Communist hate thread
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this. they are quick and smug to deny that communism has been tried when debating with others,but in their own circles they worship communist leaders
Have you guys seen this movie yet? It's pretty much the ultimate redpill on communism.
>he's in his 20s and he still lives with mommy and daddy in a middle class household
>has never worked or even held a job his whole life yet he knows exactly what the average worker wants (he might even hate the working class)
>bitch and whine about capitalism on the internet while using a mac on a regular basis
>begs mommy to buy him a new iPhone every Christmas
>he's super obese and has constant diarrhoea from eating MacDonalds daily
>he hardly ever goes outside his house, instead he plays video games most of the time in his room
>he calls himself an anti-racist before posting on twitter "fuck white people" then quickly switch tap to jerk off to interracial cuckold porn
>says that he's counter culture despite the fact that the culture and the establishment is very much left-wing
the average commie
I liked it
Here's another classic
Fuck commies and antifa faggots
casual reminder that majority of americans are degenerate, be it nazi, communist, centrist or whatever.
good 'ol moldylocks, how much do you think Soros and friends paid this litteral prostitute.
>select group of aristocratic officers vs group of conscripts and political officers
This does not seem like fair comparison.
>Certain individuals of a certain race are ugly therefore that certain race is inferior
Makes no sense desu. Obviously you are going to find ugly rooskies and ugly germs, same as you'll find attractive rooskies and attractive germs.
Death to all collectivist scum.
>War Thunder
So that's the face of those idiots who think that flying German planes automatically means total approval of national socialism. In the game where the Soviets get a small but distinct advantage because the devs are Russian.
civilization have always been collective faggot
>supporting civic nationalism
u mad bro
"not real gommunism"
not an argument
Surprise surprise, this faggot piles his garbage on top of his garbage can instead of taking the bag out, as if the garbage will just be magicked away rather than this making it more difficult to clean up later.
Normally you see this sort of social loafing in communal living arrangements. This small detail right here is the ultimate proof of why communism does not work. It's an ideology for lazy people who do not even want to cooperate for their own good, yet they believe it will all magically work when they enforce it on the whole world.
And no fucking wonder his kitchen is so clean with all that take-out, too.
>why can't we be like Soviet Union
Straw man
>I'm a Marxist-Leninist not a communist
Name a single person who identifies himself as a Marxist-Leninist and at the same time not as a communist
>Point out the logical flaws
Oh the irony
>This docoment from their propaganda ministry says so!
Oh the irony
>Holodomor? straw man argument!!!
>Marx said a bunch of racist things
Name a single one
>brainwashed sheep
>Name a single one
>karl """""socialism is a stepping stone to communism but not real communism"""" marx
shit evidence
He was /ourguy/ all along?
We should all start espousing the joys of Communism. See if we can get their heads to explode.
americans have always lived under corporatism and don't know what it's like in a tight-knit, european community.
Whenever you see an ancap or civcuck they're always american.
oy, when did israel invade palestine? and whats going on between your two 'countries'
Non-Palis jews have been migrating since 1885, but notable dates are the sykes-picot agreement and the belfour declaration. Things escalated in 36 when a revolt rose up, however, arab and jewish gangs had been fighting each other for quite a time, each side commiting terrorist attacks. In 1947, the UN passed a bill which gave Israel the lands on the coast, but arab leaders rejected, so in 1948 israeli gangs and the Egyptian, jordanian, syrian, saudi, and iraqi armies began fighting. The jews committed massacres in some villages, which resulted in the evactuation of many villages. Prior to the conflict, leading arab figures had convinced many city dwellers to evacuate areas, which is the main cause of Palestinians losing their homes.
I'm no fan of "immigrants"
and I/P conflict is surprisingly not discussed very much in USA
Russian nobolity were the descendants of Swedes and Germans that founded Kievan-Rus.
Basic Slavs are Turko-Mongolian abominations.
RIP, based Admiral Kolchak, he fought the Reds to his last breath.
It summed up commie aggression very nicely in an easy to swallow pill. No moral ambiguity
All remained calm (in realativity to what happened and would happen) until 1964, when the PLO was founded, and in '65 when fatah was founded, and then in in 67 when the pflp was founded. In 1967 israel annexed the west bank, and a six day war occurred, this would result in jordan annexing the west bank, and gaza going to egypt
You idiot rats can't poop if they don't eat anything
Don't let them organize
plenty to eat in the sewers
I read the book. It was pretty good although I was expecting it to be Anne Frank's Diary tier.
/r/ing the pasta outlining what an American Red Terror with Cletus and Bubba would look like.
I submit a silly chicken with arms as payment.
Muh communists are heros
Was Sid really a nazi or was he just shitposting?
all those orange tips, tho
>small advantage
See mig-17 please
>Venezuela falls off the chart
It's like she doesn't even know history