Since they put estrogen and other nasty like shit in tap water and bottled water, is distilled water the best option?
Since they put estrogen and other nasty like shit in tap water and bottled water, is distilled water the best option?
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you can drink it every other day to detox.
But don't drink it exclusively as it eventually removes stuff your body relies on.
I'd keep fucking drinking it if I were you. What excuse will you have your falling for trap memes what without muh estrojun.
It's in the plastic your fucked either way
I'm 20 and can't get a full hardon anymore
Reverse Osmosis filtered is the only way to get rid of estrogen.
Yeah, if you're a battery
Have you tried letting your partner sleep with a stranger, Oh who am I kidding of course you have
If not bottled distilled water, then what? Should I distill my own water? What natural water sources would be best for this? Would distilling the water be enough to prevent disentary?
Where can I get reverse osmosis filtered water? Is it expensive?
No, it's cheap.
You can get your own RO filter for ~$150
Or buy RO filtered bottled water at costco for $4 per 48 pack.
You need the minerals in water, calcium, magnesium, etc. Distilled water does not have them.
t. Municipal drinking water plant operator. AMA
Why would anyone trust you?
You pump estrogen and fluoride into the water
Get a cheap portable distilled water system.
They only cost $100-200.
Reverse Osmosis is the cheapest and cleanest water you can get. You can get close to 4ppm, which is almost the same as distilled water.
Also I'd recommend investing in a TDS-EZ meter to check the ppm of the water.
Lol. Pristine groundwater. I do indeed add fluoride, although some is naturally occuring. The natural level is 0.22 mg/L, and I boost it up tp 0.70 mg/L.
How is that a bad thing, goy?
Natural spring mineral water, filtered for impurities from a pure spring.
Most bottled water has fluoride and they don't even mention it on the label.
Well water.
Distilled water tastes like ass
That's not true. It doesn't REMOVE nutrients from your body, it just doesn't replace the nutrients that your body loses through normal functions (sweating, peeing, shitting). If your diet includes foods that provide your daily requirements of vitamins & minerals, drinking only distilled water will not harm you one bit.
However, if you drink nothing but distilled water you can develop blood acidosis since the PH level of pure distilled water is much different than in "normal" water. Again, this is really only an issue if your diet consists of ONLY distilled water and you aren't getting nutrients from other food sources.
Just go outside and exercise retards. The reason why our testosterone is so low is because of laziness, terrible diets, and less manual jobs. The Jew chemicals hurt us but our liver filters out most of them.
Buy fruits and veggies from farmer's markets. Eat more organ meats. Quit the high fructose corn jew. Work out and get some sun. Eat junk food in moderation or remove it completely. GO OUTSIDE.
it's porn. dont jerk off or look at porn for a few months and your dick will be diamond hard
DI water
you need to saturate the distilled water with something, otherwise it;s going to leech nutrients from your body
Why not just take a vitamin or supplementsm
i get minerals from my food, though
My setup is I have the reverse osmosis hooked up to my faucet, and then I have a tub that goes into a large container with a spout. This stores the RO water and I just flip the spout.
I personally use this setup. Highly recommend it.
Also consider getting a diverter valve to connect your kitchen sink to the Reverse Osmosis system. You just turn on RO when you need to fill up your clean water tank.
Just buy a reverse osmosis water filter.
Nope, just use reverse osmosis instead.
I've heard you piss a majority of supplements away. The best way to get better is to eat right.
The only thing that removes fluoridation is reverse osmosis, which also removes bacteria and fucks up your immune system apparently
I drink tap water with aromatase inhibitors mixed in with it
Fuck the police
Yeah, that too. Why should I need to drink water with minerals instead of eating right?
Thanks for reducing the IQ of my brothers, you fucking piece of shit.
you'd be fucked if that's all you drank. It doesn't have the naturally occurring minerals that your body needs to process the water, so your body has to use its own, and eventually you run out.
Do it the other way around. Spread "Tap water contains male hormones to make people more agressive, drink distilled water instead" on tumblr instead.
Water bottles make you a fag
Tap water is boisonned DD:
I never understood this problem. I have jerked it every day since 13, sometimes 4-5 times a day. I still walk around half of the day with a boner and I've never had a problem getting it up.
Don't be an idiot, a job is a job and I don't hold it against you but forcibly medicating everyone with fluoride just because some fucking retards don't brush or floss enough is not fucking ethical
They simply lobbied to politicians to find a use for their fucking chemical waste, so they could sell it.
There is no benefit to swallowing fluoride
We should increase the fluoride in toothpaste or something if it's that big of an issue, it makes no fucking sense to fucking swallow it
jerking off every day for a year isn't detrimental to health
this isn't true
It certainty reduced your IQ leaf.
I drink flourinated water, but pineal gland calcification is becoming a concern.
Run and hide it's the big, bad fluoride monster.
What are you supposed to drink anyway?
>Can't drink tap water
>Can't drink bottled or plastic water
>Can't drink water from the fridge
I just want a drink without being poisoned, but what the fuck am I supposed to do? Buy water at the store in those glass bottles? It's expensive as hell.
I drink well water. thanks.
Hey user,
You seem knowledgeable. What if I only drank distilled water but added a teaspoon of like Himalayan rock salt or Sea salt or some shit to each gallon... would that help get those nutrients we need?
poorfags aren't entitled to quality of life
Just a warning- once you switch over to filtered/distilled water, you can never go back to tap water.
Tap water now tastes like pool water for me.
Reverse Osmosis
Even if you buy the premise that fluoride is some kind of "medicine" you are being treated for something with which you haven't been diagnosed with completely uncontrolled dosages and often times without your knowledge.
Unethical isn't the half of it, and even if this were some vital nutrient, would it not be simpler and more effective to simply give everyone in town free pills with their daily recommended dosage?
Let it evaporate for a few hours. Even if you do it for tap water it'll be fine after a while. My mom does it to get fluorine out of the water for her potted plants
Drinking distilled water can kill you.
1) based water filter
2) move to a house with a well
Always drink water in glass. BPA's = estrogen
I've lived in a rural area my whole life and drank exclusively wellwater. I've just moved to a city and the water tastes and smells like pool water.
Am I fucked? How do people drink it?
my grandparents and uncles are all old as fuck, and they drink water from the sink. people I know who are worried about flouride are all balding, have anxiety, and die in their 50s/60s. maybe its anecodotal, buts its the reality I face.
Stop fucking with our IQ and spiritual capabilities asshole
ive been there. and yea you are, eventually you just start to feel like garbage
Get a filter!
If you cant get a reverse osmosis one installed,
get a table top one from Alex Jones, and a separate shower filter.
I buy all my drinking water in glass...
Do you go to Costco or a place like that?
Of course the government could stop putting fluoride in the water along with other shit, but that's seems like too much to ask. plus half the idiot population have no clue how bad tap water is
Id rather my body be short a few minerals (that ill get from food) then to drink the Nazi fluoride. Wasnt its first use by Nazis vs jews.
Fuck you scumbag!
Doesn't mean shit. Where did they LIVE? My area didn't add fluoride until 2000. Thanks to fucking retards that sold out to the idiot dentists that still put mercury in peoples mouths.
Now everyone wants it out and there is a referendum.
Good for you, waterbro
Yeah, I definitely feel different. Almost like I have a disassociative disorder.
Top kek
You only piss what your body has in excess
Fucking niggers tryina keep us from shooting 3rd eye lazers.
Don't drink it. Bottled glass water and a water filter.
I go to the dollar store and bought a bunch of these bottle that i put my filtered water into.
its a shame you are so smug about it.
long story short. its not good for you. Fluoride in water does not benefit teeth. Fluoride on teeth is only beneficial for surface application. This is not a disputable fact.
numerous studies have shown that fluoride drinking water is a bad deal.
>in plastic
Sorry lad. If you're surrounded by plastic, it's too late.
You need the minerals from undistilled water in order to live dude, there are stories of people doing this stupid shit, their teeth fall out, they get osteoporosis, they get permanent health problems because they decided to malnourish themselves for months or years and they cut decades off their own life for it.
Filter your water by all means but do not drink distilled water and nothing else, you will fuck your body up.
This. Distilled is ok but the process removes a lot of essential minerals.
Galvanina mineral water in glass bottles is red pilled. Look into it
Have you tried sex with people under the age of 80?
PA. which Im sure has had flouride in the water since the beginning
Yeah but how much?
take the vitamin jew as well
also, table salt and sea salt are different, table salt is iodized and the body needs iodine. if you are considering fasting, though, even gandhi had a lick of salt daily
Precious. Bodily. Fluids.
The tap that I am using is shared with around fourty people, and isn't my possession. I can't put a filter on it. I imagine my only option is bottled water.
I only have to be up here for two years, and then I get to go home.
Flouridating growing children is helpful, but only if dosed within acceptable parameters. Too much and it fucks up their teeth.
Outside of groups that are physically growing teeth, it's nearly worthless and only damaging for health.
Vote it out. My city voted it in back in 1968. They can vote it out any time they want. There are no state or federal mandates requiring fluoridation.
Distilled water isnt for consumption you retards. The only people that use this for a good purpose are athletes that are cutting weight because it dehydrates the fuck out of you. It puts your body in 'WTF' mode because it's used to getting minerals from your water. When it doesn't, it starts expending your body's surplus. It can make you REALLY sick. You want spring water. Not even purified shit. Fuck distilled. The bigger the container you get, the less plastic parts.
I'm 24 and I've recently been getting massive erections several times a night that wake me up. I don't need to piss or anything, and the only way that I can seem to get the erection to go down is to stretch and walk around the room a bit.
It's weird. Any idea why this is happening to me?
Do you see how easy it is for commies? They made a joke out of it and now you have to accept fluoridation. You wouldn't want to be made fun of.
Your cock is becoming a patriot
You're fine if you eat proper food that provides enough calcium, iron, etc. for your body. If you do that, you can drink all the distilled water you want and you're good to go. It's only a problem if your diet consists ONLY of distilled water, as in you do not eat any food. But then you're going to die of starvation anyway.
Rain water you collect in a tank like a normal person you fucking moron.
Unless you're an apartment cuck,
In which case kys.
Underrated post. Also, cut porn off completely.
Interesting. How many anti-fluoride advocates do you personally know that died?
Seriously, this is the dumbest shit I've read on here in a week and that's up against some tremendous competition. Go eat a tube of toothpaste if fluoride is so good for you.
I quit smoking weed, started lifting, started taking my vitamins, avoiding bottled water, avoiding alcohol, etc. about 4 months ago, and this just started happening in the last few weeks. Maybe you're right. I'm overflowing with patriotic test.
I tried this already (for a few weeks) it didnt help. Could it be the beer/alcohol consumption? Those lower the test level
>they put estrogen and other nasty like shit in tap water and bottled water
>they put it in there
Next time, cite some proofs. For example, who specifically are "they" (inb4 ((())))? Name some names. By what means are they "putting estrogen and other shit in tap water and bottled water"? How is it that the estrogen and "other shit" is going undetected by the FDA, the EPA, and the dozens of other individual state municipalities? Also, why would "they" put impurities into tap water and bottled water but not distilled water?
Here's a suggestion: Captialism. Learn what it is. Here's a hint: Soap. Been around for centuries. Always, soap has always been antibacterial in that it removes dirt and bacteria from hands, but never actually explicitly stated so. Twenty years ago, marketing professionals suggested to add the word "Anti-Bacterial" to soap and charge $1 more for the very same product that now has the fancy new word on the label. Fear used as a marketing ploy. Fear of bacterias. Fear that your soap isn't as good as "anti-bacterial" soap even though all soap is inherently anti-bacterial. Fear is an immoral but effective capitalist marketing ploy. Ask yourself this — what are you afraid of and have you actually validated that fear?
>Could it be the beer/alcohol consumption?
Almost certainly.