A little sensitivity goes a long way, Sup Forums.
Texas woman calls Hobby Lobby's fall cotton plant decor 'wrong on so many levels' in viral post
Hopefully niggers get so triggered by """cotton""" that they engage in some silly protest and boycott, calling for the ban of cotton and for the removal of all cotton related products.
Implying this nigger worked a day in its life. Also cotton has been harvested without nigger slaves for about 100 years until the invent of the mechanical cotton harvester that made those cretins completely obsolete.
This shitskin should be grateful its ancestors were disease resistant enough to be used as livestock in the west or it would be fishing termites out of a stump with a stick back in Africa.
Racist plant
>wears cotton clothes
>triggered by cotton
So... cotton, the plant... is Raycis?
No nigger is going into Hobby Lobby. It's for upper middle class white women to buy marked up dollar store craft supplies to preoccupy themselves with.
She's white
Doesn't Hobby Lobby support anti gay groups? Why is a SJW shopping there at all?
Is cotton, /dare I say it/, are crop????
dat id
If every time she sees some cotton and the first thing she thinks is black people then maybe she is the racist.
It's a pretty plant desu. Malvaceae a best.
She looks exactly like i thought she would
is it all retard white bitches complaning for jew brownie points?
what a stupid bitch
why the fuck would you ban cotton?
for the lulz
Fuck this cunt, never go against Hobby Lobby!
No. She. Is. Not.
I wonder what that yarn wig she has on her head is made of?
Oh shit wow. My bad. Looks white in the thumbnail.
>triggered by social medias
Sup Forums the thread
Because fuck venice
Probably a crypto Jew. Hobby Lobby is Christian, so they must be destroyed obviously.
Don't you love the Africa earrings?
she has to go back
She was raised in Oakland, CA. I want her out of my Texas. Africa, Oakland, don't care.
Get. Out. Of. Texas.
>Panhandle faggots claiming trans-Pecos is theirs
What's wrong with little Arizona snow? It's a useful plant.
I WONDER what filter she uses to view the world??
(Dinner plate earrings, shape of Africa.)
Oh, there it is!!
That second post kek
WTF, i'm so triggered
i was at the hardware store and they had rope there! can you believe it? in 2017 they had rope hanging there
these damn racists leaving hate symbols out like they're good for something
>My anger is righteous.
Oh yeaaaa?
yarn probably
>liberal harpies
>thinking beyond thier impotent rage
How can other fabrics even compete?
Kek. Grey, I know you're in here.
Is cotton a symbol of white supremacy lads? It's definitely comfy to wear.
i just read that and was about to post it lel
Definitely one of us
I'm willing to bet that 90% of her everyday attire contains cotton.
Holy shit, you can literally see the gray hair at the roots. she already has granny hair at her 30's
Sees PVC circles, thinks headband.
(Not possible wheels for small cart, carry more, get basket off head...)
Yup, headband.
>Wear African earring
>Would never go to africa
Is Daniell, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
That's her scalp you retard
what a dumb idiot. where do these buttfucks come from??
Wait, so cotton itself is now racist? Does that mean like 90% of everyone's clothes are racist too? Non-racists only wear nylon and wool?
Maybe it helps stabilize the jar she's carrying. She's clearly figured out a high-tech solution for the problem at hand. That's exactly the new type of thinking we need in the old and dying west. We absolutely must import her village here. Think of the birthrates
>rival nation is breaking even in happyness
>check his goods
>ban some of them to make them lose money, happyness and thus, proiductivity
Is a basic mechanic.
ahhh, from the yarn plant
Lives in Killeen Texas. Killeen grows lots of cotton for export.
Drives past cotton fields DAILY.
It's racist only if it's a white person wearing it. It's common sense, really. hydrogen + oxygen = water, tin + copper = bronze, cotton + white = racism.
what game?
Try linen, friend.
looks like Civilization, possibly the latest one
Nigger needs to get a life its a plant cmon seriously
*agrees in liberal*
People like this ought to be oppressed. She's a wrecker. Someone who gets a kick out of stirring up shit over nothing. We take no action against them because "muh freedoms", but at the same time she argues outlawing a fucking plant. People who don't want freedom for others don't deserve it for themselves.
In any decent state, the police would pick her up to "listen" to her, and then impress upon her during a nice, but insistent talk that she's being a cunt. And if she continues, well, then the boots are put on. If you don't like cotton, don't buy it. Vote with your wallet.
dis strong sista gots the motherland on her earring,
>Why don't you go back?
Why are white liberals getting offended over nigger shit?
Didn't the tiki brand tiki torches come out and condemn "ebil neo-natzee white supremacy"?
Fucking imagine that. They didn't need to say anything and yet they felt an overwhelming need to tow the ideological line of the system.
civ v
Troll nations that produce good cotton.
Hardware stores are the worst. I was walking through one and saw this. My mother is Canadian. I'm literally crying and shaking.
oh ma... oh (preferred pronoun) how horrible!
i'll grab you some hot cocoa, watch this cute kitten in the meantime
how awful for you and your wife's son to have to witness such oppressive lawn implements. (by that I mean niggers)
i will never understand this.
if they like africa so much,why don't they go there?
Then I went in the lighting department and shoah'ed my pants right then and there. I couldn't believe it. Lampshades. My mother was also Jewish so anyone of these terrible hate symbols could be one of my ancestors. I can't stop shaking.
did they have soap in the bathrooms too?
I literally can't even shake anymore
Ayo hol up nigguh this white cracka bitch gota point
Cotton is raycis my nigguhs
"white cracka bitch"??? Who are you talking about???