Does it make sense for the United States to spend 54% of its budget on the military?

Does it make sense for the United States to spend 54% of its budget on the military?

yes. the only purpose of government is to protect its citizens.

Better question for nigger OP. Does it make sense for the United States to spend any less than 100% on the military?


>protects its citizens
>meanwhile citizens die of cureable illness, malnutrition, poison in unregulated food/water, accidents bc crumbling infrastructure
>veterans literally homeless because unfit for work and no aid, despite having risked their lives to "protect the citizens"

Why are you such a bigot? You realize that money is for the hormone treatments and reassignment surgery.


Welfare programs and debt interest are not considered discretionary. This is about 35% of the total budget.

>no wall money
It's for jobs or our unemployment rate would be 20%. Guaranteed straight out of high school job security.

We could make due with 40%.

alot of the military budget go to the veterans you fucking mong

Working in the fields or busing tables. Good thinking, user!

The US is a vassal state and not the hegemon.

r8 my budget

It isn't 54% of its budget. It's 54% of its discretionary budget, which is less than a sixth of its total annual spending.

>has to police half the fucking planet
>gets ridiculed for spending so much money
I never really understood why Americans still do it.

In the oven

Descretionary spending and budget are two different things. Defense is less than a quarter of the federal budget. The US spends more on old people by a huge margin.

15%, actually

Israel isn't going to protect itself, goy

Hell yeah

What you post is false and even if they spent 100% on the military it would be justified.
This. sage.

>USA spends about three grand per person on medicare and medicaid alone

Wew, what a train wreck. The rest of the world manages to run universal healthcare systems on that kind of money. What's your excuse for this mind-boggling inefficiency, Americans?