>smug white woman advert. gushing over how shit everything has become
Smug white woman advert. gushing over how shit everything has become
7 interacial couples in less than a 50 seconds
everything about Britain disgust me
There are 7 of them + a white mother with a brown children
I want to lick those toes
The moment the coalburner kisses the nigger the old bitch says "Well done".
They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Oy gevalt we have to sell cars to subhumans
>The future is full of niggers
Jesus Christ they are seriously pushing the interracial motive. ((Who's)) behind this?
what is even wrong with this advert? It isn't even bad
Why is American television so cucked?
isn't that girl from ...
I literally just got this ad on youtube:
>Britain has come a long way
Indeed, lmao.
I want to lick those everything.
If you look inside you
Deep inside.
You'll find a Nigga is there.
i am talking about op's pic.
I know, what about it?
nothing continue.
Women MUST be Punished for what they've done, along with the kikes & shitskins.
They can be Used solely as broodmares, stuck in a room all their lives to pump out Kids whilst the Men Fuck Sexbots/Traps.
You reap what you sow.
I wonder what Henry Ford would think about what these faggots have done to his company...
Yes it's real bad here the other month i saw a black person in my local area.
>Also desecrating the Greatest Irish-American ever's Company like this
Fucking disgusting kikes & cuckold anglos..
>all busy making purpose
I hate how newspeak means nothing
Me too.
i have literally never seen a black/muslim driving a car
does ford know these people are too poor and dumb to drive and immigration is bad for them?
99% of muslims are buswankers
that's a fact
it's really bad here too I saw someone non-white last year
>being this paranoid
Wouldn't it be a violation of NAP?
Anyone ever noticed how (((banks))) literally never have mostly White People in their ads anymore.
Why do they think they can get away with being so blatant, when they know Rightly that White People are Waking Up?
wont be buying a ford anytime soon, their ideals are alien to my family and freinds, lectures from merchants we do not need
>be british
>never been to london
You're lucky, actually.
...go on
We had a bank that hired Bruce Willis for their ads. It has recently gone bankrupt though, hehe.
Fame-Girls Sandra, if i remember correctly.
No it isnt CP
If I buy a Mustang GT does any of the money go to the disgusting Red Sea Pedestrian that produced this advert?
there is no reason for me to ever step foot near that place
and let's be real it's still 99% there, there's just more of them
every fucking advert has a black-white mixed couple or ten, ree
Do they actually exist in real life though?
Nearly everyone I know has relationships with those in their own race or religion. In fact, in my entire life I know of a grand total of five who don't. I'd put good money on these people being a statistical irrelevance in pretty much every country, even places like the USA or South Africa, yet they are on every piece of media going.
Yes goyim you must by my new multicultural mobile.
>Britain has a two door fiesta
Fucking fuck they always have the cooler shit.
yes because of course you never see a single wog in french adverts
or a gay person
oh wait
I'd been looking at the Mustang GT because there's no better performance car out there for the money that has a roof and a boot. Right hand drive for the first time, too.
lol no everyone and their dog drives a corsa or a white van
and all our cars are small and under powered
Why do ye lads love Old, American Action Stars so much?
What a fucking travesty. I'd hazard a guess girls with low self esteem and or confidence issues would envy this chicks attractive exterior. Consequently potential funneling them down the same rabbit hole. But this bitch instead of seeking help cut her tits off.
Well, here they were before she signed her premature death warrant. WP
>being a teenager
I rally, enter hill climbs and own four road cars in addition to two motorcycles. It's really not that expensive to own a decent car, you just have to shop around.
m8, my mum went out with a half-zimbabwean mongrel some time after separating from my father. granted, he was a really kind guy and his "black" mum was pretty much a chinese-looking paleskin, but that doesn't make my own mother any less a coalburner. shameful.
and i swear if i hear women cooing on about "gorgeous coffee-coloured babies" one more time...
yes they exist, the menace is real. the media's concerted attempt to make black men look oh so cool and whites oh so naff is only limited by the fact just 1.5% of our population are black males.
Seriously, bleh.
because they grew up watching them, when everything national on tv was bleak communist droll.
what are you, fucking retarded?
I never thought of that...
You know I just might be..
is right. in the 1990s there was little to none movie production, and we all watched american movies. I was a kid and leuitenant McLane was my hero.
Was it weird always seeing your countrymen as the villains in so many American action movies?
Did it poison you against your own country in any way?
t. Black English
How is your black father; John ?
LOL how many more black\white couples can they fucking shove in that stupid commercial?
Beautiful picture.
Ship over a post 2010 used Corvette instead. Performs much better and pretty much anyone with half a brain can do regular maintenance on it.
>rotherham headlines
lol that's always the first card that butthurt frogs reach for. keep up the illusion that everything's perfect in france, mon ami. go to a few concerts or a public celebration or something. nothing's gonna happen.
You know that more you're in contact w/ propaganda, more it works even if you're against it ?
No, it didn't.
It did teach me to consider you the enemy, though.
He's getting desperate or he's getting flipped off in his Holloywood circles. He filmed a UK ad for Jew owned Sky, that later got pulled by the Advertising Standards Agency.
Reason - ‘We concluded that the ad did not make sufficiently clear the extent of the commitment consumers had to make in order to obtain the broadband service at the advertised price of £7.50 per month, and was misleading,’ the ASA said in a statement.
No, it was not. Nobody had any illusions about US and "great western world". At least nobody of the 90s kids. One of the biggest moments that shaped my "political" worldview as a kid was Belgrade bombings.
I came to hate and despise USSR as I grew up, but your movies barely capture how much of a shithole it was.
Although I like popular stereotypes about Russians and I even sometimes roleplay as a drunken FSB hacker on Sup Forums.
I think thats fallacious. If you're conscious to the bullshit, you actively ignore the bullshit unless you're a fucking brainlet.
I also grew up on 80s and 90s American action movies and loved them as well.
Whoops, I forgot to check the post ID and responded to a flag instead.
I couldn't imagine watching a movie where the antagonists were my countrymen. Not and take it seriously, even as a kid. Just too damned weird.
Yeah, those were great. Why are the movies so shit these days?
t. sickle cell anemia capital of europe
at least we don't paint cuck porn on our national monuments.
It's just like you're watching a Rambo movie, but understand that it's basically a wartime propaganda.
BTW, we never had a thing called Super Nintendo, we had this
That too teached me about how things work in the world.
Funny, blacks are 3% of the population. Pakis way outnumber them here.
I guess it's a reflection of middle aged women's sexual fantasies selling shit, like in the 80s it'd be old guys and young bimbos?
absolutly not. It affect you less if you know it's bulltshit, but it can disturbed your opinion
Jesus you poor bastard! That elephant is crazy creepy as well. Did you own a Kenga as well?
It's created by marketologists to maximise the profit, not by creative people with a wish to do something beautiful in mind. The same reason everything is shit.
the cars are powered entirely through wireless energy from henry ford spinning in his grave at 500,000 RPM
>jaw dislocated from too many black cocks
it's like that in america. niggers are 11% of the population while spics are 30%+ and even others+asians have higher population than niggers. yet somehow everything in media is about niggers and making niggers happy.
niggers are the master race it seems
>The first mural ever painted underneath the Eiffel tower has been completed, and American artist Cleon Peterson
As usual you dirty Anglos can,ot help but spreading your cuck fetish
No idea what that is. I have to mention that beside Dendy we had counterfiet Dendys from China that were buggy as hell. Add the fact that old soviet TV sets were barely compatible - I had to play Mario and Contra in black-n-white with white noise all over the picture.
Frankly, the 90ies action movies are no paragons of artistic creativity either and were there exclusively to make money.
And yet they were not so shitty.
They had charismatic action heros and actors to play them, now they just pick a random handsome guy and the hero is done.
haha holy shit everyone is racemixing in this commercial, jesus christ
I really do recon it's sexual frustration in single mothers. Advertizers aren't stupid, they study their audiences for years. It must be 40+yo single women respond most positively to the fantasy that niggers find them irresisitable, sort of like a reverse hypergamy. It's racist as shit, but then those old ads aimed at guys forty years ago were sexist as shit. At least they weren't pretending to be progressive back then.
they're semi-g*rman mongrels.
>having ads
So your Dendy just played Nintendo games from what I'm seeing? I mean, how the fuck games and stuff? And that sucks about the snow on the TV.
The wiki article said the Kenga was a rip off of the Super Nintendo like the Dendy was off of Nintendo
A well-known German name
>implying they don't anglicise their names like kikes do
>not even one WMBF grouping
>Go from a qt with goat eyes to a femboy
>That moment when they showed her without boobs
Haha. Fuck me. Literally an interracial fiesta.
Holy shit I hadn't realized it was this bad.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I fucking hate primal scream. Cunts.
Hey, there's a nigga... INSIDE YOUR BODY
Honestly, what do they even think they are doing? It's like they are some weird cult at this stage. Do they think the common man enjoys this at all?