
I don't know if I did a dump last month but here are the latest two chapters, also after the absolute despair bomb of lasdt chapter prepare to be made even more sad than usual

Man, the actual Kuro is creepy as fuck with those eyes

Look at the hair

The last few pages where Kuro supposed killed everybody was just a dream sequence, right?

Making her face reality

Mom and Dad funeral dolls

I sure hope so


And prepare your fucking hearts

Get ready


Were this any other manga this would be some lewd shit

Here we go


This is some weirdness.

See you next month you fags

The implication is that she was already half-drained of her color since the accident and Kuro had been nursing her back to health

huh,I'd kind of fallen behind with this. Thanks for reminding me about it, OP

So did Kuro get inside of her or just gave her all of its color?

Probably gave all the color he stockpiled

I'm pretty sure it was, especially as how it had everyone that mattered to her gathered together

Kuro no

So... Kuro is the name of this mangá?
Or just the cat's name?

Manga and cat

>You'll never own a complete hardcover of this mango