>50% of the population
>98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
>87.9% of those arrested for robbery
>85.0% of those arrested for burglary
>79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children
>77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault
>96% of all homicide perpetrators
Men Hate General /mhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
blow it out yer ass
>Tell my friends men commit 90% of the crime thus are a problem
>They agree
>Then tell them blacks commit 70% of the crime thus are a problem
>They act like I'm literally Hitler
>when pappy gives women the right to vote even though they've literally never run a successful country
men fucking ruined this country by letting women think they're people, driving a wedge into the base unit of society (the family).
remember to sage, report and hide
>Men are much stronger than women
>Men commit more violent crimes than women
Makes me think, y'know?
And 99% of all inventions you use everyday.
Men are the n*ggers of genders. Dumb ugly smelly hairy violent apes.
you left out most of those men are black
don't you know where you are?
>in all fields
pictures of spiderman you say?
That's irrelevant. You can use the exact same crime stats racists use to justify their hate against all men in general
will Jackie Chan work?
They fought hard for their rights and now they have the right to vote and equal rights with men. They don't have to get married. They can go to college, start careers, and own their own money. They don't need a husband to give them money.
More women are living single now than ever before. They aren't even interested in men. They just go about their business. You see them walking down the street with earphones in, listening to their music, and ignoring YOUR catcalls. You see them in the bars and even the sports bars with groups of their friends chatting and laughing among themselves, but if you try to approach them, you'll get shot down because they aren't interested in men any more.
They even have a variety of sexual devices to please them at a moment's notice. Hitachi wands have basically made penises obsolete. And children? Well, they can just visit a sperm bank if they want one.
Women no longer need men. How does that make you feel?
Ugly whore
Fuck outta here
He most certainly will.
Men should be deported.
it's almost as if we are not all equal and that men and women are different, just like how the races are different from each other
But Zoe, you're a mutilated man yourself, why the self-hatred?
>men hate thread
>Zoe is a FtM tranny
Why do you hate Zoe, OP?
Break it down by race too. please and thank you.
Good. Now stop trying to get me to pay for your contraceptions and convincing me to be a father to a kid that isn't mine.
>bullshit statistics in OP
OP is a piece of meat who will never amount to anything because her gender studies degree is worthless.
Nice try, tranny
You say this like that's not a problem for both genders. Since we do need each other to continue the species. If women want to compete with men I'm all for it, don't know how well it'll go for ladies though...
2D is infinitely better than 3D. And I've always hated your disgusting kind. So it doesn't make me feel anything except maybe just a teensy bit of pity for you creatures with your frail feminine ego, empty husks who live solely on the attention they can squeeze out of others to make up for their lack of personalities and genuine interests. Saged.
Probably because you try to make everything about race and shift blame exclusively to one race.
I have a wife who loves me and gave me three wonderful children. So I'm ok with other women being vapid and self absorbed cunts. Because I know they are not all that way.
zoe Quinn is fuckin hot
>visit sperm bank
>Get knocked up and willingly become a single mother
>Not realizing how fucked your kids will be
We shouldn't've emancipated you.
I see what you did there... You left out the nigger part. All the while you got a date with Tyrone later...
Yeah, we could live separately if you want, but independance also mean financial independance. You can't enjoy men's labor and don't suffer men's violence.
On the other hand, niggers, spics and muslims do an unresonable amouth of crime and cost money, so segregation is a win win for us.
white women are at least better than niggers and trannies
Is this a ant image?
Hi Zoe
Nice Thumbnail Cunt
Ladder of opression. This is yhe only thing brainwashed people have in mind.
>Women no longer need men
>except all the help they get from the government, which is paid for by men
the true struggle about getting 5 times the paycheck of a woman is the 800% tax increase you get as well.
Fake women are infinitely better raising children than men. Most pedohpiles and child rapists are men. Men are also much more likely to harm or assault children. Fuck men and fuck you asshole women don't need you filthy pigs anymore
It's aight
Lets also not forget to mention all the illegal bean sucking fucking pieces of shit who get arrested and then say they are white people on jail house records!
99% of women are incapable of love. Only a few of them and most men are capable of true devotion and sacrifice.
Serious question, can you name one single pursuit where a woman is measureably the best in the world, where she actively competes with men? Not just the "best woman", but the absolute best.
>99% of women are incapable of love.
because they evolved to be loved.
they are literally the selfish half of humanity, the niggers of gender.
I would try to play it off like I was trying to troll you but in all honesty I just clicked on the wrong thing
That's just sad.
but does that dispense money?
is she 60 years old? she looks haggard
>50% of murder
>13% of population
>from the 13%, the males age 18-40 commit ~90% of the 50%
Not a problem, no siree
>It's okay to generalize all blacks because the majority of them are guilty of said charges
>It's not okay to generalize all men despite the majority of them are guilty of said charges
Sup Forums Logic.
Being a decent human being.
Respecting fellow human beings
Emotional Intelligence
Child rearing
Enrolling in college
Graduating from college
Holding a job
>Women Earn More Degrees Than Men; Gap Keeps Increasing
>Breadwinning Mothers Are Increasingly the U.S. Norm
>built 100% of society
>invented 99.99% of everything, ever
>have to pay for women's bullshit because females are parasites
>responsible for 99.99% of all the greatest artistic achievements across painting, literature etc
>do 100% of the dangerous jobs so women can sit in an air conditioned office and call themselves strong
also, who knows how much violence women cause by proxy. only reason women aren't violent is because you are pathetically weak
>americanprogress org/issues/women/reports/2016/12/19/295203/breadwinning-mothers-are-increasingly-the-u-s-norm
>Fake women better at raising men
>Visit sperm bank
>Sorry user, you're actually a man
>Can't get pregnant
>Realize you're a mutilated freak
>An heroed
You're all over the place with your arguments. You didn't even address the fact that single motherhood is terrible. Never you mind the fact that fake women are real men. So in this, don't you realize that you're saying some men are better at raising children then others you fagget? Are you genuinely this stupid, delusional, or just a bot?
I guess its why they relate with niggers so much. They think they can control them till its time to pay the toll. Niggers don't know how to love either. They just know what they want from white people forever.
>50% of the population
>98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
>87.9% of those arrested for robbery
>85.0% of those arrested for burglary
>79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children
>77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault
>96% of all homicide perpetrators
these numbers are just evidence of Institutional Sexism that is rampant in our criminal justice system. Men and women are the same but the police and courts discriminate against men and profile them
hahaaa you're stuck with me bitch
Jew detected! Fucking Mint!
All women should lesbians:
The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.
Separate each statistic by race, and in each instance you'll see the men of that race far more likely than women to commit crimes. Nice attempt at deflection.
I call bullshit on you statistical analysis.. Cite your sources or tits and btfo
>I guess its why they relate with niggers so much.
That is entirely related to forethought brother, women don't think of the future anymore than niggers do. that's a male human trait that led to cities and civilizations being made.
The Aussie didn't go with the shitpost response? I'll be honest I'm a little disappointed.
Hey guys I know you're bored so I made an epic new meme for you.
His name is NOTpepeā¢ and he's a hilarious cartoon macro that you can adapt into all sorts of hilarious spinoffs. This charming character and his vague origin offers infinite scope for zany hijinks, limited only by the imagination of the artist himself!
What? The distinctions between NOTpepeā¢ and pepe are totally meaningless? They're the exact same shit? Are you a fucking idiot? They're completely different look he's a different colour.
I don't like t he colors can you make him green?
What if you were chastity slave, haha
If you're the absolute best at child rearing, shouldn't that be your focus? If you don't do it correctly, your child ends up a braindead, TV-addicted zombie incapable of facing real life problems.
its al your my friend
men are the best and worst of humanity.
men have objectively higher variance in intelligence than women.
meaning that there are more male retards than female retards but also many more male geniuses than female geniuses.
It's the geniuses who progress the rest of humanity, so men have contributed far more towards human progress than women.
With mediocre women in charge we would take far longer to develop medicine, antibiotics, reduce infant mortality because female geniuses are significantly rarer compared to male geniuses.
furthermore women are simply less interested in careers that don't revolve around socialising so less of them want to be physical scientists or mathematicians or engineers.
So basically we'd be living like primitive tribes or early human civilizations.
True men are more violent but that doesn't change that we raised the human race to where it is today.
>Rise and rise of the IVF middle-class single mothers... who say fathers are a thing of the past
Men officially BTFO.. With IVF men have lost all purpose in this world. You are useless just go to the corner and die you fat ugly violent pigs.
Its not a deflection by virtues of the Libshit left . Its about you white yahoo whores that should hate and be intolerant to sub human niggers more than any other man. Only by your femnazi cunt standards. Then niggers should be at the bottom but you've been indoctrinated by the electric Kike to act like niggers are Dindus. I never accused woman of being smart. There is a reason why a white man hits you and there is a reason why a nigger beast hits you. Both are very different dumb whore!
don't ignore my argument:
The only one with flawed logic here is you. Sup Forums readily admits that men commit more violent crime than women, and that is to be expected because men are stronger and more fit. The problem with your logic is that when you remove the subhuman niggers and spics from the U.S. crime rate, we would be one of the most peaceful countries on earth.
Single motherhood you dumb cunt. It's fucking terrible.
black men
He's not your dad. Look it up yourself using google. Or are you just that lazy you can't bother to waggle your finger and do a cut and paste?
>Mum, where's muh daddie?
inb4 they are (((white)))