Netflix child porn

In case you haven't heard, Netflix is releasing an original series called big mouth about kids going throught puberty. The trailers have featured underage vagina and underage boys cumming so far and has received largely negative responses on youtube. Honestly how the fuck did the get the okay?

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Western animation is such a disgrace.

This looks horrid. Why would anyone want to watch a show about fucking puberty, the absolute worst and most discusting stage in everyone's life?

God isn't killing us fast anuff

Because the world didn't accept the ultimate truth of our glorious führer when they had the chance. Now the Semites are taking over and this shit happens.

Its not too late, we can rise up and establish a new, more powerful, modern Reich and fulfil the glorious vision of the führer!

Hail victory!

Everyday we stray further from God's light

The Jews are relentless.

Why did we have to be born in the timeline where Hitler lost and the Jews won?

Turn it off.

No CNN MSNBC, cbs, fox, abc, Netflix NPR.

Starve them for ever turn it off.

>What is hentai
Why do american cartoons have shit art styles?

>featured underage vagina
Isn't that kind of hot?


we need to check the writers for this
I'm sure there gonna be some surprising ((((coincidences))))

Let the kikes keep over playing their hand. They think they've already won. They think the masses are stupid and gullible. They think like this every single time right before they are exiled. (Or the ovens start up)

This is a fucking cartoon.
Literally everyone is getting dumber by the minute, this world is fucked


Did you think it was supposed to be any other way? Read your bible user and buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

( ( ( D E G E N E R A T E ) ) )

How can we make adult animation great again?


what did he mean by this Sup Forums



so who is the target demographic? It's like they want kids to watch this shit with their degenerate parents in place of the bird n' bees talk.

Who cares you fucking prude piece of shit.

I'm pretty sure that under Canadian law, this show is literally child pornography.

It doesn't offend me or anything, but is that going to be the entire premise of the show? Like, South Park had a scene where you see Wendy getting breast implants, but that's just one episode and it was comical because it was just something quick and edgy you didn't expect, and that's it for that episode. This one, you've already seen a talking pussy so it's like, well, what the fuck else can they do?

>Honestly how the fuck did the get the okay?
It's almost as if the people they pitched the idea to are cultural elitist urbanites and not normal people

>Nick Kroll
Always a scion of sophistication and refinement. Truly a beacon of light in our age.


Probably some ultra rich Jew who gets off on the content and the thought of other pedos watching it. It's like some fetishist on Patreon except with a massive chain non anonymity and even more money.

You cunts are such prudes. Why don't you go no fap with Common filth. Achieve the mental age of 80 before your 30's

>Read your bible user and buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
The meek shall inherit the earth


No coincidence. 3/4 are jewish.


And the 4th is a groastie

3 jews and a woman who is married to one of the jews

It's a cartoon...

I think it's less about politics, and more about shock comedy.

Nick Kroll does shock comedy on that shitty sports show.

We have flipped over almost every taboo on tv now. Whats left?

Kids having sex, and kids genitals.

Oh, makes sense now.

Jesus Christ, that's disgusting.
What kind of degenerate would sexualize such ugly children?



kYS. No. wait, that would be to easy. Enjoy getting triggered to death, faggot.

Should I just unsubscribe to Netflix? A lot of old cartoons that were on there got taken down, this shit shows up instead, I watch a movie on there and reccomend it to a friend later only for it to already be taken off there, Better Call Saul takes a year per season to get on there. It's like they're focusing too much on original shit, but their original shit is all horrible. Though I did like the new Pee-Wee movie, I'll give them credit there.


>Proceeds to watch loli Hentai

Literally Jews. Stop hiding from the basic reality: Other "cultures" have "different values" than we do about that sort of thing.

To these urban liberal Jewish atheist types, this is all perfectly fine. In fact, it's more than fine, it's fun, hip, relevant, and trendy! All the kids are doing it these days.

Look, you aren't some kind of (((bigot))) who gets upset at a little marketing of prepubescent sex, right?

disclaimer: This post is satire.

Watching Classroom of the Elite right now. Not sure yet whether I like it though.

Just pirate shit. Death to Hollywood.

Yeah Nick Kroll and Andy Goldberg are both Jews, not exactly hidden.

I wish Nick Kroll would go back to acting in other people's material, his own material is rarely funny

it's slightly better than average compared to most trash coming out


>In case you haven't heard,
Yeah, I haven't seen the almost hourly threads n this. Nice viral marketing campaign.

Remember, if you don't like a show, don't watch it or give it attention. Your pearl clutching is the same thing that made video games more violent in the 80's and 90's, and it will happen again.

Yuppies who think le crude humor is hilarious

I was wondering this too. It's a show written by adults remembering what puberty is like and therefore unlikely to connect to the actual experiences of teens currently in puberty. By rooting the characters problems in actual "teen" problems the adult audience can't connect beyond a "oh I sort of remember that part of my life, haha I guess", but without being able to make an emotional connection to the problems of the characters the comedy will fall flat beyond basic observational humor.

Shows with kids/teens that have an adult appeal do it by making their problems relatable to the human condition, not to the problems of a stage of development that the audience is not in or approaching

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

With Youtube censoring everything do you think we could report this video as offensive and get it taken down?


Rated MA
Freedom of Expression

came to unironically post this

Why do jews have to turn everything good into shit?

Oregon provides free abortions to EVERYONE! Netflix runs children's programing that promotes "But Sex!" and talking tween vaginas (Pedos are coming at the thought) The porn industry forces anal sex on it's viewers to normalize it, one step away from Sharia Law. Antifa is a bunch of Commies who attack everything American/Christian. See a pattern?

>>so who is the target demographic?

Dumb twenty-somethings. The Reddit crowd. People like that.


Is it me or does the vagina sound like Amy Shumer?

yep i can hear the fat in her voice

>children will be watching this
It's like the spiderman and elsa videos on youtube. I want off this ride.

I would have never watched something so insulting to my eyes. Western animation style is awful. Family guy, f is for family, bojack horseman, bobs burgers all look terrible

Bobs burgers is actually pretty ok though

fat women are the target demographic of netflix.
>couch potatoes
>not wealthy, usually either sucking dick their boyfriend or boss' dick for money or on welfare
>but not intelligent enough to pirate their TV and movies

I'd say Boycott Netflix but muh 4K shows

>Bobs burgers is actually pretty ok though
It took me a few years to start Bob's Burgers because it looked so shitty.
But it's better than most shit on TV right now

Im pretty sure 90% of Sup Forums has already done that. I did it for Bill Nye the social sciences guy. I dont miss it

That's the jewiest thing I have ever seen.

Emily (((Altman))), Mark (((Levin))), Andrew (((Goldberg))). Literally every fucking time.

this shit looks and sounds terrible. what kind of adult watches cartoons? the brainwashed emotionally stunted type.

we WILL teach the tacos about the eternal bagel

I don't get it. Why don't the jews become ghost writers or ghost schemers
and give to a bunch of Goyim the credit for pushing degeneracy in the West.
They're very sloppy playing with fire like that


pride before the fall
immutable kike personality defects

>a total of 36 autists stopped watching all of those
>meanwhile 50 new people subscribed and tune in every hour

The problem is white people being fucking pathetic and hopeless.

I want to die

they've gone too far this time.


Western animation has finally surpassed anime in the amount of degeneracy

I don't mind it either, and i won't even pirate mainstream content anymore. Too bad Archer was sjwd

Naturally it won't get taken down. 2 tiered justice system and all. If I drew pictures of children jacking off I'd go to jail because I'm just a lowly goyim.

Maybe we deserve to be killed by the muslims

With this the veil of doubt is lifted.

That artstyle makes me physically ill. Anime girls all look the same but your eyes and mouth that low on your face?

Use hooktube.

I cant describe my anger with words

Too bad, nick kroll was pretty good in the life and times of tim

Jew lips

>find this stupid, cringy and appalling
>proceed to watch ecchi like it's nothing
I regret nothing

Is it bad that I just kept thinking

"I bet frogs made this"

It seems right up their alley except the characters aren't drawn with giant fucking noses

There is one actress in this show who is the biggest fucking ugly libtard feminist asswipe in the whole universe that I'm surprised /Pol doesn't rip all over....


and yes, she's (((THIS))) and shit's all over Ivanka.

shits I mean

I've never in my entire life had a nocturnal emission.

Should I be worried?

Call me old fashioned but the show creators should be beheaded