Quebec city is like 97% white. What does pol think of this paradise?
Quebec city is like 97% white. What does pol think of this paradise?
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it's full of Frenchies. They need to go back to France
You'd think that battle flag would give you some sympathy for a people struggling to maintain their identity after being conquered by a foreign power.
One of the best places to live in Canada
The north is segregated like its 1865 still, ironically.
Lived in both Montreal and Quebec.
Can agree.
If Vancouver was more white it would win though.
Won't last long if the Quebec government continues to look for French speaking Africans to import
Why do you hate the French? They came to Canada first, built churches and communitie, then the British came in and deported a bunch of them and raised their children with a foreign language and with loyalty to the English crown. You think you have it bad, least they speak English in Washington.
Just ethnically cleanse it then.
In the meanwhile I'll enjoy my walks in the Lower City, completely happy.
Still 3% too much. Do something about it you Canadian cucks, because the 3% of roaches is gonna multiply in a very short time span. And when that happens it will be too late just like in our country.
they all go to Montreal. Quebec is 97 percent white because they don't like foreigners or anglophones.
Its the most xenophobic major city in Canada. It also has great people, great culture and great food but you have to adapt to them, not the other way around.
Quebec is literally more French than the French.
They'll go from Frog niggers to nigger niggers.
Quebec are bro
They didn't have to suffer the Revolution.
This it's all I know about it.
Montreal here.
I'm getting fucking fed up from all the traffic and construction here.
Do you guys also have that problem..?
I'm saving up to buy a cuckcondo and thinking of leaving Mtl
Yeah but they're also French...
This man was raised in Ontario and British Columbia for most of his life.
His father was endoctrinated by his journeys in the U.S.S.R and in India.
None of these meen represents the average Quebecers, and even a dumbass realizes that trudeau speaks French only so that we in Quebec think he's ''multicultural'' and ''protecting our identity'' and shieeettt.
Quebec is a provincial size trailer park. Frogs like water so much, so why don't you all jump in to the St Lawrence and ride on out to the Atlantic
Importing French speaking Africans you say? Are they looking to import any French speaking whites?
ah so you have have 3% soul and no one to hang drywall. Godlessness this.
how do french feel that their colony is whiter than france?
I just hope they don't get enriched
Montreal here too, this place is such a congested shit hole. It literally takes 2 hours to get downtown from a suburb that would normally take 20 minutes without the traffic. I'm considering Ottawa as my next home. Quebec City would be great but they won't accept me at any job for being English and it's too brutally cold in winter.
At least I'm not ashamed to show my flag
Quebec city is very comfy, i lived there for a while and its true, i dont recall ever seeing a single non-white during my time there. The mayor (God bless his soul) is a manlet with a Napoleon Syndrome but he sure knows how to keep lefties in check.
It really is awesome. It has to be in the running for the nicest city in the Americas.
My Indian grandad was literally his professor at Concordia lel
>Man I'd love to walk around there
>Oh wait I'm not white
nice tours
Are people there generally right leaning? I was there once for less than 12 hours, seemed nice but was tired so slept for the most part and just went to get something to eat before i left.
whitest french-speaking city located in NA
what about Montreal tho?
Meanwhile in france, algerian and moroccans are multiplying like rabbits and will probably claim the country for themselves in a few years.
It's filled with wanna-be French. French are one of the most pretentious cultures on the planet; to wanna-be French you REALLY have to be pretentious. Leafs with different accents is what they are to me.
Quebec is great, also has culture.
You guys should all pick up French and come here, in a decade or so when everybody has their citizenship we can have a referendum and leave cucked Canada behind (All the non-whites would flee to Canada if it happened)
t. butthurt anglo
and what about Montreal?
Is it heavily infested already?
The province as a whole is like 90% white so it's far from being a lost cause.
It's full of Quebecois qt's
It must be like 70% white now, or maybe a bit lower. But locals have reclaimed the city (From anglos that time) once, they can do it again.
yes, the richer neighborhoods by chinks and poorer by muslims/nogs
A few locals have a definite castizo look going on (We're probably the ones with the most native admixture in Canada) but a few more generations and it's not even gonna be noticeable.
Also our girls are pretty cool, there's none of that rabid feminism bullshit here going on, the girls consider themselves very equal already so there's not much outrage over "muh sexist comments", I mean if it happens they might call you out but they're not gonna feel like a great crime happened. I mean we literally have FEMALE, comedians making rape jokes. And I know most girls are very willing to play the good wife role.
I was actually going to go visit for a concert in November, but that got cancelled, it would be nearish the gay district, is that a "safe" area? I live in Chicago if that helps
The gay area in Montreal is nothing really, you're gonna walk on a street with overhead pink balls all over the whole street but you won't notice anything different otherwise. Passed there a few times this Summer
Quebecers are some of the most nationalist people in the world.
And we,ll never get cucked willingly
We created it. It belongs to us.
In Quebec it's totally okay to dress blacks like slave and have them push shit during national holidays.
I laughed so hard that time
I speak French, how easy is it for me to move there?
Probably very easy, I'd apply for jobs and then it'd be a breeze. Or just get a work holiday visa, find a job and then apply for residency. I know tons of French people who do that.
I wonder who it could be.
>Quebec girl
>euro aspect ratio plates
>Quebec girls can't go to Europe
I know for a fact they are locals.
So, Quebec City is more French than France is?
In the words of Trump, "France is no longer France". So yes.
Quebec chicks are awesome sluts, but alot of them have family drama that you want to stay the fuck away from.
depends how muslim you are
>Quebec girls
Maybe in Laval
They also tend to be rather socialist too. Like some kind of socialist nationalists of sorts.
I visited it once. Absolutely riddled with shit brutalist architecture - completely ruins all the castles and shit.
Also in general seemed like a very boring place with no good white collar job opportunities.
I'll take degenerate Montréal over Quebec city every day.
we don't have much native admixture that's a myth. Why peddle debunked memes? We're one of the purest people on earth.
>All the castles
What, there's only one castle and it's an hotel.
Just looked it up. It's also one of the 10 safest places in the world for women. I wonder why?
It's safe as fuck
Are they really rude if your French sucks? Mine does(Albertan) and i cri evry tiem I think about it.
Is it possible to live in Quebec city without decent knowledge of French language?
I really liked Quebec City. If you aren't Quebecois though, you are an outsider. Mind you, I moved to Edmonton, and these aren't my people, either.
No, locals literally cream their pants over foreigners trying to speak French
Quebec City? Nah, Montreal? Yes.
B...but you live in Belgium, so how do you not know French?
Its shit.
Filled with pretentious, rude, cunt-y wannabe frogs.
>they won't accept me at any job for being English
Even if you speak French this is a problem, malheureusement.
I always spoke French, and they are happy to help. You are still an outsider, though, when push comes to shove, but I imagine that is a worldwide phenom.
Because it's full of old people.
Outside of touristic areas, most people have survival-tier english. Doubt you'd be able to find a job without French.
No, people will be happy you're making effort speaking French.
There's no France to go back to. Quebec is far more France than New Algeria will ever be now
anyone can take a walk in the middle of the night and nothing will happen.
It's a good thing Quebec is for the most part right-wing, but if you take a look at what's happening lately, you'll see that Antifas are starting to stir up shit and instead of white supremacist, we have another group for Right-wingers rising as well.
Montreal is still for the most part white and safe too, but the shitty Government is starting to take action on (((their))) plans and is starting to get immigrants to come there. It's doesn't help kids that goes to school doesn't even speak English or French over there.
T. assblasted leaf who is too much of a pussy to show his flag
went to Quebec for school trips three years in a row, despite us going in the middle of January when it was colder than a witches tit.
Love the architecture, love the people there (some say that your treated as an outsider, but as long as you make the effort to speak French and generally observe the cultural customs they are extremely friendly, ended up getting 20% starbucks from a lad in the Chateau Frontenac for trying to order in French)
Honestly if there would be any last bastion of the White Man, I would want it to be Quebec.
>Quebec city is like 97% white. What does pol think of this paradise?
I think pic related
our country was settled in the 1600s unlike your shit hole desert island why australia fags think their opinion matters is beyond me.
y u no mov 2 quebec french Sup Forums
>muh 97%
they are all neets
I do, I have A2 level, lol
>97% White
You could have fucking fooled me. There are loads of darkies and muslims all over the fucking place.
Quebec city in winter is the comfiest shit.
My folks are movin to Toronto, how large is that a mistake?
Toronto is a lost cause, lots of immigrants and lgbt folks live there. Doesn't help there are laws that ensure you get enriched properly if you get fucked by shitskins
velika greška
not according to Justine trudeau