He just called him ROCKET MAN at the UN
He's calling everyone out right now
Another Trump speech bound to make waves
When has political discourse devolved into elementary school name calling?
Trump is another neocon piece of shit
His intention is to provoke him. Our president doesn't care about our allies. Trump is not a buffoon he is doing this on purpose to make him to act. How irresponsible. This should be an act of impeachment
Please tell me this is true. I can't listen to his speech atm. Did he really call him Rocket Man??? :D
Since the left branded everyone not-left nazis
>Sup Forums's meme candidate is shifting the global ideologies and bringing an end to globalism, the effects of which will be felt for decades of centuries
what a fucking timeline
The Neocons have him by the balls. Muh Iran, muh NK, muh taliban. Drain the swamp allright.
>The United States has great strength and patience.
>Rocket man is on a suicide man for himself, and his whole regime.
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
LOL that mongoloid potato has been launching bottle rockets and will continue to do so. Trump calling him a name changes nothing.
Anyone got a link?
Your propaganda blinded you of the dangers.
As it was deviced to do .
Guys..please tell me that isn't Conway in the middle..please..
It's just a nickname lad
We have all used this exact same tactic
Remember that girl you liked who had a bf and you
always called him by the wrong name even though you
knew what it was?
>W-we MUST protect i-istrael you go-guys! 'member hitler? 'member all the 6498342347812356718253127863612838912308123128391279386123712318930129o30+12389129036127831278319239012p3812903 gorrillilobas?
Has a double meaning IMO - VX Gas (that's how his brother was killed)
the absolute madman said the US WOULD COMPLETELY DESTROY NORTH KOREA if need be
Lol... it's always been there.. everything else exists in your delusion
And not one live feed link...
That means China won't do nothing, and after NK come Burma, because why not, poor muslims require humanitarian help.
We are back in kissinger world.
That's beyond shitty
he keeps trying to force the Rocketman meme
go home trump your are sneed tier.
Fuck off, the left has been BLUMPFing for years now.
my guess is JA was spot on
part of this is to "solve" the north korean problem, the other is chinese containment
>THAAD and missile defense in SK and Japan
checkmate gooks, fuck off
check these
>nazi flag
>has a orgasm when drumpf use inmature name calling
kys OP
HE BTFO'd all the socialists and commies and the grumbles were loudly audible.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fuck you commie bastards!
hey, 'member Vietnam? Burgerland thought high tech would win there too. too many gooks, you dumbasses.
The masters of banter, the UK used to be the world super power. This is nothing new
what a shit speech
greater isreal basically confirmed
Found one. You need to go back about 45 mins for when Trump starts.
>r-r-r-rocket man t-that will s-surely show that m-meanie!
It's disrespectful in that way irish like.
Six quinjillion, goy!
This is how nukes work. If you say you won't retaliate you are inviting attacks on your country. This is why the leftist outrage when May said she would use nukes was so retarded.
So how does this make my question invalid? Fukcing partisan retards.
>yea I think doing X is kinda dumb
Literally elementary school level.
>asymmetric warfare vs gooks hiding in a forest with no military of which to speak=missile defense vs an actual nation like china
peasant btfo
It's almost like people aren't robots, you autistic fuck
Been a while since ive seen that lady well memed my firend!
Cheers big ears
Funny how they all sound just *exactly* the same after they get elected isn't it? That statement could have been made by any of the last four presidents. It's almost like they are being fed these lines by someone. Someone who is indifferent to election cycles.
Bullish Raytheon, Boeing stocks. Forward off the fiscal cliff.
Wait. When was the UK a world superpower? What happened?
Democrat flag... choke on 11 million dreamer cocks.
how does it not, asswipe?
>when did political discourse turn into elementary school namecalling
>the left has been DRUMPFing for years at this point
you asked when, he gave you a timeframe
kill yourself you degenerate croat
^ this
>political discourse
international diplomacy on the other hand...
Vanilla Ice, is that you?
>having standards is robotic
I might be autistic but you are actually retarded.
This alone justifies voting for him
faceblindness is a sign of autism hans
Hey guys I know you're bored so I made an epic new meme for you.
His name is NOTpepeā¢ and he's a hilarious cartoon macro that you can adapt into all sorts of hilarious spinoffs. This charming character and his vague origin offers infinite scope for zany hijinks, limited only by the imagination of the artist himself!
What? The distinctions between NOTpepeā¢ and pepe are totally meaningless? They're the exact same shit? Are you a fucking idiot? They're completely different look he's a different colour.
Brush your teeth, bong
weak attempt
strikes no cords
Complaining about politics not being boring enough is autistic and robotic, yes. We need more jingoism, not less.
That's not Conway in the middle
No worries Nige
If you want politics to be interesting you should neck yourself. Politicians aren't there to entertain you. They are there to run the fucking country. If you want entertainment go watch Youtube or something.
You faggots never did this?
It's a classic way to discount your opponent.
You morons talk about 4d chess yet have zero
understanding of a basic 3d move
It's as if Hillary won.
Back to plebbit
In the years leading up to the Civil War, a Democrat Congressman tried to beat a Republican Congressman to death with a walking stick during deliberations in the US Congress. This is nothing new.
Reminder that this actually happened.
I'm going to guess that what we are going to see from Trump from now going to be similar to what a Jeb! Presidency would have looked like.
Since all politicians became a fucking joke decades ago.
He calls kim rocket man but doesn't have the balls to defend his country of BEST KOREA
Kim will launch another rocket tomorrow?
We were using WWII technology you fucking retard
It's 2017
We successfully invaded Iraq and Afghanistan the only problem was that monkey obogo decided to pull out.
Japan and S Korea US troops have never pulled out.
Trying to kill someone isn't elementary school namecalling though. Also that was domestic politics not foreign affairs.
>tfw the honeymoon is over and reality closes back in
Actually emperors and kings used to call each other out all the damn time, it even went so far you would imply the opposing ruler was a demon, devil, bastard, tyrant, sexual maniac, a heretic, pagan, and what not.
Subtle jabs, incessantly levied. When they squeal, you slightly adjust the jab. Sometimes you relieve the pressure just to see how they react to that - then resume. It drives people nuts. When they pop everyone thinks they are irrational. Sometimes they go full chimp.
First they mocked us.
Then they mocked us.
Then they forced us to work.
Then we destroyed the modern world.
"For the safety of tendies rises above the petty dreams of normies"
Response of The Imperial Tendie Division to the Normie Triumvirate, A.D. 2026
They at least tried to be more articulate than rocket man though:
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
10/10 speech
Please, read Richardson's "Confrontational Politics". 2016 was the year Richardson's concept went full swing.
We should be building him nuke plants and air droping pallets of cash when he makes threats not call him names.
-T. Democrat
Hmmm. How about back when most of what are now the Commonwealth countries were colonies? They were huge.
Yeah, it is getting silly. Fucking Twitter is now a part of global geopolitics. I expected we will get techno-scribes, not Twitter threats that end in leaders of the world shitposting each other.
It is a mix of idiocracy and high tech with a slow annihilation of high culture. Even Dwayne Johnson has announced he will "maybe" run for president.
I guess most kids here don't understand pre-internet trolling methods
why is Sup Forums such shit. a low quality post like this gets 80+ replies. No sources or nothing, just a psycho with 2 lense flares.
off by 8 retard
not a big fan of trump anymore, i don't give a fuck about him. no progress has been made and no drastic action taken because he wants a second term, but doesn't realize that he won't even stand a chance at a second term if he "plays nice" with spicks and libs
even if someone happened to him today, i don't think it would even trigger anything. he doesn't have the same fervor behind him as he used to.
i still have hope he'll wake the fuck up and wipe out his senior staff, but i doubt it.
My point is that discourse is not limited to how the other side, or even The Establishment, frames it. The Democrats have been calling everyone names and engaging in ad-hominem attacks non-stop since any time that I can remember. There is no high bar to attain. The only thing that is outlandish about this is that it was a Republican that did it. If it had been a Democrat, then I doubt anyone would have noticed.
You're just making yourself look stupid