Robert E Lee High School needs your help picking a new name for the school

Robert E Lee High School needs your help picking a new name for the school.

A.H High School

So what will be the football team name for the Adolf Hitler High?

Vote R.E.L again. Best choice you can make.

N.B. Forrest School for Special Minds


The Zyklon Bs.

The Gasses


I suggest we pick names of black porn stars or black criminals (undoubtedly criminals, not "martyrs" like Trayvon Martin).

Huey P Newton


>working zipcode: 78232

Did they even investigate the arson lol


Suggest Robert E. Lee

Robert Lee Maupin HS

aka Iceberg Slim...famous nigger pimp

Been done 1000s of time already

Nigger you even read or look at FB?



Robbin Ulystory Yman High School

Rich Piana School of Mutants

Judah P. Benjamin High School.

Alberto Barbosa

I went with Himmler. Thought I'd switch it up a bit.

How about Robert E. Byrd?

It works for West Virginia!

I say go for it. Place is a shithole anyways lol

"We B. Skoolzensheeit"


How'd I do senpai?


Dan Carver High

Nah, it's not in the BLACKED part of town, so how about "Roberto y Leer", then it's both pandering to hispanics AND about edumacation? (leer = spanish for to read)

Somehow I can enjoy this even more because I live in the same school district.

Yeah I second this, I'm from San Antonio this is the La Raza side of town.

Fuck this gay school.

they might actually pick this

Jim crow high

Hey basically any zipcode 78210-78258 should work.

There's also supposed to be some kind of cost issue, one of the things librulls never want to think about because they're too busy with feels and virtue signalling. With my idea they would only need three new letters!

It would be like one of those strip mall restaurants that goes out of business, then the next one picks its name by changing a letter or two of the signage, with the new letters in an obviously different font.

This nig & his family owned over 200 slaves btw, hoping it slips through because the church thing was real.

Hitler Youth school for gifted Aryans. Niggers and kikes enrolled have homeroom in the locker room showers.

top jej

You can't leave them in the same room together. That's how you get Black Lives Matter.

The Joseph Mengele School of Science and Research.

Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance.

Only answer.




I actually recommended a fitting name change: Arlington Memorial

Robert E Lee may have ended the war by negotiating for peace against orders, but not before he raised the sword against his fellow Americans. Union dead were buried on his property and that was the start of what became Arlington National Cemetery. Blood that was on his hands because the South would not have had the resistance needed for the war to continue so long without his leadership. He came to his senses very late and only after he knew the South was doomed to fail.


Well just put niggers in the basketball locker showers and the kikes in economics. (It'll be registered as a sports elective as an excuse for the showers.)

J. Edgar Hoover highschool

Lincoln Rockwell High

That's the spirit

John Brown High School.


I put Hitler school of tolerance and then i put he was just misunderstood also selected other and put in Sup Forums just for fun


The Go Balls

Rules #1 and #2, faggot.

or George L. Rockwell

HITLER HIGH! Go Luftwaffe! I would be ecstatic if they were to fuck up that bad

Mao Zedong highschool

Adolf Hitlers school for tolerance and understanding