Floyd Mayweather speaking the truth


Other niggers in the room silent as fuck.

Seems the concept of America is understood by this individual.


The only thing i could think of when watching this was that the democratic black is the actual house nigger uncle tom

Based Floyd, I wish he could read so I could write him a nice letter.

Proof yet again that all Trump supporters are retarded

That was motivational; neets here will shit-talk it, but Floyd saying he focuses on Floyd is truth.

>That was motivational
Exactly - but motivating victims is a lot harder than blaming other people for your failures

why because they are more successful than you?



I dont know.

What I do know is that the only people destroying our country are liberals in the coastal cities who voted for Hillary. Everyone else voted for Trump.

I have no idea what this coon is trying to say.

Bump, I gotta give respect to Floyd for not giving a Fuck and saying it like it is. You see how quickly they all stfu?

>I think he's saying something good about Trump
>I'd like to agree with him but I can't understand what the fuck this guy is saying

seriously this guy is literally retarded, but at least he uses real words, I don't think he said 'finna' once

Not surprised. Mayweather wouldn't have made a billion dollars through boxing if he wasn't smart. He's a businessman, and he understands Trump's mindset. He also understands the necessity of playing the (((villain))) in order to be successful and get things done.

>so youre saying things that dont affect you are things you shouldnt worry about?

>b-b-but you have an uncommon, blessed life
>naw i worked for what i got. I came from a house as big ad this room with 7 people deep and i worked for what i got. Aint nobody give me this.
>i-i-im not tryin to take away from your accompl-
>i worked for it

>all that time they out there walkin hard and holdin up picket signs they could be spending writin ideas for a bidness

>donal trum...he spoke like a man like men speak. Yeah she got a fat ass yeah gotta grab it yeah. Its real men speak

Based Floyd

Thanks for the kek

>Trump supporters are retarded
They are also rural and suburban

"Black people are lazy, the only people who need to really worry about the tax codes are rich people, you should have voted for Clinton if you wanted her, I'm successful because of me and not because of others, instead of protesting be at home and come up with ideas for a business, rich and successful foreigners need to stay out, banks give loans to foreigners easier than citizens, ya'll need to stop worrying about others problems, I'm an American Dream."

Pretty fucking based desu.

Kill yourself nigger in faggot
Le base meme fucking nigger

Yup. The guy had a talent, used it, now he is building a promotional company which will bring in new talent and keep growing. You do not see him out there protesting, throwing rocks and shit at cars etc.

These kids who are mostly rich white kids, are just bored.

>literally says trump dindu nuffin

Don't you have to take your girlfriend down to the rape center today? Shoo shoo

No surprise here, he's a Trump supporter

The ones who feed the country and pay taxes for social programs?

I actually disliked him before this video. But he seems like a calm person and a good speaker

is it me or does it feel like every time he paused and looks like hes lost for words and what to say is because he's trying to find the right way to dumb everything.
> we was trying to make hand gestures for protestors and shit but refused to say protestors so blacks wont call him a pussy and a snob white supremacist with big words and shi

He is a boxer. He has what, 50 concussions? It's common for people with concussions to pause and remember their thoughts when they speak. I know a girl with concussions and it's like talking to the blue fish Dory


He is a boxer...he is not too smart but he knows how to make a living

based mayweather

This. For all the illiteracy BS, Mayweather is shockingly articulate (for a boxer) when he actually opens his mouth. He's a surprisingly sharp and wise dude, even if his cerebral/technical boxing style is worse than watching paint dry.

>greatest defensive fighter ever
>taking lots of concussions

Exactly. When Ali was this age he was so incoherent he made Ozzy Osbourne sound like Jared Taylor.

Most people here don't know but it is actually true

You seen his face? He doesn't even look like a boxer. I really doubt he had concussions. That's just the way he talks. I think he's playing dumb.

>can't read

Oh Trumpkins...

He basically described himself following Ayn Rand's philosophy in a really inarticulate way, but he's not wrong in any case.

Just do it with smoke signals


wtf I love mayweather now


If more niggers had his mentality they'd be better off. Doesn't mean you have to go suck his dick but he's at least a decent role model for young nigs. Work hard, worry about your own bidness, vote for your own interests, clean your fucking room.

He could be out there preaching about how hard it was for a nigger to get ahead or how the white man kept him down or whatever. Even with 50 concussions he recognizes that working within the system has made him outrageously wealthy and it can do the same for other nigs. He's a professional shuck n' jiver. Gotta be someone he can pass the mantle off to.

>Not absorbing cosmic knowledge through the sun's rays

>housing discrimination cases up the wazoo
>central park five


typical nigger

I want to choke on his big black dick.


He's only ever really been hit a handful of times in his entire career. He's the GOAT hands down when it comes to defense.


>knew about trump curse
>didn't put money down on mayweather


1. You don't need to get hit in the face to get concussions. Any sort of whiplash or sudden jerking of head can cause a concussion

2. He may haven got hit in practice, who knows

>That's just the way he talks. I think he's playing dumb.

That's how a lot of people talk when they're put on the spot. He was carefully choosing his words because he didn't want public outrage against him.

>mother fucker i aint worry bout nobody else business
Isn't that all Sup Forums does though?


Floyd is a good example for any professional. He was successful because he worked more intelligently than anyone and understood the sport of boxing better than anyone. He was his own coach, his dad and uncle were just there because he wanted to include them.

Yes, Floyd has to tread very carefully because the 'Uncle Tom' card will be played if he reveals his power level.

Getting hit at all isn't good for your brain, but Floyd has received as little damage as anyone can from a boxing career.

Stay mad, cuck

"This man dindu nuffin"
Drumpf is a nigga.

Who's this ape btw?


This is why, as a white man, I couldn't bring myself to talk shit about Floyd when he was gonna fight McGregor.
Sup Forums gotta realize dis nigga, is /ournigga/

I don't know. I think "not that many concussions for a boxer" is still a lot of concussions


I wish he were articulate enough to make a salient point. Like, the concrete is there, but it's still in the mixer and the drainpipe is clogged.

You calling niggers retarded? How racist.

I can't understand what he's saying can anyone translate?

This makes up for my money lost on mcgregor. Floyd is one based nigger.

this man is


#TMT #4L

"I worked for everything I got, nobody gave me shit"

he's trying very hard not to trigger the child-like sensibilities of the hosts, who are very clearly disappointed if not outright disgusted (but only because they know they're checkmated and can't yell at him or call him names)

Flag checks out

Hes carefully choosing his words. Its how I sound when a coworker asks me who I voted for.

Wew lad

wtf I love nogs now

>These kids who are mostly rich white kids, are just bored.

It's not that they're bored. One of the weird quirks of human nature is that people don't get super pissed when things suck. If you walk through shitty neighborhoods, you'll find lots of happy people. Their lives aren't great; they're living in a two bedroom apartment with their whole extended family; but they don't really care.

What does drive people insane and get them throwing rocks in the street is when things are worse than they expected them to be. College kids and recent graduates are furious, not because their lives are particularly shitty, but because they figured their parents weren't bullshitting them when they said that they could be a famous writer. If you think, "I should have this," and yet you don't, then you start thinking that the world is fucked up and needs to get kicked.

He's right, i hate how minority's act all powerful and strong but call them a nigger or a beaner and al of a sudden they turn into little bitches, this is why they never accomplish anything, I'm sure floyd has been called a nigger by top white people but he doesn't give a shit, he is out there trying to make money and no one will stop him specially a few "mean" words

My man, how the fuck he sits home writing ideas for a buisness if he can't read?

This seems siffy as fuck. Lying nigger.

The problem with this fellow is that he doesn't realize a president should be a high quality human being.

Fug! Thanks user!

Floyd wants dat tax cut

this x1000

when more african americans realize this communism, and all it proponents, will be 6 feet under

He actually does have serious problems with reading. He wasn't really what you'd call a serious student, and he left early to go get punched in the head professionally. Might be dyslexia or something, or he might just have never really practiced.

Jordan Peterson as fuck.
Sorting yourself out and cleaning your room before attempting to fix what's outside of it.


But he understands.
And is more successful than you.
Jelly ass fuck nigga.
Check yourself, muhfugga.

Based fp

delete this please