But us whites decide to spend hundred times that money on war.
Lets take responsibility and open our borders and increase foreign aid to poor countries to end world poverty and hunger.
But us whites decide to spend hundred times that money on war.
Lets take responsibility and open our borders and increase foreign aid to poor countries to end world poverty and hunger.
Please shut up nigger
lol, no
sage and reported
stop spamming your shit, subhuman cunt
Stop spamming this you faggot.
You know what else would end world hunger 2 billions bullets.
nice bait. Ill take it.
>spending 30 billion dollars so that niggers can breed even faster
nty jews
Nah fuck that. They don't deserve it
I wouldnt end world hunger even if I receive 30 billion,let the niggers starve and die in horrible pain
Not a bad idea
The only people who talk about open boarders are those who are not effected by it and dumbass second gen immigrants who dont know shit. illegals are bad for the economy man its been proven over ad over again
30 million you say? Is that a onetime amount or will it cost 30 million every month?
30 billion could glass all the surplus humans on the african continent
Stop having kids if you cant feed them. That is free.
We can do it cheaper:
-1 billion in hunger
-20c per round
-US military already available
-=500mUSD to end world hunger
You are welcome.
Trips of truth confirm
I would donate it to the whitest cause there is and keep like 10 million. kek
How long will that 30 billion last? The west has already sunk billions in foreign aid to africa yet they still cant provide for themselves.
Either Shitskins or liberals need mass extermination for humanity to thrive
Keep denying reality though it'll work well when muhammed is raping your wife and bashing your head in for not being a Muslim
sage and report,you got no life and spam the same thread every fucking week?
>germany calling someone else a subhuman
sterilization could end world hunger ...
1st year = 30 billion
2nd year = 50 billion
3rd year = 70 billion
4th year = 100 billion
5th year = 125 billion
6th year = 150 billion
7th year = 175 billion
8th year = 225 billion
9th year = 275 billion
10th year = 350 billion
11th year = 500 billion
12th year = 1 trillion
13th year = 2 trillion
14th year = 3 trillion
15th year = 4 trillion
16th year = 5 trillion
17th year = 7.5 trillion
18th year = 10 trillion
19th year = 12.5 trillion
20th year = 15 trillion
You're literally hitler if you try to save the worlds hungry, because you're literally going to magnify the problem x 100000 and you wont have any money left to feed them, and you'll have 1 gigantic wave of billions starving to death in short periods of time.
Considering there's like a billion starving people it would probably last about a month, OP is just some retard cum guzzling faggot who can't do math and posts this shit every day
He needs his eyes gouged out with a rusty spoon
got a problem with that, mongrel?
good luck with that...I agree but that is only going to happen if forced on the sheeple
Tbh I'd rather my tax money go to fighting a wars for Israel then to some subhuman niggers.
>White man's burden
Its not my job or obligation to feed a bunch of double digit IQ niggers who will only ask for more and more all the while blaming the white man for everything and wanting to nigger mix my race.
Nigger love is a one way street and always will be.
When was the last time a mosquito apologized for sucking your blood?
I wish I could post a picture of my face without revealing my identity, you'd never post that shit again because I look more like an SS solider than any modern German I've ever seen
Why would we want to feed future criminals
maybe if shitskins wouldnt hijack planes we would slow down or even stop.
but check it out, china and any other country that's been in position to make this decision has made the same move.
I'm sure you do, my (((white aryan friend)))
they can end their hunger problem themselves by not having more children than they can feed.Africas population is constanly growing and therefor demanding more gibs every year. Somehow this circle has to be closed
If you pic were true workd hunger would be fixed already as the developed countries easily transfer this amount of aid to developing countries EACH YEAR
>us whites
Fuck you kike
How could it only cost $30 billion? I really want to see the math. Is this just in raw food costs? That doesn't bear in mind the other logical costs, like distribution - you have to ship these foods. Nevermind that but many places facing hunger are far flung, so that either makes shipping certain food items prohibitively expensive or basically impossible. You need the people to move this stuff to communities, distribute it based on need, and then to protect against theft and black-market sales.
Under what logical set of circumstances could the UN take $30 billion and feed the world with it? The answer is none.
This, we already give tons of money to shithole countries for no fucking reason, if anything we need to fucking stop that
you get 1 free meal per day if you agree to be sterilized
thats the deal
take it or leave it
except it wouldn't. say i buy a meal for a homeless man, and it satiates his hunger. By all means, i have ended his hunger, but i will leave, and when i leave so will my aid. then the next day the man will be hungry again, and i will be gone. Unless i show this man how to feed himself, he will always be starving, and will rely on others to provide for him. And it is no surprise when this man inevitably dies.
I don't have the time or space to describe why our military budget is so large, but i will summarize by saying, a great deal of our military spending is on transportation, as the U.S is literally on the other side of the world from most of our allies. But leaving that aside, there have been attempts to teach Africans how to farm; to support themselves, and what happens every time? Either the farms fail due to incompetency, the crops are seized by warlords and used as leverage, or the farms become successful, and the local people believe this success is due to some sort of supernatural intervention, and proceed to kill the farm, burn his farm, and eat him to gain his powers (i've seen the latter at least three separate times from different regions described in regional news journals). The point here is, unless the african people change, there is no "ending world hunger", there is only sending aid, allowing them to breed out of control, leading to further famine. All we as America can, and SHOULD do, is cut all aid, and let them be.
pic related is a detailed description of the African ability of cognition as it relates to their languages.
>only 30 billion to end world hunger
Feed starving niggers
Niggers breed like never before
Niggers overpopulate country
Niggers starving again
>only 60 billion to end world hunger
Oh and America, this is YOUR burden....
LOL you're white. What a fag.
This is a really bad argument.
I would much rather take care of our military and their families plus protect the nation plus develop new powerful techs. This isn't even hard.
There is no end to world hunger. Nigger will always fuck shit up and suffer. The fact that you are attempting to remove the consequences will only breed more niggers and make the problem worse
Could 30 billion get you to kill yourself? Gtfo off Sup Forums you disgusting faggot
A week
Giving them food empowers them to do nothing to better their situation. They'll just breed like rabbits and the cost will double then triple. And you can't blame whites. Look at Rhodesia with whites vs without. You let people who haven't progressed past the grass huts and no wheels free food they're just gonna stagnate. It's like welfare. It does more harm to the poor than good at the expense of the rest of us.
the more you think about it, the more perfect it becomes
End world hunger for how long? What happens when that food runs out? Are americans just gonna keep having to feed everyone after that?
Africa actually makes enough food to feed itself only areas around south and east africa have a problem this is a trade/economic issue. Until it's population doubles at least.
This shitskin again?
Fuck off nigger. Until you and you sub ape cousins learn to farm then you deserve to starve.
Why do people want to end world hunger so badly? Why not just worry about western civilization?
but why tho?
>oh look, this thread again
fuck off shill, stop sliding good threads with this shit quality bait
sage again
And report spam
>"end world hunger for 6-12 months"
>everyone is hungry again and US military is weak
i dont like those odds
I know a German who was so proud of his heritage he moved back to Germany
He's a baby faced cuck like the rest of you
All your real men left before your war and died in your war
Which is why you're now all dickless cuckolds
Deal with it