so Sup Forums my work is giving everybody the (((flu jab))) for free and I haven't filled out the paper work and going to refuse it, even if people think I am autistic, am I being TOO autistic? I don't want to end up getting autism from the flu jab....
So Sup Forums my work is giving everybody the (((flu jab))) for free and I haven't filled out the paper work and going...
The fact that you're worried about getting autism from the flu shot is pretty autistic, user. The study suggesting that vaccines and autism are related has been so thoroughly debunked it's not even funny.
Just be a man and get the actual flu not the (((flu shot))). You need to get sick every once in awhile it's good for your long-term health.
You're way too old even for the (completely debunked) (((theory))) that vaccines cause autism, yes you're retarded but OTOH flu isn't a serious illness for young people so you don't need to have a jab unless you work around small children or old people.
Except they did a new study and found it increases the rates of all sorts of shit. OOPS. It's as if they have money to make.
3 flu shots increase your chances of alzheimers by 50%. Ignore these idiot smug morons, injecting aluminum, mercury and squalene is not good for and the flu shots do not work anyway.
-Johns Hopkins, search engine it
Except no they didn't, and the guy who made the original "study" lost his medical license and was sued into poverty.
get the shot. or wait until you get the flu and be absolutely miserable and wish you had gotten the shot.
What's wrong with getting more autism user?
The flu shot is just a big money racket, it doesn't even prevent the flu. I have never gotten it and nobody has ever said anything.
There's still people looking at the link between vaccines and austism despite the wakefield debacle
>oh well you get that amount or more from eating food
yes because eating something is the same as injecting it directly into your bloodstream.
There's the amount of vaccines given especially to babies whose immune systems have not matured. The questions of aborted fetal dna/bovine dna ect in them since they're grown in those cells. The cancers they may cause. the possibility of freshly vaccinated people spreading the virus to others(like the whooping cough one which can stay in someones nasal cavity for up to 6 weeks after immunisation) Questions not only of the rise of autism but autoimmune diseases like diabetes.The chance of reactions to them which include shit like fever to seizures to brain swelling to guillain barre syndrome to anaphylaxis (just read the vax inserts) ANYTHING that carries risks like that should be a choice and shouldn't be so highly shamed by ignorant cunts that blindly follow doctors without doing any research into the opposing side.
Are you some kind of fucking normie? I refused the flu shot last year and nobody really cared. They couldn't of thought I was any weirder at any rate, seeing as I wasn't some bubbly plastic low-iq pop culture retard.
just play dumb my boy
Love the (((theory))) bit. Maybe have a look into the companies that make the vaccines and realise (((they))) make a lot more money off them than a small percent of the population that goes against them.
Nice argument.
>Muh andrew wakefield
>Muh conspiraceh theory
>the guy who made the original "study" lost his medical license and was sued into poverty.
That made him more credible, if someone lost all due to fighting the (((medical industry))).
Vaccines are what probably turned you into a genetic dead end and an affront to nature, you disgusting faggot
Lot's of cunts who have the flu shot get the flu.
And it's not like polio vaccination where they wiped out a disease or are ever likely to again.
Basically science was taken over by Jews and is now used exclusively to make us suffer and for shekel extraction per their Zionist protocols.
Eat a fucking orange and you'll be fine cunt.
Anti-vaxers are the flat-earthers of medicine. If you knew antything about immunology, you'd understand how anti-scientific the movement is.
Flu shots really aren't that important.
But the shots you get when your young to immune yourself against deadly illnesses is.
It's always good to get a tetanus booster and a HepB shot every 10 years though
Why do you imagine I'd waste argument on a proven imbecile?
>That made him more credible
Yeah, I only ever go to doctors who have been struck off, you know you're getting the very best treatment that way.
>the (((medical industry)))
The companies that produce vaccines didn't have anything to do with this fraudsters getting his license revoked, that happened because it was proven he faked his research and made up an outrageous claim for money, a claim that cost several people their lives.
My adopted young brother was vaccinated and he has ADHD with signs of autism. Deep affection in simple toys. Spergs out when he doesn't get what he wants.
My ex's son has not been vaccinated yet but doesn't have tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants like breastmilk when hungry.
Don't worry about autism, be more worried if there is the next bio-weapon being released through the shot. How do you think HIV, SARS, and ZIKA came to be.
I've never had the flu in my life. These "free" shots are often practically forced down peoples' throats in some work places here. I taught at a gym that was connected to a hospital, and every single year it was constant pestering for the shot. And every year I had to fill out a waiver to not get the stupid shot. I have a friend who is home sick right now after taking the flu shot. She's pretty sure it was the shot. I just avoid it.
Not even the retarded anti-vaxxers think adults get autism from shots.
Eat about 10 Garlic cloves and ginger root daily and you wont ever get sick. (((Shots))) are literal poison that slowly gives you cancer.
get the flumist on your own dime, show them you got it already
it actually gives you the resistance(which the jab doesn't, it's total bs)
and it doesn't have the worst end of the preservatives/toxins
No it's true in some cases. Like my older son.
Citation please, autist
The pro-vaxers say the vax-autism theory has been "completely debunked". To disprove it you would have to look into the accusations and demonstrate that something else caused those cases of autism.
They are not doing that, in fact they are covering stories up.
So it's not debunked at all.
the debunking has been very thoroughly debunked
>not an argument
The flu shot only covers certain strains and (anecdotal evidence) almost everyone I know that has got the shot ended up with the flu. Look at the Flu pandemic in Aus this year. More people are getting the shots now more than ever. I find shit like this super sus
Especially when theres questions as to flu shots causing miscarriages and the fact pregnant women are urged to get it when its considered class C drug (risk unkown to pregnant women) >
No, actually, it hasn't.
And no, vaccines aren't held to the same testing standards as fucking DRUGS.
Their "placebos" are every shitty adjuvant in the vaccines minus the virus.
Watch Vaxxed.
And stop being a fag for BigPharma
insurance companies have all the data and will never release it the public
internally, they definitively proved the damage way back in the 80s
I'm saying it again faggot: No, actually, it hasn't.
And no, vaccines aren't held to the same testing standards as fucking DRUGS.
Their "placebos" are every shitty adjuvant in the vaccines minus the virus.
Watch Vaxxed.
And stop being a fag for BigPharma
I wasn't vaccinated for measles, mumps or chicken pox. Got all 3, each was about a week out of school. Same as everyone in my neighborhood. We were all fine.
They vaccinate because the third worlders they were starting to let in are susceptible. So we're supposed to vaccinate for their sake.
No thanks.
>I don't want to end up getting autism from the flu jab....
I don't think autism from vaccines is real. I have full vaccination and some additions for travel abroad. I've never taken a flu shot in my life.
I guess if you work somewhere extremely critical or earn a fortune every single day that you can't miss out on.. but I rarely get the flu because I keep good hygiene in flu season (keep sanitizer with you) and if I do it's just a few days of misery at worst.
>I have a friend who is home sick right now after taking the flu shot. She's pretty sure it was the shot.
Yes, it was. This is how vaccines work. It's normal to feel a bit under if you take it, you shouldn't get full on sick flu unless your immune system is garbage. In which case it was probably good that you didn't get the real flu.
Vaccines CAN cause autism
The only times I've had the flu are when I've gotten the shot
Haven't had the shot for 15 years now and haven't had the flu either.
>HURR to disprove fraud you have to account for literally everything that happened since the dawn of time!
Yeah, no. You prove fraud by finding evidence of fraud, which is what happened here. This faggot simply MADE IT UP, he isn't some hero doing forbidden research (people research the safety of stuff like vaccines literally all the time), he was a fraudster who made up a lie for money.
Yeah trust the person with crazy caps and literal copypasted posts. Why is it every crank writes POSTS IN THE SAME WAY!!!!
Wake up sheeple.
>HURR watch this conspiracy video!
>DURR why you listen to scientists? They're all in one the conspiracy!
>JURR no not my conspiracy, the other one!
>RURR just listen and believe good goy vaccines cause aids and cancer just let your white kids get infected with diseases and die like G-d intended!
what about the cdc scientists admitting they covered up the link between black males autism and vax? is the cdc completely debunked because of the direct evidence of their fraud?
How do you know he just made it up? How do you know that others, just parents who saw it happen, just made it up?
You can't avoid checking these out, at least 30 randomly chosen samples or so, before saying it's debunked. And they avoid that like the plague.
>How do you know he just made it up?
He went to court and it was proven.
>How do you know that others, just parents who saw it happen, just made it up?
He went to court and it was proven.
Or trust many others on this thread who substantially agree with him.
Autism from vaccines is more about pumping infants full of all kinds of crazy shit in quick succession, btw. Unless you have some amazing immune response, you aren't gonna go retarded from a flu shot as an adult. Not that you need it. Everyone who gets one always seems to get sick with the flu somehow...
On that topic? Yes.
Don't get it man. Believe me. A random guy a Sup Forums.
But no, seriously, don't get it.
Nice sauce faggot, tell that to my cousin's family who's fucked up now because of a vaccine, he had ZERO sign if autism before
the proved the holohoax was real in court too
>not an argument
>search engine it
are you so fucking edgy you can't even say 'google it' anymore?
>trust me goyim!
>your doctors are lying to you but I never would!
>vaccines are of the Devil, white babies dying of easily preventable childhood diseases is good for the Je- erm, good for you goyim!
Very few of these cases have been in court. I've heard of cases before the vax. court that are sealed, because damage was proved. If the positive evidence is covered up, you can never have confidence there is none of it, or even that there isn't a lot of it.
Yes, things that are true are often proven in court. Problem, simpleton?
look at the billions in payouts from the semi secret vaccine court in the us
Yeah, adult flu shots are more about Alzheimer's.
And they're stupid anyway, because only rarely is the flu shot for the right strains that actually cause a problem that year.
What are you babbling about? The guy who started this whole nonsense was proven a liar and fraud in court, case fucking closed you moron.
Don't get it! I haven't since I got out of the Army.
do you do anything besides appeal to gov't authority and ad hominum?
Do you have anything? Like, at all?
no causation shown in ANY study. also,
>It's as if they have money to make.
and do you know what would lose them all their money? if their medicine caused autism
you fucking troglodyte
google vaccine court
>hurr durr muh gov't court said it was no fault but here's this pile of cash to not say anything about it ever again
>ad hominum?
It's not an ad hom to dismiss proven liars when they repeat their lies you retard.
Flu vac is retarded, they pick one strain and guess it might be the popular one that year
why does making tens of thousands of new customers lose them money?
have you ever seen an autistic kids medical bills?
"Vaccine court" covers every country on Earth, does it? Oh wait, it doesn't even cover England, the country where this fraud took place and was proven in court to BE fraud!
Look at
Just cop the fucking flu. Are people honestly such colossal pussies that a sniffy nose will knock them out of commission?
oh gee guess we'll just have to amke one world gov't under the nwo elite
t. based swede
Refuse it. Fuck cancer viruses and fucked up immune system.
The market incentives competition in the pharma industry. This makes no sense.
big pile of cash to stfu
>hurr durr but muh gov't said it was no fault
Try reading the actual insert and not the BS the doctor tells you to go to and you'll see all kinds of fun things.
and supplement industry has been growing very rapidly for decades, along with organic foods, so what's your point?
I bet you smell like shit
nice reading comprehension. perhaps they gave you too many vaccinations
Saw a documentary talking about the link between the mmr vaccine and austisim with kids who take it at it before they are 18 months old. Apparently the link was found by the fda but they kind of swept it under the rug. It's probably the reason why the autism vaccine link meme started.
far outpacing pharmaceuticals, hurting all the whole industries profits...magically vax creates tens of thousands of new high value customers in young children
so explain why a failing industry would pass up this kind of customer creation when it has the full backing of the gov't to shield lawsuits?
You're a fucking moron. Go play with traffic on the m25
>like my wife's older son
Why are we injecting babies with the cells from aborted babies?
I got my quadrivalent flu shot last week. Was sick for a day, but now I got QUAD superpowers. The digits do not lie.
it is more of those materials in u before u get the shot, and it is so small doses of them that u will not notice it, like if u drink a ml of water u wont get less thirsty
It's impossible for people to show signs of autism immediately after birth, the effects kick in at about two years of age.
It's just a coincidence, you dumb leaf.
Say you already got one from Costco or some other place when you took your grandmother for hers. Since it was only $15....
Fuck it, I roll the dice every year. When I have received the vaccine I was told I might get a "little sick" Which happens. So what's the point. If I actually DO get the flu I'll just feel shitty for a few days.
Years w/o a shot and I have never been infected.
Dont give the pharma/insurance Jews any more money. This is basically black friday for them, thats why they advertise so hard.
Parents gradually begin to notice it when a child is born with it (small signs like not hitting age relevant milestones, not looking people in the eyes, flapping their arms ect). The ones that claim the autism was caused from vaccines say they notice an almost instant change after getting them, going from a normal child reaching their appropriate milestones to regressing and showing all signs of autism. These parents obviously didnt start out as "anti vax nutters" or they wouldn't have given them to the kid in the first place.
So small doses of shit that shouldnt be injected directly into your bloodstream. There's mercury in tuna but you dont inject tuna into your fucking bloodstream do you? It goes through your stomach and your body has the time and ability to process it properly.
(((proven))) by (((lawyers))) for (((insurance companies)))
>posting G-d
Found em' boys
Vaccines and all so-called modern medicine are Jewtools.
Christian Scientist here who has never been ill since converting ten years ago.