Shill's on plebbit are organizing to "take down" pol

>pic related
>NEETs think they can do what shareblue couldn't

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not a shill but I criticize nazis for being socialist all the time. Doesn't hurt though.

Let them come. Some get red pilled but overall they do very little to non damage and only waste their time.

This is where they hang out:

What actually happens:
>start spouting memes
>"ironically" laugh about racist jokes
>realize that there is a grain of truth in Sup Forums humor
>actually a lot of truth
>fuck! how could I be so blue pilled?
>new Sup Forumsack joining our ranks

>new recruits incoming

as if this wasn't painfully obvious already

Time to redpill some normies


I don't think these retards understand how Sup Forums works none of those tactics work because unlike Reddit Sup Forums browsers tend to actually be sceptical and won't normally take some random user saying "here's the guy!" As truth, and likewise people on Sup Forums tend to actually argue their points and views all that's going to happen is that these commies will be called retards and or shitposters and leave out of frustration





every fucking time

>I'm not a shill
I'm afraid only bad goys come here.

>attempt to raid Sup Forums
>there is no gold or upvote system for raiding
>some members get redpilled

doomed to fail
also, Sagettarius.


goodness, best of luck to them the pets, they haven't a prayer desu.


just call them trolls ffs
you realize than 1 simple post on plebbit will have newfags and children pointing fingers and shitposting at each other more effectively than 100 shillbots.

a post like this will literally make brainlets do it for free.

definitely an imminent threat

>These tactics have been shockingly successful

I'd like to see how they measure this exactly.

I haven't noticed a change in the last 5 years.

The confederate flag anti-racism posters are irritating I guess?

It's a little bit annoying that media faggots know what we're up to, but they've been eavesdropping since the election anyway.

Just about the only thing they're good at is spamming e-celeb threads to bump limits, which is probably a good idea anyway.


Who even makes this?

It's as if they think we're anything like them

>Sup Forums goes around doxxing people
that's Sup Forums's territory and only if there's cats involved

>morons larping crap about nazis isn't normal
How do they imagine nazis were normalised in the first place

They'd have better luck causing trouble by shitting in the street in India.

Vanity flags need to go.

It’s hard to force a narrative on Sup Forums, whereas most places all you need is a mod or 2 on side and you’re sorted

Shills on here can only really make noise, unless they’re spooks with ‘tools’

Reminder that meme flags were purposefully lobbied for by the moots leftist friends still left on the moderation team for shills to use.

The gets never lie, lads.

OMFG you must be a nigger

4D chess

Not a shill but I think any economic system needs roads.

To piss into an ocean of piss, and get dragged in by the undertow.

Who needs roads when you move around with helicopters?

ironically half the time it's Sup Forums
the white male/asian female stuff especially.

>>Sup Forums goes around doxxing people
>that's Sup Forums's territory and only if there's cats involved

Exactly. I view identifying violent criminal elements that are trying to commit murder a little more complex than simple doxxing of an animal abuser.

>shows screengrab from private forum on reddit
>screengrab old af
>thinks Sup Forums can't uncover he's a shill

Fuck off shariablue


good point, I'm an ancap now

oh dear that's so much worse than the literal discord of faggots that stink this place up

can anything even destroy Sup Forums except other people from Sup Forums?

More importantly why would we ever care?

There's violent crime which could lead to a large disturbance? It's happening!!! Sup Forums would grab popcorn, why stop the show?

Just to make more happenings for more popcorn.

Watch them stay longer than their pityful one hour and snap.

We should organize antifa plebbits ourselves for the sole purpose of redpilling.

Sup Forums is like a chaos tainted space hulk, you can only roam here for so long until you start to turn.

>I'm not a shill but


And this

Well, Chaos IS the only true answer, user.

Chequed my dude

It's even worse, I'm from t_d
>fuck all the niggers here hating my meme flag.
>live in tennesssee

lol the commies don't understand exposure to our ideas will just convert them to us

so what it's happened before

reddit are a bunch of faggots. nobody cares


My balls stink like vinigar :D have a nice day :)

Anons needs to stop taking the bait. Everytime I see an antifa faggot in a thread they always get like 10 replies. STOP GIVING THESE FAGGOTS ATTENTION.


They think they can manage chaos when we actively worship chaos here.

Holy shit OP I found even more

>Pissing into ye old sea of piss

Wow we should be really worried that they might post misinformation or might even derail a thread oh NO!!! What will we do?

I dunno guys, cuck porn and unfunny Karl Marx memes are starting to convince me. I find myself skipping meals in solidarity with my starving communist comrades. And I subconsciously want to form lines for consumer goods. Thinking of buying an old Lada. Is the left winning?

Not until the fat lady sings

>Ancaps and natsoc are essentially the same thing
Ree I'm triggered

I miss the times where we were enemies

Just as true for Sup Forums.

>yeah, this hurts to do
>do it in chunks, their shit can get terribly depressing
Lmao, what a bunch of faggots. Can't even handle words in a nepalese wine-tasting internet congress


holy fuck is this true?

Fucking kek. It's time to restart society from scratch.

I'm more of a natsoc tho, unless you mean natsocs and Israelis in which case yeah its bizarre.

Your forgot the obligatory
>"Fuck you guys, I was X before coming here"

We're doing the exact same thing they did back in the day. They chose the colour red specifically because it would draw in the commies so that they'd get a fair chance to talk with them.

great, now all my sarcastic comments at retarded posters are going to be antifa shilling while Sup Forums lurches off into la-la land, all because I wanted to shitpost with people that don't get offended and aren't raging egofaggots.

No one can take down Paul. No one

We need to create a scale of redpilledness of belief.

And then draw normies in starting at the thin edge of the wedge.

its kindof funny how jews are the original nat socs. Genetic testing, genociding their enemies, eugenics in place etc.

lol I'm from PA, i guarantee you that the free market would do a better job with the roads. Fucking dirt roads and wooden bridges would be better.

Not a shill but niggers kill more niggers than whites kill niggers.

Its calling to a war?

>reddit doing anything
its gonna be gay and cringy. not even t_D is safe from degeneracy.

>they think they can do what the CIA, FBI, NSA, JIDF, CTR, SHAREBLUE couldn't

Do they not realise we like arguing with them?

Not to mention that originally Zionism collaborated with Nazism in a large degree. As far as I can see an Israeli state and the Reich could have been allies.

UGH with THIS SHIT again

why dont they fucking understand they can't fucking get rid of us

even if Sup Forums gets taken down there are still sister sites with just as racist Sup Forums clones, fucking autists think we're it, when we're just the surface.

Wow, you opened my eyes, Sup being raided, REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>dont do this for longer than an hour, it may depress you.

Its called truth.

Let them come. The red pills with blot out the sun.

>le redpilling normiez meme Xd
Does anyone actually believe this? I've been lurking Sup Forums to laugh at you guys since before the election when you started shitting up other boards in mass, and you guys have almost convinced me to be more leftist.

who cares, will barely make a difference to the usual business here

so why are you killing so few niggers?
you are telling me that whitey is worse than niggers at killing niggers? tell me more about how white people are the best

Is there a single person to whom this actually happened?

Again? LOL it never works. Never. Most of time people don't even notice we're being "raided."

Let them come.
Come little faggots and swim.
Doesn't the water look fine?
Shame about what's lurking just beneath the surface.

If they would engage in any kind of discussion they would be assimilated.
By changing unintellieble something like "he will not divide us" they would not take down shit.
DDoS on Sup Forums is possible only if Sup Forums administration will turn off the defence.


I don't know what kind of brain disorder you might have to become more leftist after being here for months.

doesnt this already happen? these people are retards anyway, so it doesnt even matter

says the shill with no sense of humor

The Sup Forums should be diversified. There should be like 5 Sup Forumss that you'll alternate using. If it happens it will just get posted on all and you could just cross-link n sheit if something is missed.

fuck off with your plebbit bullshit and go shove a vote up your ass

>implying rainbow-haired antifacist neo-marxist homosexuals are normies

It's Progressive Logic, user. Liberals "Can't believe" we "Actually believe" these "Bigoted" things, and any arguments we make for these "Bigoted" things are just more evidence that we're "Silly lesser racist bigots".

Laughter is a great tool for reassuring yourself and stopping yourself from thinking too hard about things.

I look around, see hare-brained conspiracy theories that conveniently leave out rightists, "proofs" of massive jewish conspiracies, shit-tier propaganda-esque political "memes", and "jokes" about muh niggers. It all gets old really fast, but it's hilarious to watch the circlejerk. What mental disorder do you have to browse this board unironically?

lel leftists xd

What the fuck are you on about? This is defensive measures.

well it all comes down to endurance, polls brain is ruled by the majority, so if these shills can become the majority and keep comming on pol everyday they might change the hivemind. But I doubt they got the endurance.

>their shit can get terribly depressing if you work longer than an hour at a time

oh, I forgot harsh words and pictures physically hurt these limp faggots.