How can free will exist if god exists and is all knowing and all powerful ?
please explain i don't understand
How can free will exist if god exists and is all knowing and all powerful ?
please explain i don't understand
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Free will is a lie you just choose what spirits tell you what to do
He knows what choices you will make, but you are still free to choose it.
It's not free will if it's already predetermined aussie.
It can't, any evil committed is by God's will or he isn't all powerful. Now if he allows said evil to exist then that means he approves, then he's not benevolent.
It's a basic paradox Christcucks can't answer.
But it's not predetermined. You make the choice at the moment it occurs, it's your free will to do A or B, God just already knows what you will choose when the time comes. Alpha and Omega etc.
Just because he knows what YOU will choose doesn't mean it's predetermined, you still got to make the choice, God just knows which option you choose.
Some people I've talked to liken this to the old "Can God make a rock so heavy He can't lift it' routine. Does he know what you will choose? Yes.
Does that mean you're locked into that choice and free wuill is a lie? No, because you chose it freely. He just has the cheat sheet.
Did you ever think that the free will of man is what creates evil and to stop that is to impose on said free will, you neck beard fagott?
It's very unlikely that either God or free will exist.
This is what I've been struggling with for a while. The only conclusion is that God is not an all loving God. He has to be bad as well as good. Hate as well as love.
if god is all knowing and all powerful why doesn't he stop the evil in the world? If he knows evil exists and doesn't stop it then he's not merciful. If he doesn't know evil exists, he's not all knowing. If he knows evil exists but can;t stop it, then he's not all powerful.
>ask a theological question on his favorite mongolian nail painting social network
>does not mention which god he refers to
Has never read Genesis
Read God's Debris by Scott Adams.
Simply put think of it as God can see the entire multiverse all at once. God knows what each of your decisions will cause, and where it will get you in life. He does not know which you will pick because of free will.
God is all powerful and controls his ability to know everything.
He kills like zillions of people in the Bible. Love isn't about giving you everything you want and letting you be a savage. It's about keeping you on the righteous path and slamming your dick in a door when you stray.
Imagine you knew for certain the path to absolute pleasure, contentment, and security. What would you do to make sure your loved ones followed that path?
If I create a robot that can choose to go backwards or forwards based on some fancy random number generator I write, does it have free will?
If God created a being that can choose various actions based on some crazy meatbag mechanics the he designed, does it have free will?
The answer is no. If a being is created with all the knowledge of what it will do in the future already known, there is no room for free will. That being has been designed to undertake a specific path.
Unironically this.
The way I see it is that God doesn't experience/effected by his creation, for example Time. So everything happened and happening at the same time. The past and the future doesn't exist in his world.
There is disagreement about if god is Timeless or Temporal.
>God is beyond time altogether. It could be said that although God does not exist at any time God exists at eternity. That is, eternity can be seen as a non-temporal location as any point within time is a temporal location. Second, it is thought that God does not experience temporal succession. God's relation to each event in a temporal sequence is the same as his relation to any other event. God does not experience the first century before he experiences the twenty-first. Both of these centuries are experienced by God in one "timeless now."
Typical sodomite logic.
How can free will exist when the firing of the neurons in your brain is entirely mechanical?
I stopped believing when a floor mate pestered me to go to church every Sunday so i can repent my sins. I asked him if i killed someone and then repented will i still get to heaven? He said yes.
I've been thinking about a similar question:
What if some actions that are considered wrong or sins aren't a result of free will because they are the consequence of other people's actions, i.e they are the punishment for other people's sins? It seems retarded then to simultaneously condemn that action (the one that might be a consequence) AND to have the belief that the action that was causing it was a sin, because if the action that is a consequence was really independent of the prior action, then the first action would have no consequence, and therefore wouldn't be a sin, because an action having adverse consequences is what defines it as a sin and wrong.
It's high time we invented some new gods. It's not like we give a fuck about any of this shit being true anyways.
Then God would have made us robots. Wouldn't he. There is no getting around the dilemma of free will and slavery. But I suspect you still would not comprehend you fuckin dumb cunt.
God knows every possible choice we can make and what the outcome of those choices are, but we still have the free will to choose which outcome happens.
According to the Bible, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit. At first, they were happy to stay away from the tree, but Satan appeared in the form of a snake and spoke to Eve (they could speak to both animals and God in their pure, sinless state). He convinced her that she could be like God if she ate the fruit, and so she did in order to become like God, and so did Adam. With that, they were exiled from the garden, and since then humans cannot speak to God except through the name of Jesus Christ, who died to cleanse us of the First Sin of Adam and Eve. Of course, God knew this would happen. The reasoning for why he let this happen is because he wanted us to come to Him of our own free will, to know that even though we are imperfect and flawed we can be saved if we go to Him and follow His commandments. He lets us have free will because without it, we are not human.
Praise the Lord. Amen.
God knows what you're going to do, but doesn't stop it = Free Will
with the random library
evil need to exist for the greater good , it will all work out in the end when you are in heaven or hell by your own free choice
Posted this in another thread but really want answers:
I consider myself a Christian, more or less. I go to church on Sunday and I enjoy the community aspect of it. I read the Bible because there are passages that are inspiring and uplifting. I believe in God because there are good arguments (e.g. cosmological contingency/a few versions of the ontological argument/etc.)
But am I really supposed to literally believe the Bible? Like, that Jesus LITERALLY walked on water and fed 5000 people with a few scraps of food? Or that he LITERALLY rose from the dead? What's the evidence for this besides the testimony of a few people from thousands of years ago?
Or something else: prayer. Do fellow Christians really believe praying makes any difference? Do they literally think this is how the world works? You ask God for stuff and he deliberates on whether or not to answer? Again, I like praying, but for me it is a meditative experience of gratitude. I don't treat it like a conversation or some cosmic wishing well.
I get that religion is helpful for a lot of people but people who treat the Bible as some infallible, literally true, text strike me as naive. For one, it is full of contradictions. Again, it is a hugely powerful book, but it's not perfect (as you'd expect if it was literally the word of God).
Am I even a christian? I go to bible study every other week and I'm amazed that fully grown adults talk about this stuff like it's literal fact. And when you ask for evidence they just point to more bible quotes. Or worse, they talk about 'faith' as if this is supposed to be a good foundation for believing outrageous supernatural claims of which my own life experience has no parallels. I mean I get signs from God (they can be interpreted that way) but they're not supernatural...
God created everything, so he created you to be evil and damns you to eternal hell.
Nowhere was free will even an option.
>meaning that he has knowledge of what I'm going to do before I do it!!!!
You're retarded on levels not thought possible.
Why did God let Adam and Eve bite the apple when tempted by the serpent? It's because He had already warned and guided them but due to his gift of free will he will never completely stop you from doing so (inb4 evil runs the world, that's another topic).
He did not made us like robots, but free will always have consequences.
Another thing that bugs me about Christianity is the whole idea of original sin and forgiveness.
Firstly, there is no evidence that Adam and Eve existed - we evolved. So God sends down his son, Jesus, to be killed in order to forgive an imaginary sin committed by imaginary people? Does a newborn baby really need to be forgiven for this imaginary sin? And if so, why not just forgive it? This whole story gets too messy and self loathing for me when you take it so literally. I'm this person btw.
Even in a metaphorical sense this whole story is hard to swallow. I don't know what it is about this story that is supposed to be true/inspiring/whatever. It doesn't matter how I live my life as long as I believe in Jesus? What?! I feel that this appeals to the guilty and the weak, but not me. The guilty, because they can be absolved. The weak, because it gives them a get out of jail card for their laziness/poor life choices/immoral behaviour.
I just want to give thanks to God for my life and everything in it. I'm not driven by guilt, but by gratitude. Again, does this even mean I'm a christian if I feel this way?
Not believing EVERY SINGLE THING in the Bible is to deny that it's the Word of God, and to deny the Miracles the Jesus did at the Command of the Lord, is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God.
Now, before you go full fedora, I'll tell you that I was raised in a HYPER BAPTIST household, and had to read the Bible EVERY SINGLE DAY.
you dont have free will your a extra. named characters dont have free will they are forced to carry out roles
the only humans who have free will are free agents. your not technically part of the "cast" and your asked to not interfere. you may help out 1 side on a mater but its common courtesy to not play favorites to often
>> has AIDS
god felt bad for you when you were born cause he knew you were going to be a weird shit fucking faggot but I suppose he still loves you. I sure fuckin dont
>baby's first theology 101
you have to be 18 to post
Its predetermined.
Christcucks believe they deserve to skip any punishment by apologizing to god instead of the people you affect.
Also, if any of you idiots believe in god, you wouldnt mind getting stabbed in the gut to go to heaven.
I guess I'm not a christian, then. I'll keep going to church and reading the Bible because I enjoy them and I believe in God. But I couldn't believe the Bible is infallible and literally true even if I tried - there's just too many contradictions/too much weird unethical stuff in there for that.
How can you have such bold beliefs? Is there no cognitive dissonance?
free will is our inability to see all the strings
we're determined to be free
If you truly believed in god, then you wouldnt mind getting killed.
After all, what does this life matter to you if you are getting an eternal one in heaven, huh?
Explain this to me, christfag.
the original sin is essentially humans becoming self conscious and therefore conscious about good and evil, which means humans attained evil potential/capacity for evil. the success of your navigation through the wake of that original sin is determined by to what extent you manifest the archetype of jesus christ.
walk with god and you'll be fine, sir
>walk with god and you'll be fine, sir
Thank you. But how do I know if I am I walking with God?
fine tune your nervous system and it will tell you
That also means people learned how to be good.
Seriously, the original sin has the same purpouse of the black lives matter movement.
Blaming you for being fucking born and you cant be forgiven unless you join the cause.
Fucking disgraceful.
the fucking mental gymnastics
you call it evil. god calls it humans with free will
you are correct, in the sense that that is a niggers interpretation of the original sin....
it's meant as a warning against your own capacity for evil and tentative instructions on how to stave off your inner satan. i'm not saying its a perfect system (not a christcuck myself) and it gets totally fucked if you start to conflate the reality being discussed in religious terms with the material reality we all think about when we talk about reality, but still, it has a lot more to it than what you're representing it as in my opinion
It doesnt change the fact that if you donot convert to christianity, you are technically going to hell.
So no, its a scare tactic.
"If you dont join our cult, you are going to hell!"
only if you interpret the bible as literally and retarded as possible
Are you doubting the words of your perfect and omnipotent god?
Are you implying his words can be interpreted by mere imperfect humans like us?
You christians are just dodging the truth.
lol I'll give it a try
>Maggot grows inside babys eye
>Child cancer
>The brice of freedom aint free, gob bless :DDD
I know the sun will rise tomorrow, does my knowledge of future events force them to happen?
Change your conception of what god is first of all. God is what he is, our conception of him matters not. The finite cannot fully understand the infinite. We have to live comfortably with uncertainty on some matters.
>Seid stille und erkennt, daß ich GOTT bin
It's not an illusion, our reality is specifically designed FOR freewill and decision making.
>More specifically, the theorem(kochen-specker) excludes hidden variable theories that require elements of physical reality to be non-contextual (i.e. independent of the measurement arrangement)
It is just heavily constrained by a rule set we commonly describe using the model of the reward system, as well as other unquantifiable unconscious factors described by jung and others. For instance during a drug addiction we have a diminished free will because our brain has undergone neuroplastic changes which so heavily incentivise/prioritize the drug that it causes great consternation if we don't have the drug. So we effectively become more like the deterministic zombie that physicalist see us as. But even then we still have the will to simply STOP IT. You marshal the neuroplasticity using freewill in the form of the choices you make. Once you DECIDE to stop using drugs your brain rewires in such away where it becomes easier to resist the addiction.
Let me put it to you this way:
1. You're taking care of a puppy
2. There is something on the ground that the puppy shouldn't play with
3. You know the puppy is going to play with it, but you let it do it anyway
4. The puppy makes a mistake and learns from it
5. Your knowledge of what the puppy would do and the puppy's free will are not mutually exclusive
See how this works?
How can free will exist if god doesn't exist and we are all biological machines?
Free will doesn't exist no matter how you look at it.