What the fucks wrong with tumblr?

What the fucks wrong with tumblr?

>safe words are "keep going" and "more"
what the fuck

Ask him for the video

Yeah it's some day Walmart employees fantasy about having a wife who doesn't want to fuck him. Because that's more realistic than a fantasy about ever having sex.

That's probably bait, though

everyday we stray away from god's light

I'd bet money that the "daddy dom" was the one who came up with those safe words. Imagine her in court now
>I even used my safewords!
>Which was?
>"Keep going" and "more"
>Well... Can you see how my client might have thought that you actually wanted more? That you wanted him to keep going?
>B...but I was raped I promise! "sob"

Meanwhile the cuck husband is just sitting there with tears in his eyes. Not from the emotional pain but from the physical pain of having a raging erection inside his cock cage.

These people are sick.

Wtf am I reading?

Pretty sure this is satire...

Wouldnt fly if they have a verbal arrangement. Court would side with the girl. Anyways to bad her safeguard wasn't kys because that's what she should do. No idea what a daddy Dom is, iin my mind it's pic related