Aussie NatSoc Recruiting

Hey guys just wanted to say a big thank you for the huge amount of applications we've received. Vetting is of course, a slow but accurate process to weed out the shills. So please be patient.
Please take the time to visit our main site.

>inb4 it's a honeypot

Other urls found in this thread:

Definitely keeping an eye on this.

Don't think I will be joining something like this until I have fully self sufficient income though and am not dependent on a wage for income (as this can cuck you out of saying your true opinions).

You cunts are a joke

>hur dur swastika stickers around universities

People just peeled them off and life went on. Fucking meme-tier. Neck yourselves. Or be politically visible and active.


You failed the instant you used the word "antipodean" because A) nobody knows what the fuck it means, B) when they do realise what it means then it makes us an auxiliary of England, which we're fucking not, and C) nobody can fucking pronounce it

So yeah, noose.

is anything happening in Perth?

should be our city slogan


Are you attempting to change my opinion with that shit?

You're LARPing as Nazis but clearly know nothing about the post-Versailles lead-up to 1939 and how public opinion was swayed.

Amateur hour. The noose is ready.

Whatcha doing rabbi?

The fact that you guys are in the MSM and are Stormer tier edgy makes me think you're a honeypot, but if you're not, good on ya lads.

Not the Nazi Larpers, but:

>B) when they do realise what it means then it makes us an auxiliary of England, which we're fucking not

Completely wrong.

larping faggots



nazi larping so hard youll lose ur job and be a dirty abdo


Oy vey! Ze kikes are going nutz


you guys are doing good with postering

but particularly for the no campaign - you should n't have been so needlessly edgy, and you shouldn't have taken credit for it, as it creates a poor association with the campaign

Thanks mate.

You guys are fucking retarded

nw. by all means keep postering for this campaign - such efforts are appreciated and we need more, but please do so with the widest appeal in mind - which yes, means not attaching your organisation to the posters, and dropping all edgelord rhetoric.
i share the sentiment of criticism with those in this thread, that the edgelordism does more harm than good in general. it can appeal to those few who wish to join you, but the majority of the public are just scared off by that sort of thing.
i think this is true for your general strategy, but its PARTICULARLY important for this campaign - you don't want to give the yes side ammunition. just focus on appealing to normies.

i encourage you to listen to the stratagem put forth from this young chap


kys anti white scum

Are you the fags who keep putting death's heads up around the inner suburbs of Melbourne?

>yes goy play our game and you will win
>hammer and sickle are fine though haha

>anti capitalism
>anti communism
Literal subhuman filth. You share the yoke of command economy failure with every communistic and socialistic state ever.

>b-but third way!
No. There are two ways. Capitalism or failure. I suppose you can guess which you're a part of by now.