Why do they put this stuff in the show? Nobody likes it so why is this even a thing?

Why do they put this stuff in the show? Nobody likes it so why is this even a thing?

i like it

>Nobody likes it
Fuck you homo, I like it.

Kiddy fiddlers have money, too.

I like the milf parts.

That's right I don't like it I love it

Well that's because you're a sick fuck.

Nobody likes it, but remember, we're nobody. We are Anonymous.
Now fuck off you gayhorse

Fuck off homo.

>Nobody likes it
Guaranteed replies

Well I wasn't planning on masturbating before now.

This image would be better without Kuro, just with Illya and Miyu next to each other.


[ ] Fuck Miyu
[ ] Fuck Illya
[ ] Fuck Cloé
[ ] Tousaka's anus


Would even better if they were hugging.

>nobody likes it

And here we have our meme thread of the day, folks

[x] Fuck imouto

as much as it pains me, there is only correct answer.

who else is ready for another season of the best girl getting ignored in all the fanservice parts?

[x] Tousaka's anus
This is the only answer

[x] Marry Miyu
[x] Fuck Illya


[ ] Fuck Miyu
[X] Fuck Illya
[ ] Fuck Cloé
[ ] Tousaka's anus

>Nobody likes it
[citation needed]

[x] Fuck Miyu
[x] Fuck Illya
[x] Tousaka's anus

Good, old hags have no right to get any kind of attention in this series.
Now post some Miyubutts.

[x] Tohsaka's anus
What do I get to do with it?

Can't you read? YOU CAN HAVE ONLY ONE.

we are legion
expect us xD


pedo pandering has been a thing in anime every since anime has been a thing. Disliking it would be the exception, not the rule

And you're a fag OP

Do all boobs look like that from an angle?

[x] Fuck Kuro
for sure
She is made for breeding

You gonna try and stop me?
Esmeralda best girl.

You're clearly too young to be here. You'd best leave.