usual, you got fully conquered and annexed.
Poland send diplomat to support Hungarian rebels in Romania.
Why do you feel that's right or justified ?
We built a fence against the Muslims first in Europe in 2015.
We have good relations with Austria, Slovenia and Croatia they're good neighbours. Sometimes we have little economic debates like this INA-MOL issue which mentioned by the Croat user here.
You're a good liar and propagandist too.
Yes. Hungarians were minorities in those areas. Plus Hungary deserved it after (((Bela Kun's))) communist coup.
Lol Why do you show a 40 years old ID card photo of Viktor Orbàn? Just look for the word of Romanian and gipsy and you can found billions of images on Google
It's ridiculous.
no one blames hungarians for INA, we ruined INA and sold it to MOL so party members could provide more gibs for other party members
Well, we like Hungary the most of all nations on Earth.
>Austria, Slovenia and Croatia
That's because there are no Hungarian minorities for you to support separation and other meddling in those countries.
Be a better neighbor.
And your fence was good, I hear Czechs and Slovaks have sent police to help patrol it.
Also we want head of Zoltan Hernandy. We put our primeminister into jail because of INA we want Hernandy too
Yes hungary should be somewhere near mongolia
Oh boy, there are Hungarian minorities in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia too. But they are CIVILIZED nations and they provide educations, autonomy rights to local Hungarians. Unlike Ukraine, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania because they're feudal, eastern europe' communist style balkanic shitholes.
Which means you'd betray another friendly nation,risk your country, risk your country, expansionistic retarded ideas that are only bound for failure because their enemies are stronger and also better allied ?
thats what I want. No more no less
Hungary deserves its clay back. Once the next big redrawing of Europe's borders happens after the fall of the EU, no doubt Hungary will get most of it back.
Lol Zsolt Hernàdy is a close friend of Orbàn he'll not be in jail, until Orbàn is in power here.
Yes and no. There were many non-Hungarians in Old Hungary, but arras like southern Slovakia, borderlands of Romania (Szleky land was too far and surrounded by Romanians to have a real chance at staying in) and a bit of Croatia and Serbia had a Hungarian majority The First Vienna Accord was probably the borders they shouldve at least received, Second Vienna Accord + partition of Yugoslavia borders at max
>there are Hungarian minorities in Austria
I think we have a bigger croat and slovenian minority than a hungol one desu
How ?
They can thank the West we haven't annexed them in 1929, because the strength of the core of their nation is lacking.
It's what happens when your whole general zeitgeist is built on steppe-tier violence, death and destruction. Peoples reject you.
No. Hungarians are based and Romanians are subhuman poos.
Just like Sicilians can just flee back to Rome when they feel the island's too nigger-infested, right?
>destroy a nation and divide it extremely unfairly
>oy vey you can't just start meddling with neighbouring SOVEREIGN NATIONS!
Treaty of Trianon was a treaty so wrong that corrective measures to it would have my full support.
You're not better allied mate. Hungary and Poland are using their combined diplomatic power to foster deep cooperation within central Europe, in the form of what we call the V4. And military power of Poland alone is no match for Romania, let alone the V4. Therefore, in a scenario where the EU falls into chaos sparked by the white genocidal policies of the West, Romania could very easily get invaded, and the borders redrawn.
Pic related is certainly a possibility within the 21st century.
>Oh boy, there are Hungarian minorities in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia
How many ?
And what % of population ?
And how much threat are they to the country ?
Lets face it its interesting that have an erection to the territories you used to run, because YOU were the assholes in charge, and YOU tried to magyarize everyone under your control, and it didnt work.
>All this buthurt
Holy fuck why did Tito make us genocide Germans instead of Hungarians,imagine how much better shitposting hours would have been.