Kraut/pol/ & AfD general - Steuern sind Raub Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€. For the most towns this is expired by now

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


Believe germanbros.

Germans, apologize for your war crimes.

we dindu nuffin


Nothing's going to happen with the border as long as the USA stands strong. Its demographics show it becoming a Latin American state though so tic toc.

Most of the Polish media is run by (((people))) who want to see Germany and Poland at each other's throat so don't fall for it.

>A 2016 survey from "MEN," a monthly magazine for gay men, showed that 17% of respondents openly supported the AfD, higher than the national average.

Wenn einer weitere AFD-chans hat, bitte posten.


Schau doch mal ins Archive

postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

OK, listen fags.
Here the election result:
CDU 33.5%
SPD 21.5%
FDP 12.5%
AfD 11.0%
Linke 10.5%
Grüne 6.5%
andere 4.5%

Grand Coalition will continue

Nö, nur mein Drawfagversuch, werde versuchen bis zur nächsten Wahl gut memes shitposten zu können, auserdem will ich bis dahin bereit für einen Krieg sein :^)


>FDP 12.5%

what are your friends posting on kikebook? Just saw pic related in my feed.

>Greens in parliament.

Funny how everyone assumes that the average votes of the non-voter base are statistically different from the overall votes.

So viele Bekannte von mir, die sonst SPD, Linke und Grüne gewählt haben sagen mir sie würden dieses Mal FDP wählen.
Ist zwar nur meine Erfahrung, aber solche Erfahrungen geben einem eine Ahnung in welche Richtung die Umfragen falsch sein könnten.

>even that mascot is a nu-male

this would be soooo fucking good
what happens if they don´t make the 5 %?
go their votes just to waste?


Here's another poll.

Die Wahl wird so ausgehen

Exactly, into the trash it goes.

Yes. It increases the share of seat of the parties that made into the parliament. It might enable a CDU-FDP coalition which would at least be a small change - not sure if for the better of Germany though.

tell them that you didnt plan to vote but thanks to this picture they convinced you to vote AfD

I got most of my colleagues to vote AfD. Also picking my Sister and Mother up for voting both will vote AfD. Maybe its going to be good. i dream of 18%.

But maybe i only know plebs who cant hold against me in argument and just vote what i say.

Too many people don't trust the FDP.

Nigga don't you know Parliamentarian Democracy?
It's called the "5% Hurdle" for reason, this is the requirement for parliament representation.

TL;DR : Yes, you retard. all their hopes are in vain if their federal-wide approval deceedes below 5%


not really a poll

I mostly wanted to know how many Germans want Polish territory. I'd venture a guess it's ~2% at most, do you agree?

Second q: how many AfD leaders publicly state they want Polish territory?

My mother is an SPD member, but was leaning AfD in 2015 and 2016 but now decided to vote FDP. My father is too leftist. My sister is an active Linke member. My brother is redpilled, but too young to vote. I got two of my friends who usually don't go voting to vote AfD. Most other people I know that I've talked with about their vote will vote FDP or might vote for them.

Note: Nearly all people I know in my current city also study Betriebswirtschaftslehre.


Prussian territory*

and I know there are no polls regarding first question, want your honest estimate

LOL AfD-voters are so funny. they think they vote for a right-wing party not kowing that they're following a neoliberal party :D

good luck being sold to bankers and big corporates.

Well, the concept of europe could work leading to a more unified peoples (and plese for God's sake not a fucking bigger governmwnt current EU worst EU) Germans and Poles could establish a Volksfreundschaft and a historical bond in the war that may be upcoming.

You are fucked if the AfD rules

I'm sad that we lost it, but made my peace with it. I'd only want to take it back in a defensive war or if the Polish state collapses by itself or some shit like that.

Nobody wants to annex Poland territory. If you hear anything like that it is just scaremongering by the MSM. Just like before US president elections that Trump will dismantle NATO and let Putin take over Eastern Europe. It is done for the purpose that you a polish man would urge your real life german friends not to vote for AfD because their made-up "policies" scare you.

i am not that stupid, but i remember that every partie gets at a certain percentage some kind of a represantaion seat. they have like one delegate in the parliament representing them, which is why DIE PARTEI, NPD and so on had one represantative.

It doesn't matter much, it shifts the overtone window. Eventually we might see a hard right emerge, legitimized by their distancing themselves from an even more extreme 1488-right

>hey guys did you know that *insert right wing party* is like totally jewish they don't even 88!? that's why you should vote for the leftist party that wants to bring more human trash into your country

i think, a partie had to reach about 100000 votes or smth

I'd say a good 1/3 of germany would like that back.
The rest of the missing 66.66% are either called Mustafa, Mahmoud or are from the former Soviet Occupation zone or subserviant to their lies.


Don't listen to
Expansionist terrain management won't fly, especially after virtually all food production (and thus fields) have been outsourced, thus the need for lots of land has been eliminated.

No one wants polish territory. At most we like to joke about it. We have bigger and real problems. I see the trend to a more and more positive view of poles. I know some people who were doing vacation in poland instead of spain or turkey as they always did. With all the literal subhumans we are getting flooded with many people just draw comparison and realize the worst pole is still leagues better than the avarage subhuman shitskin.

Yup, Bootsurlaub in the Masuren in Poland.

L E B E N S R A U M !









Actually, if they get three members directly elected via first past the post the 5% hurde is irrelevant. However, that's unlikely, especially if they go beneath 5% nationally.

Kek, this idea was just a facade so hitler could try to attack territories, rob the central bank gold and have the booty cover the cost of the battle (the calculation didn't compute, as history shows)

You are really a cuck, aren't you?

No need for violence if the poles resettle peacefully.


History begs to differ. You must apologize, or the UN will induce 6 million more Somalis to enter your country, there to live in peace and comfort, while you work your asses off to pay for it all.

In 1914 you allowed yourself to be fooled into defending a failed state.
In the 1920s you plunged into financial and moral degeneracy.
In the 1930s you turned Nazi.
In the 1940s you tried to wreck the entire world.
In the 1950s you didn't want to talk about it.
In the 1960s you pretended it had not happened.
In the 1970s you became fucking smug.
In the 1980s you thought your shit no longer stank.
In the 1990s you decided you needed to "fix" Europe.
In the 2000s you acted morally superior.
Now, finally in 2017 with your open borders and migrant problems, you are getting exactly what you've so richly deserved since 1918.

Noone goes to physical war for clay in western nations anymore. They'd just buy it and suppress the native population by gentrification. Makes the takeover look nice and doesn't break any international laws.

Doesn't really matter if the majority of the population wants to annex clay. A few well-standing business leaders suffice to take over a good chunk of clay.

You should be wary of those instead.

We can just let the Poles.

Well, redpill me then.




You of all are one of the countries that did not suffer under any effects of the WW2 and have no reason to act like any damage done to germany or its descendants based on long gone history is in any way justified.
Can we let the poles WHAT?
On what? are you all unable to complete a fucking sentence?

Oh no, you fucking Nazi asshole, you don't get to use the leaf meme on me.
Apologize for your nazi grand parents and great grandparents. You remember them? The ones who stood on Adolf Hitler Strasse with their fucking arms at a 45 degree angle, screaming HEIL at the top of their lungs? The ones who sang the nazi songs, held torchllight parades.

Oh no, you don't get to use the "leaf" meme to dismiss anything you fucking grand child of the nazis.

nice, doesn´t work with my esoteric family (muh ebil partie that brings bad karma frome Nazi era). only my father is going to vote them
my best friend is a racemixer with a christian albanian girl... they both hate turks, but she doesn´t have a german passport so that´s that


Go suck muhammads cock or convert to islam, it's the trending religion in your country.

He gets to do a leaf-meme on you, whilst you are in foreign territory which you behave more than hostile in.
You niggas apologize if you bump into people, i just have to run you over to swat two flies with one swing.


>Oh no, you don't get to use the "leaf" meme to dismiss anything you fucking grand child of the nazis.
oh i will

I'm originally Dutch. Your great grandfather forced my grandfather to work in your fucking munitions factory. So shut up.


>grandfather to work in your fucking munitions factory.
sounds good, your grandpa did fight for the right cause. even if he didn´t know it back than

>Polish territory?
"prussian territory or inperial german territory"

Like a Leaf, you should hang from a tree.
like the way you act like any act of self-preservation is evil since you've thrown that over board.
We will not fall like you did. you act as an example for a failed super-liberal hellhole.

Unrepentant krauts. Every day I watch and see your country fall deeper and deeper into the brown sea of nothingness you so fucking richly deserve.

I wish you endless Merkels. I hope every child born in your country over the next 100 years has brown eyes.

Did you already learn chinese to serve your new overlord better?

Our country is doing perfectly well. Yours is ever deeper in the shit. Keep digging. You'll never reach the bottom.

>the total state oof leaf banter
the quality dropped. let´s see if canada will do better
spoiler! they won´t

>Fall deeper and deeper into the brown sea of Nothingness
You mean North America/Canada, right?

Ups, zu spät bemerkt. Firma dankt!

And where do I have to do something with it.
And, if you want to make peoples and collective responsible for past actions, what will you do to the Jews who spearheaded many Commie revolutions or the Africans that genocided whites after literally being handed civilization on a silver platter after colonialism
What about your sacred muslims that killed about 100Mil people in their somewhereabout 800 battles in the 1400 year history of their ridiculous moonworshipping shitshow?
Just stop shilling, you are too abvious, don't know PsyOp, don't know Subversion
Wir sind das Heer vom Hakenkreuz
Hebt hoch die roten Fahnen
Der deutschen Arbeit wollen wir den Weg zur Freiheit bahnen
Der deutschen Arbeit wollen wir den Weg zur Freiheit bahnen
Herbei zum Kampf, ihr Knechte der Maschinen!
Nun Front gemacht, der Sklavenkolonie!
Hört ihr denn nicht die Stimme des Gewissen, den Sturm der euch es in die hren schrie?
Ja aufwärts der sonne entgegen!
Mit uns zieht die neue Zeit!
Wenn alle verzagen, die Fäuste geballt, wir sind ja zum letzten Bereit!
Und höher! Und höher! Und höher! Wir steigen trotz Hass und Verbot!
Und jeder SA Mann ruft mutig "Heil Hitler"!
Wir stürzen den Jüdischen Thron!

>how many AfD leaders publicly state they want Polish territory?
I want my land back. My Grandmother lived near Kolberg and had to flee at the end of the war, same with my granddad.

kraut why are you in such denial?
your country is lost.
the leaf is right even tho he is shitposting.
(I'm just larping btw)

So who else of you germs here voting based Schultz to make germany great again?

These numbers that came out today look very promising. Good consistent support AfD in every region. I can only see great results for them in Sunday.

The Chinese happily learn English. Our immigrants are the cream of their respective societies. They are the comparatively wealthy, the successful, they are the ones doing things, improving their lives and our country. They are not the trash of the world, not the violent, not the problem makers, not those who come to steal, to live off the populace, demand laws be changed to benefit them.

Germany has become the tipping point at the garbage dump of Europe. I wish you more and more of this.

>I want my land back.

you lost it in the war ww1 and agian in ww2 pal you will need to invade poland again to get it back thats just the way conquest works.

Wait, so you admit to niggers being bad for the country, as a punishment!
Oy vey, rasssisst!

You are still non-white

lmfao its treu better a chink immigrant than a mob of niggers and "paki children"

>You are still non-white
>germany of all places calling others non white.

>you will need to invade
Exactly, maybe on the third try it will work.

Reveal your flag you faggot!

shut up leaf

Pls post the Heiko Maas poster.

Niggers? Who said anything of Niggers? You just did.

No, I merely wish for your Germanic race to be bred out of existence through race mixing. The trash of the world... Well you can rightly accuse me of being classist. The fact that most of the world's poor happen to be non-white and that they are saturating your once proud blond haired blue eyed country is for me a happy coincidence.

>Exactly, maybe on the third try it will work.
i would't get my hopes up kraut but i think 3 times the charm right?

at least this time you will have an army of rapefugees to trow at them.

>Reveal your flag you faggot!
check the id faggot i'm not the leaf.