Why do women hate scales?
Why do women hate scales?
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>Why do women hate scales?
they hate the truth. women live in a fantasy.
they're so fucking fat
They are disillusion and hate fact because it is objective and indisputable.
Because unlike men, scales can't be swayed by the carrot/stick pussy game. They just tell it how it is.
t. beam balance
>Pay for gym membership
>purposefully misplace the equipment to spite other patrons
Scales are oppressive tools of the patriarchy
This. Women cannot fathom the concept of truth. They're children in the bodies of adults. This is why they invent terms like mansplaining because they simply cannot handle the slightest amount of criticism.
Why don't she just step on it and break it permanently?
what a fat useless cunt
Has anyone reported her?
>This. Women cannot fathom the concept of truth. They're children in the bodies of adults.
Plenty of men like this to, the difference is that they have enough self awareness to just shut themselves in and not spread their cancer on social media. Most of the time
kek giving a shit what women think. do you have a penis or are you a tranny op
>be fat shit
>rather than thinking about losing weight you think about where to hide the scale
Because they can't use make up to hide reality
Basic human attraction.
A woman who eats very little in front of men is viewed as more attractive than women that pig out.
Women who eat very little weigh very little.
Women also want to be eternally 12 to 15. All their early life, they shoot to look older to hit that natural genetic hot spot that men biologically find attractive. After that time span, women spend all their time trying to look younger, again chasing that biological attraction peak.
So, its all about their womb, and trying to be the most attractive possible to find the best male to fill it. Even though her higher brain functions (ie, conscious reasoning) doesn't really want to do that. The lower levels of the brain have been programmed through billions of generations to drive to be attractive and ready to breed.
While this bitch is a fat cunt, the gym deserves this for having those shitty scales.
Why do American men like thicc women then?
They don't hate the scales. They hate that the scales don't tell them what they want to hear. Assuming they have scales that can talk.
scales are oppresive
men with no self awareness are becoming more commonplace in public. i hate it when some turbo hell virgin comes into my store and tries to act like small talk about anime is perfectly commonplace and acceptable, just because i'm fixing their handheld hentai machine for them
they choose the truth by their feelings and not by facts
Because anything that slaps them out of their delusional self acceptance state of being is an oppressive tool of our white patriarchal society.
Why do Canadians call weightmeasurers "scales"?
>men with no self awareness are becoming more commonplace in public.
Most people are fucking retarded desu. I was a huge huge video game nerd when i was younger and played wow, wc3, sc etc but never once did i talk about that shit in public when there where normies around. Lots of other wow nerds didn't mind talking about their builds, raids and epics on the school bus though, completely oblivious about every one around them not caring or the fact that every pussy within 50 feet shriveled up and died.
Same reason french call quarter pounders "royales with cheese." Blame the metric system.
They have scales for many reasons.
If you're working out using heavy weights, it's often important for you to know your own weight so you don't get yanked into something that might kill you.
If this dumb bitch is using gym equipment without knowing this, she's a risk to herself and the others around her.
>Blame the metric system.
Back in the days they would weight things by resting a stick on a fulcrum and then attaching two plates/cups on either sides. One for a known weight and the other one for the thing being weighted.
The word is probably derived from the old germanic word for cup which similar to scale. We still call bowls ''skål'' here. Don't know where the word comes from but some people claim it is derived from the world skull and the fact that skulls made pretty good goblets.
Skull > skael > scale
They hate reality.
because scales tell the truth even when you are standing on them
Because scales don't give a perverted version of reality, they simply tell you your weight.
I was going to post this...
>hate the scale
>still give it attention
Yeah but the jannies won't do their fucking jobs.
This is leftism in a nutshell.
Tangible reminders of their inability to take care of themselves hurt their feelings.
audible kek.
No need for bats, they could just stand on the scale and break them.
They are the anti-truth sex. They literally cannot endure it.
You'd be the same way if you were flabby and stupid and had no balls
Fat is beautiful.
Knowledge is racist.
Stop thinking, just accept it.
El oh el
>I'm laughing so hard
i mean hiding something is moderately amusing, it's hardly the epitome of sophisticated humour
They're symbols of oppression like confederate statues
Today, Sweden wasn't a faggot.
Women love my scales.
most of the US has been zogwashed, though they'll vehemently deny is.
I wouldn't say women who eat "very little" are more attractive than women that just eat a regular amount.
Most men like a woman with a bit of fat on her, as long as it's distributed well. I don't want my kids gestating in some anorexic girls womb who will hate them for ruining her body and starve herself.
It's also about what they eat. Nothing wrong with a girl who will finish a plate of ribs or chicken wings. Usually those aren't the fat ones. The fat ones are the ones who graze all day on "healthy" snack foods.
>omg I just keep gaining weight, but all I'm eating is these lowfat snackbars that have 40g of sugar I don't get it!
Bottom line is, you want a girl who will eat, but eat the right things, that carries some fat in the right places.
Because its the only thingg that telling them the truth about them
Oh, I am laughing.
I'm not even very mad about the "hide the scale" thing itself. To me it does seem like a harmless prank, to hide it in an out of the way place in the locker room. It's the reasoning and principle behind it that makes me cringe
At the end of the day it's an indicator of status relative to the current year. When there was little food and people were starving, a fatter woman was attractive because of what it implies (opulence, in a society where very few were opulent), and in a society where food is so plentiful that there's an obesity epidemic, thin women are attractive because of what it implies (self-control, in a society where very few people have discipline).
Being in denial and hating the truth are obvious answers to your question. However, my mother, myself, and many women believe that having a scale around can grow into an unhealthy obsession. Going off of how you feel and look in the mirror puts you more in tune with your body. It also forces you to create specific goals when it comes to your physique, not just hitting some magic number you think will make you look great. Of course, this only applies to women who are already slim and in decent shape. This is more about being honest with yourself, not some weird fat acceptance mindset. I mean how retarded do you have to be to need a scale to tell you you're fat anyways? It's just another excuse people use, like oh I didn't even realize I'd gained weight tee hee! (Refusing to accept blame for being a lazy cunt and eating like garbage.) I get weighed at my yearly physicals and I've never been over 108. Hiding the scale at a public gym is just juvenile though.
You're forgetting that the zogwashing over the last 40 years has been overwhelmingly favoring rail thin models that have the bodies of 12 year old boys.
This is because fashion designers are mostly gay men, so their vision of peak sexual desirability is actually a 12 year old boy.
Fit women's body's bounce back better after child birth. Stop trying to cope with having a fat wife with saggy gross skin and stretch marks from pregnancy.
Because it reminds them of their insecurities.
Now, with that said, stuff like makes me kek heartily. They think the ISO sat down, and made a international standard for female beaut; at least that's how they talk. As if a gathering of old white men decided that being so obese that you can't wipe your own ass properly, is not particularly attractive, and that we perpetuate this standard through ads, commercials, video games, etc.
IMO, many models are way too fucking skinny to be healthy, let alone attractive.
whoever made Planet Fitness was a genius
I fucked a girl that was in a rap video of a very well known artist these days. I hate thicc girls, they are just fat. I was deluded into thinking otherwise by mainstream media.
The difference is I'm an adult and after trying it out and being honest about not enjoying it, I've one back to normal girls with no shame. A little meat isn't bad, but lets not kid around that "thicccccccc" is anything but disgusting.
Because it mansplains their weight to them.
Une balance, come toi p'tite pute.
Mind of a child......
Actually im impressed she didnt put herself in the photo.
When did I say anything different?
Btw that woman probably weighs 140 assuming she's average height.
She's pretty muscular, but look at that booty. She's got a good amount of padding to go along with it. If she were lower bodyfat and had a visible 6 pack she would look less attractive. You're proving my point.
There's one down the street from my house and I check it out once because it's cheap and close.
No squat rack, literal lunk alarms going off in the gym, no bench press, not allowed to deadlift. It was horrible.
It's rated where it needs to be, the same joke has been repeated multiple times since that happened. (Yes it is funny though)
That fat bitch died of heart complications by the way, 34 years old.
Why can't women just accept that certain things make them unattractive? Some of the most judgmental creatures ever, but they cannot handle even the slightest judgment against themselves.
>men are short, ugly, bald, small dicked
>they cry a bit about it but know its just shit luck
>women are fat
>even though they can change that about themselves they fight against it like its mens fault for not liking it
>lifting weights
>drinking sugar-aids drink instead of water
Why do women think that (((Gatoraid))) is anything more than a jewish scam?
Because scales can't lie.
Only fatties hate scales. Being overweight isn't a problem at all, all strong independent woman love being overweight because its SO natural! Don't tell them how much they weigh though, they might get triggered.
Yeah people are fucking brainwashed. They need to see actual thin girls and rewire their brains cause they've been conditioned to like these giant assed baboons. They are literally disgusting and unnatural looking as fuck.
>Assuming they have scales that can talk.
how else would they be able to find out how much they weigh? it's not like they can look at the screen considering that they have two humans worth of fat infront of them
They sell vegan cookies (loaded with sugar) at the front desk, and give away free pizza once a week. It's not a place for serious people.
Whoa... I've never seen the rest of this gif before
You're talking about a different prong to the zogwash encirclement. More accurately, it's an independent form of propaganda that has been allowed to continue because it causes negative effects to the psyches of men and women. It was never the primary zogwash.
The overwhelming zogwash has been nigger culture, it pervades everything.
Pic related:
Left: A bit thin, acceptable if very young (pre socially acceptable sexual maturity age)
Middle: Great
Right: Acceptable if she's older and produced children, otherwise fat.
If you think right is thicc, you've been zogwashed.
The show is fantastic. But I can't remember what its called.
>Why do women hate scales?
Because some dumb women go to the gym and work out to BUILD MASS not to tone down/firm up , THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW.
So they work as hard as they can and since they give up after a month or 2 cause hard/lazy they balloon cause their metabolism is build to take a lot and all of that burn goes into fat.
Either way if they don't eat they suffer.
Yeah, a visible six-pack is usually unhealthy for a woman. It tends to go with a lack of menstruation and other such natural body functions. This is at ~15% body fat, so ~20% is generally fine. Men can go down to 4% without any major defects in comparison.
Women do not have strong sexual desires clouding their judgement, so they see themselves for what they really are. They find their bodies gross.
She could just not use it...
Who am I kidding. If she had that level of self control she wouldn't be a fat fuck in the first place.
Criminally underrated
she used to be fit and buffed but wtf happened?
Danger Force 5
As a male you'll technically want to stay around 8-10%, which is often outside of visible six-pack range if you're northern European.
Yeah, the right is too much. I would be fine with a woman half of the way between right and middle though.
>the gym deserves this for having those shitty scales.
electronic scales are for housewives
top fucking keks
Same reason why their sizes aren't just waist measurements but 0-14 or whatever
Also I have heared of some
Women's stores removing the x from xl
Sure, I also wouldn't care if the mother of my kids was a bit heavier and looked like the right. That's part of the social contract of marriage.
How do you get an accurate reading with a normal scale? Seems like there's a 2lb range in which it "balances"