What was achieved from this?
What was achieved from this?
Fueling the flames of war.
False flag by CIA to stop white nationali before it became more powerful
Global cringe
People thought all right-wing were Nazis for awhile, they're still floating that.
Lost of accusations of leadership being controlled opposition.
A few shitty torch memes that didn't stick.
The death of Heather Hyer, when it turns out she was just a fat fuck who got scared and had a heart attack.
White now even more segregated, up to 40% believe whites are "under attack" in America.
A few shitty car memes as well that didn't stick.
Oh, also the final physical association of the alt-right and groups like stormfront.
I think this is to Richard Spencer is to what the pedophile thing with MIlo is.
To bait the media into a true frenzied rage that only opens more eyes to just how fucked up they are.
They "did" something. I think "doing" stuff is important by itself, even if it's just you jacking off to your reflection in the mirror. The important thing is that you did it.
Remember how it inspired thousands of us when it happened? That was the point. It shows others that they're not alone
There was a fat lady that got hit by a car. I thought that part was funny.
The tiki tourches changed everything.
it triggered some libs
Its coming back, charlottesville will happen again. Just do some digging and keep your eyes peeled.
>Remember how it inspired thousands of us when it happened?
the "alt-right" is a DNC creation
most obvious false flag I've ever seen desu
making white man great again
Showed that it is possible to mobilise white men for a cause other than fucking sports for once.
I'll take what positives i can from it.
Made people think the Antifa are heroes.
Fbi chanting jews will not replace us tarnished the alt right in the eyes normies
first, it showed how patheticly weak aspirants of the alt-right movement actually are.
second, it proved that the left isnt as weak as the right would like to believe.
i am an independent, and old enough to be the father of most of you turd nuggets, so go fuck yourself if you think you can pigeonhole me politically
so, it made obvious the truth, but your timid little self doesn't have the balls to admit it
>I'll take what positives i can from it.
I think you can get the gift from Richard Spencer (or at least from millennial woes).
Hundreds threads of BASED comments.
>so go fuck yourself if you think you can pigeonhole me politically
Look out, we've got a badarse here.
The physical rally or the made-for-tv movie?
I dunno if they are FBI. probably like liberal DC interns or something
Bunch of edgelords and kekistan cringe.
It showed they were peacefull until the fags came. It also showed how weak you hearth gets when your obese.
>tiki torches
The absolute state of white nationalism in America
Same as this. It was as offensive as what she did and will be the bedrock of our movement
setting us back. we are still winning but not 100 percent like we were, its gonna take some time to get back to that level. thank a lot,nazi larpers.
>letting a basketball american get this close to you
>trying to talk to it
his own fault, desu. he will learn
and dont you forget it boy
Silicon Valley unmasked
yes, reichwingers are weak fatasses, your point is exactly?
>when the false flag kicks in too hard
You better be careful mate, I'm a hard man myself.
It showed that enough of this country is still alive to protect the absolute retardation being advocated by the left.
You might be scared of but that's why you open carry.
A successful false flag
wall mart was able to sell a record number of a product that never sells because nobody uses fire for light in developed nations
Where did the meme that centrist have no serious beliefs even come from? I always though that centrists held a mix of beliefs some of which are considered right wing while others are left wing.
Ruining Trump's chance as a succesful peacetime prez.
>being in denial this much
I dont know if we watched the same event. The alt right decimated the left man to man.
The only altright supporters I seen get beat on was when they were alone. Even seen locals who were not members get attacked by the left.
With regards to the extreme left/antifa/blm/bamn/IWW it proved how ideologically inept they are. Intellectual cowards. An event that was supposed to just be speeches exercising the 1a and they show up with soul intention of physical violence.
It appears it was indeed setup to unfold exactly how it did. by who though? beats me. Ive read the many theories. Both sides were used like pawns on a chess board is the only sure thing to me.
The Huffpo poll where some 30-40% of Americans said we need to maintain our European heritage and white people are under attack was a nice result of this.
Mosquitos were BTFO
Basically single handededly set back the new Right by 2 or 3 years.
ive heard words like these before, and the result is always the same
It caused the jews/establishment to freak out and overplay their hand and expose themselves to normies. Even brain dead normies can see the disproportionate reaction to the altright compared to three nights of rioting by niggers in St. Louis.
Yes, people who aren't able to critically question their own beliefs are fucking retarded faggots
better than being a whipped pup being led to slaughter.
you choose "canned thought" over independent reasoning
do the world a favor and dont reproduce
>what was achieved from this?
that being a fat slob can kill you
>pic related
>rally happens
>low T antifags are ready to push the raciz nazis
>anti white supremacis (AWS) rally happens
>some autist guy is driving his lambo
>AWS guys see lambo approaching, spot white guy in it
>despite most of AWS being white, they attack lambo guy
>lambo guy scared, he floors it in panick
>pic related hoe gets ultra panicked
>her lifestyle of fat and smokes gives her a heart attack
>she is kill
>being a fat smoker piece of crap can kill you
Underrated post
centrist and independent aren't synonyms you uneducated mouthbreather
fuck all
I think it was a hoax that eerily echoed the Ukrainian coup. The organizers are very suspect. Were any of Sup Forums or anyone who anyone actually knows involved that can give first hand knowledge?
an FBI database.
It just proves when the right organise a mass demonstration it runs like a Swiss clock. This must have been humleing experience for you.
Nothing. It was a 100% controlled opposition organized event and it's only purpose was to make the right look bad.
while i appreciate the views and observations you have shared, let me point out that it was posters on this very board who posited that the left would be too weak to even lift a finger in resistance.
that is what i pointed out, that the notion of the left's supposed weakness was glaringly wrong.
having the will to act is the first hurdle, everything after that is simply a matter of training.
No mosquitoes for a few days.
>the result is always the same
Poor choice of words.
A loss for the alt-right. But it is also exposed Spencer as a CIA plant and the birth of the alt-left
I was there, the one guy carrying a nazi flag may have been a fed but I don't believe there's any credible evidence that people involved in UTR were feds. The accusations that Spencer and others are feds comes from alt light faggots and D%C shills.
They'll stop protesting as soon as the money dries up
I was gonna write pretty much the exact same thing, but nevermind.
This post is 100% true.
His dad was CIA dipshit. Connect the dots.
Are there any real humans ITT who can give me a rundown on what actually happened with this entire ordeal? I missed the whole thing because I tuned out from the "Alt-Right" fag brigade months ago after it turned out that TheRightStuff.biz were a bunch of homosexuals and Jews despite being so preachy on the forums about just how much they all hate Jews, so I missed this entire thing. It seems like they pretty much lost all momentum so I'd love an update if only to chuckle to myself at just how pathetic these shitstains are.
But my impression is that this was just a march of guys in suits and that there isn't really much to it, so I'm not sure why everyone's calling it muh false flag, either.
They got replaced
total condemnation from the left AND THE RIGHT and the death of the alt-right
you fags have no sense of timing
Make white nationalists international embarrassment with their tiki torches
Are you retarded? It blew up white awareness as well as further normalized the idea of white identity for the normie hordes. It contributed to antagonizing the normie against the media.
I can pidgeonhole you sexually. You're a faggot.
What's the plan then? Create a WN movement, change the culture, and ....?
a VICE documentary
Reminder: Everything the mainstream media says is a lie.
>I can pidgeonhole you sexually.
I was here first.
boomerposting should be a crime. fuck off and die already so we can fix the problems you made
>she was never even hit by a car
Yes. This/Soyboy are some quality memes.
Also Cantwell is being made into a martyr.
Five steps backwards.
It was a protest against the erasing of history. It became a nazi rally, and got a bunch of people fired. It became more about violence than free speech.
What's always overlooked is both sides are just puppets. Fighting to distract from the real issues. While we beat each other on the street, wages don't improve, and we're all third class citizens spending more time fighting each other than getting anything done.
For people who spend all their time bitching about mkultra and Jew tricks, you sure trip all over yourselves to follow any path they lay out for you.
nazi flag guy I doubt he was a fed. Both times he is seen, he is with the other guy with tattoo. They probably convinced criminals. They prob tell them not to talk to any of the press.
There was one guy there at the same place where the dude shoots the gun. He punches 2 people for no reason. He has a criminal record a mile long.
reads like english to me, spawn of criminal filth
dodge challenger torque
what am I looking at?
please respond
we will see, one way or the other
What are you trying to prove here, buddy?
Careful with that language bloke, us aussies are hard men.
you have a mental illness
You know more than me on this. Anyone counter signalling are probably jealous NEETS afraid to leave their computer.
The woman who had a heart attack near the stupid kid who panicked and floored the gas in Charlottesville. You can see her not get hit by the car then drop to the ground. Autopsy confirmed she died of a coronary issue. Never mentioned once in the MSM, and they still refer to the police helicopter crash as a consequence as well, though how faulty maintenance is the fault of white nationalists is beyond me.
watch for the tubby blob with black pants on the ground. It emerges from the crowd
>i can pidgeonhole you sexually
and i'm the faggot?
learn to spell, nigger
Bannon removed from WH
Gorka removed from WH
Total neocon take over of the wh
DACA amnesty of 5 million wetbacks
Nearly total censorship of right wing sites/views on the internet
Everything we worked for the past 2 years ended, it couldn't have been worse for us
The fat bitch admittedly died of a heart attack. This was absolute garbage and I cannot believe he's on trial for murder.
>What was achieved from this?
Absolutely nothing but mockery, bad press, and pushed more moderates/centrist a little more to the left, Trump's responses to the event put them and himself in hot water not to mention that someone got killed. I'm surprised that these idiots are still ballsy enough to think that their ideas would be agreed upon by the general census