How can we solve the white women question?

How can we solve the white women question?

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Your pic answers your question: grow up boy.

I'd be very surprised if Tom isn't on growth hormone and other life extension stuff. His skin is very good.

I would seriously rather get gay with him than fuck her. How does one grow up so ugly and one keep decent looks?





Wrong blue color
Mine is light blue

She was never much of a looker.
Looks 10 years older than Tom on that picture where they're young.

Listen up. Just focus on (((actual roots))) of the propaganda. Redpill with visual evidence. The rest will fall into place.


Stop fucking tanning, binge drinking, wearing make-up all in an attempt to be as pretty as the other girls in your 20s only to end up looking like a leather bag in your 30s

There is no question.

It's all wmen though, they just don't age well in 99% of cases. It's great to be a woman when aged 21 but awful when older unless you are married. That's why soiety used to control young women and push them to marry, it's for their own good. Women are irrational and silly so giving 18 year olds the choice of what to do results, surprise surprise, in girls making stupid decisions.

its prob the price they pay for having baby farm equipment

I know that there are many questions about Tom's sexuality, but I think that referring to him as a "white woman" is a little too much.


How many keeds?

>comparing some random bitch to one of our greatest descendants ever
I know he's a flaming fgt but at least he tries to hide it behind some hilarious cult

White people take the sun the worst out of all of the races, and love to bake in it all day.

I'm almost in my 30s, and I keep sun contact to an absolute minimum, and I still have the same quality of skin that I did in high school. It's extra apparent when I look at my childhood friends who loved being/doing things outside.

Asians have this figured out, they have an extreme aversion to sun and it shows in their later years.

You unwittingly stumbled upon the Scientology pill.
May it bid you well.

Wrong. Men just have superior skin.

tom's looking pretty good for his age jesus

its not about race
scientology is the answer

Man, imagine actually marrying a woman in her thirties. All the youth has been fucked and vommed out of her and all you get is the shriveled up scrotal sack that's left behind.

Would bang

She used to drink and smoke
Alcohol and smoking are known to accelerate the aging process

Why does CM Punk look like shit now then?

He ages slower because he's short, short people don't tax their stem cell niches as much as taller people.

Why are whites aging horrible?

Being punched in the face also accelerates the ageing process

You don't. It's over.

do what our ancestors did - fuck the 24 year old secretaries etc while our wives become haggard

also whores

we like to go to the sun
we like alcohol
we like to smoke
we like to eat a lot of overly cooked meat from BBQ

You have to go back

Most whites you see have smoked, drank heavily, applied copious amounts of makeup, ect throughout their lives. Now that they are middle aged the results of the abuse of health are showing.
The color white/light colors tend to show more defects and lines easily, unlike dark colors. Like paper or clothing. Its the reason why darker races tend to be uglier.
Women are also aging quicker due to chemical exposure. They are hitting puberty much quicker than they used to. 100 years ago they got the periods at 15-16 like natural. Now it's 8-10 years old. A side reason why chastity in girls is valued is that girls that got periods sooner than normal and got pregnant often died in childbirth since a girls hips and birth canal fully widens enough to pass a child in the late teens. Nobody wants to see their little girl die before they do, nor do they want to know that all the resources they poured into raising that child were wasted. Teens look like 20yo and 20yo look to be in their 30s now, and as a result hebephilia is becoming more common.
There are some other nit-picky reasons, but these are the main ones.

Robots, traps, and artificial wombs are the future. Women will be relegated to a few refugee camps so they can be farmed for DNA for awhile then purged.

look at Cher. If they remade Mask today she could be in it, only this time she'd play Rocky Dennis instead of his mom.

>only this time she'd play Rocky Dennis instead of his mom

she looked busted back then.

Discard them and wife Asian grills..

The summer is still so strong in this mother fucker. Testosterone is the "vitality" hormone for a reason. If you don't overdo it and turn into a bodybuilder with gut distention, or maintain a BMI of 10% while actualy being 30+ pounds overweight (see Mr. Olympia contestants), you can actually achieve a balance that will retain your vitality until old age. Think Sean Connery until about the age of 70. He was 60 years old in "The Hunt For Red October". Think about that for a second.

Women do not have near as much test as men. Women are also plagued with the hormones progesterone and especially estrogen. These make them female, while simultaneously reducing their market value into old age.

A woman can retain dignity into old age with proper diet and exercise, but honestly, who does that these days. Very few (pic related).

One last note for you young guys. If you ever want to tell a woman's age, just look at her hands. Once her hormones flip in the mid 40s, they all get the "hands" look, and it's downhill from there no matter what they do.

Top Gun is a mediocre film.

>A woman can retain dignity into old age with proper diet and exercise, but honestly, who does that these days. Very few (pic related).
Scully from the X files, born in 1968. Still hot af, although she was a lot hotter just a few years ago.

David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) who is 8 years older has also aged very well

If you are you just need to work out, stay out of the sun and not drink/smoke after 25 and you're fine. Women should never smoke or drink period because they go down hill after they are 16 if they aren't careful.