I think I killed my dad

I redpilled my father so hard, that he went full Nihilist. I was so close to telling him the truth about how the Jews worship Saturn, but he just won't go any further with the pilling.

Has this ever happened to any of you anons?
If so, will he ever be back to normal and ready to accept the more extreme redpills?

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Nihilists are just quitters

Dude you're supposed to give a normie like 10 years to get to the black cube and Saturn and be able to swallow that without going suicidal or homicidal. 3 years in special situations. Just stick to basic shit and throw in a couple whitepills too.

>that he went full Nihilist
No one on Sup Forums seems to have the first clue what nihilism is.

Thanks for proving my point

Saturn? Wtf is wrong with no history faggots, do you think "muh kikes" cucked pre christian Rome too or are you just on too many levels of irony to know shit from fuck?

Saturnalian Brotherhood. Also, nukes dont even exist, nigga.

Nihilism is the lack of belief in anything.

I was always gentil with my dad. Hints but no direct redpils. Some things are sacred like Home. Dad was home. Sanctuary not conflict.

He passed anyway a life well lived. Miss him a bunch.

Saturn? What? I'm pretty freshly redpilled but I've never heard of this before

lolz at the clueless retard calling people clueless retards never gets old
Here user give him a copy of my book and let him read it on his own

>Nihilism is the lack of belief in anything.
Nihilism is the rejections of beliefs and morals that are artificially created, but deceptively sold to us as "absolute".

Nihilist can hold beliefs they create for themselves.

Saturn - Saturday - sabbath

Council of

>words mean whatever I want them to mean

It is a rejection of all moral and religious principles. The word you're looking for is existentialism.

>It is a rejection of all moral and religious principles. The word you're looking for is existentialism.

It is a rejection of traditional "objective" moral and religious principles. The word you're looking for is perceptivism.

That makes no sense. Hebrews marked the sixth day before civilization knew Italy existed.

So why call a nihilist if a relativist?


wow found out i'm a nihilist

>So why call a nihilist if a relativist?
Because all values are relative, just like all morals are relative.

If the nihilists reject all the previous traditional values and morals - that are ostensibly false because of their exploitative master/slave origins, then man's true sense of existence can be experienced.

Germanics replaced the latin days of the week with their own gods, except Saturday. Sāturni diēs. Hebrews stole traditions from other cultures, particularly Mesopotamian. Saputtu is what Babylonians marked the 7th day of the month, important for religious observance. Babylonians had contact with early Greeks and Egyptians before Jews were even a thing.

But the definition of nihilist is a person that rejects all religious and moral principles. Nothing relative about that. Unluss you're pulling the:

>words mean what I want them to mean

...asspull again

>But the definition of nihilist is a person that rejects all religious and moral principles.
What is an Ubermensch? The person who rejects all previously held values and morals and succeeds with his own?

You're looking at the Webster's dictionary definition, not Nietzsche's mature explanation.

>What is an Ubermensch?
A solution to nihilism. An allegory for the creation of new values within the moral vacuum of egalitarian society. An affirmation of existence.