The most important chart you will see today. Generation manchild, ladies and gentlemen

The most important chart you will see today. Generation manchild, ladies and gentlemen.

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The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

>ever dated

I was always a trailblazer.

>growing up means working for a system that is actively works to fuck you over at every turn
>just so that they can fund boomer pensions and welfare for third world people
No thanks, i rather stay a manchild.

>Generation manchild

The parents are to blame for not properly educating their kids and helping them start their own life.

>I refuse to fund boomer pensions
>I'll just live off my boomer parents' pensions instead

Sounds like a foolproof plan.

I agree 100%

Young people in the US have had their freedoms taken away by overprotective parents and school administrators

The drivers license is due to the change in the laws and over all cost of owning a car now. Like in California you use to just be able to drive at 16, that's it. Now it's 16 but no one else, then no one at night etc. I get why some wait till 18.

The dating issues is no one "dates" anymore as much as they meet up as group. I think the drinking stat is just teens telling lies. The work issue is even what should be low level entry jobs like fast food are being worked by grown mexican women with like 4 kids.

>>I refuse to fund boomer pensions
>>I'll just live off my boomer parents' pensions instead
>Sounds like a foolproof plan.
Why the fuck not? Its on my credit card so to speak.

Because there are no jobs for them. The "career" Mexicans took over the jobs these student used to work at. They're driving less because most of these families can't afford a vehicle for their kid.

This isn't generation manchild. This is gerneration fucked. They're growing up in an era where they're expected to accept these illegals taking their future. They expected to accept boomers fucking over their future. They're supposed to accept all this transgendered shit and expected to go into gender studies.

This graph doesn't surprise me at all. What surprises me is why aren't there more school shootings?

The US is centered around a really gay service economy more and more every year. There are a lot of people with talents for things, but you can't make any money unless you want to be a corporate shill your whole life

In the 70s you bought a fucking mustang for $500

Mustangs were shit in the seventies though

We cant afford to drive because the insurance prices have been jacked up so fucking high because of the increase of drivers because you boomers just wont fucking die

Actually, there is an enormous number of young people who are voluntarily out of the labour force. That is, they have chosen not to work. This is as much a cultural problem as it is economic. Work ethic is nonexistent for many and has been replaced by the rush of short term pleasures (gaming, porn, etc.)

Your reasons also speak to a lack of independence among young people. Dating/drinking/going out with friends are crucial events in normal development.

h-hey now I did all of these points and I am still a fucking loser

>Work ethic is nonexistent for many and has been replaced by the rush of short term pleasures (gaming, porn, etc.)

You can add into it the sense of hopelessness in the future.

maybe the regions in which that survey was conducted experienced something that would cause that dramatic a shift


>Work ethic is nonexistent
that's because the work is gay. The vast majority of people land a service job that they don't care about, involving burger flipping at worst of paperwork at best. Physical labor doesn't pay well anymore, the closest thing you can get to working a craft is engineering and those jobs are limited. Add to that, no job provides a pension or reason to stay with them other than the fact that you can't get better work. Why have a work ethic at that point?


and yet...there's no indication that this data is male only. Looks like OP tried to jew the data and make it fit its narrative.

Well documented that working age men have been dropping out of labour force since 60s. But don't let that get in the way of your biases.

Somehow I doubt most porn/gaming addicts have chosen their behaviour because of an honest analysis of their future prospects. More likely they are lazy, entitled, and able to live off of family members.

Somehow I doubt most porn/gaming addicts have chosen their behaviour because of an honest analysis of their future prospects. More likely they are lazy, entitled, and able to live off of family members/gov.

I don't blame them in most cases. Most work isn't virtuous anymore. You're not doing any good for yourself, your non-existent family, or your community. Most often you're working for a global conglomerate that doesn't care about you or where you're from and will gladly fuck your over to save a few cents. How can you blame people for opting out of that?

>ever dated

Omfg, boomers destroyed us with their projections.

Because those are just basic excuses for lazy/immoral behaviour. Be the change you want to see in your family/community; don't pretend your degenerate lifestyle is because of 'duh globalists' or 'duh jewz'

Most work was never 'virtuous'. You think coal miners loved their 'careers'? You think they all had attractive wives/children. Give me a break.

No, but they had a reason to, whether to support a family or because there was not other options. Many people today don't have a family or even a complete set of parents and have other options. Just because the past was worse in facets doesn't mean that the present is immune from criticism

A copypasta is best post?

>Be the change you want to see in your family/community


your empty words mean nothing wagie, i hope you never get a chance to retire

It's still possible to have a family and support them. Being an excuse-making degenerate that lives off his parents isn't how you do it, though.

My career is extremely fulfilling, although I balance my time between work and hobbies. I hope I'm never forced to retire. Budget cruises and golf really aren't my thing.

again that doesn't relieve it from criticism. It's possible to eat a full meal in venezuela, that doesn't mean it's easy or likely, and it definitely doesn't mean venezuelan food availability can't be questioned

But it doesn't justify being a degenerate. Stop making excuses for losers; it hurts the movement.

>work is gay
this desu
fucking faggots making work gayer every year

>Dating/drinking/going out with friends are crucial events in normal development.

t. retard who fell for the consumerist jew, I bet you are stupid enough to smoke too.

>short term pleasures
>(gaming, porn, etc.)
These are long term pleasures, it's already guaranteed unlike a cuck wife or a mental girlfriend

People drank/dated (courtship; plus, people got married in their teens) and worked for thousands of years. I'd say it's pretty important.

Yeah because gaming and porn are as satisfying as a family and career. Lol

Holy fuck you are dumb, families used to live together in an extended setting and support each other just 60-80 years ago depending on country, you really have to be a fucking retard to spend thousands upon thousands dollars/euros to move out on your own in this economic climate, only losing money in the process while not saving anything, it's much better to live with your parents and save enough money on your own to buy a house o just wait to inherit it from your parents.

Drinking is just as bad as smoking or taking illegal drugs. I wouldn't disagree with teen dating though, age is just a number anyways. Most (western) women nowadays are a pile of rotting shit.

And they did out of misery and boredom, in past time you either poisoned yourself or died fighting in a war, this is unnecessary nowadays.

As if not working/dating/drinking/going out with friends and living off mummy somehow makes you superior. What a joke

It also the beta treatment from the society on to the males. If you try to act manly you are a threat to everyone who isn't white and a male. Its how I look at it. Then if you go the other way you're a tranny cuck manchild. Cache 22 Damned if you do damned if you don't! I say KILL EM ALL!

> are as satisfying
Not "just", it's "more". Family and stress at work gives you lots of problems and headaches. Games and porn on the other hand, never does. Not unless if you're a tryhard cheating faggot

Everything besides drinking and working is good though. Men shouldn't be around women when they are going through puberty or they will think getting layed is the only thing of importance in their life and will turn into dependent, degenerate pussyslaves.

what noble pursuits would you replace them with, oh great neck-bearded one?

Can't raise children if your jobs go to all non whites and the government won't give you help or money but when you do have a job your tax dollars go to every shit skin and their mother and to their start up business and school welfare assist living you name it AND I DON'T GET SHIT BECAUSE I AM A WHITE MALE!


But gen z is redpilled guys.... right??? Right?

So you don't believe in civilisation at all? Because the result of everyone not working/playing by the rules is a return to the savage state.

i dated and tried alcohol by the time i was a high school senior. now im 31 and still no driver license. because a car is retarded for 95% of the population its just a big meme

You sound like a welfare-taking parasite. You are the problem.

I never said anything about everyone not working or anything, I merely mentioned that it's much more pleasurable, far more than a family and/or work, but that does not mean I condone such things. Most people need to scavenge for money to live anyways.

I tried drinking, drive, never worked for pay so never drove much and dates.

people are not interpreting this graph as they should.
The reason why fewer people are doing things like working, dating etc early on is NOT because they're infantilzed manchildren.
The graph above is the result of largely chink and poo immigration, and the lines listed are not part of their culture. They don't date because their marriages are either arranged or they marry their 2nd cousin. They don't drink because they're soulless insects. They don't have a driver's license because they are increasingly urban and dad is a cheap shit. They never work for pay because mom is a harpy who forces you to go to after school study sessions.
The end result of all of the above is "genetically higher IQ" lamao

I doubt you've ever had a loving family or a steady job. No one who has would ever say that.

>not driving or drinking or dating
>therefore requires less money to sustain their non-consumerist lifestyle
>somehow this is a bad thing

This is happening to whites as well.

Our white woman are told to be with a shit skin immigrant too by the KIKE media but Jews our are friends... lol



The West is dead. We are the Generation of Revenge.

>not driking is now a negative thing
Enjoy your cirrosis, cuck

They aren't self-sufficient, you idiot. That's the whole point; they aren't making it 'on their own'. They're dependent on society/gov

You're a normalfag not a loser

You're correct on both points, if I had a loving well-off family, I would be off somewhere instead of shitposting here. To be honest, I think it's been the same for generations, it's just that Games and Porn overtook what little value or love some family would ever have. Reality is proof. If Porn and Games weren't that pleasurable, more than a family, then people wouldn't prioritise it that much.

You are a pussy and a defeatist. You shouldn't ever post garbage on Sup Forums again.


A lot of jobs need a license. You should get one just so you have it.

If the US kicked out all the non-whites it would be running a budget surplus. White parasites do not exist, or exist in such low numbers as to be totally negligible. It's non-white parasites that matter.

Woman are straight up worthless fat anti white male cis pos whores. Just because some of them are good looking doesn't mean the AIDS and Roastbeef are tasty...

Grab a Wall!

Hotdog Down a Hall Way!

owning a car is rediculously expensive once you honestly factor everything in, especially if you are young. It wouldn't be crazy to have to spend $200-$250 average a month on your car once all that expenses are figured in. And that's for a used beater, let alone if you're an idiot that leases a brand new. Then drinking alcohol, in bars, or smuggling it in college under constant threat of expulsion, is easily another $100-200 a month if you made it a habit.

That's already at least $300, probably more, just to fucking driver a beater and drink some $5 bud lights? If you are actually working, minimum wage as a young person, you're working 20-25 hours a week to do that?

Of course people fucking stop doing that shit. Generation Z will be one of the most straight-edge boring neets ever.

Lastly, if we want to pretend to have a gf that isn't some coal burning slut wasting your time, because she is in her "golden years," and "girls just want to have fun" thats gonna be another fuck ton of money. People just say fuck it after a while. What do you expect of them.

>Far fewer HS seniors are drinking since 1976


They're not straight edge at all. Gen Z is smoking weed like it's going out of style. Something like 80% of them support legalization.

and btw, for any of you under delusions of grandeur, the future is neet.

Universal Basic Income will exist soon once automation really kicks in and takes 95% of jobs. Then, VR and sexbots will be at almost life-like ability. Computer Scientists say human-level intelligence will be achieved in the late 2030s in computers.

Where do you live? Driving isn't a meme here. I hate it but it's necessary.

They have stacked the deck against White Males literally to this point then they do what?


They and maybe even I thought at one point it everything was a joke but its not! It is even bigger than the Nazi's ever were and this is different now. Evil people always fear retribution for their deeds!

close to mtl

subway and busses do the job just fine i dont need to spend endless money on this meme

60% of america lives in urban environments, and another 20-25% suburbs. All areas with public transportation for around 5-10% the price of owning a vehicle. Then you get uber or lyft when you need to look snazzy.

Sorry your one of those rural retards that needs to drive his tractor to the food mart

its almost like all those things have become less financially viable then they were in '76

>drivers liscense
cars + insurance + upkeep is not something for every high scool kid.

why? marriage, children and family are no longer the goal.

>tried alcohol
good. probably because kids are smart enough to realize its not worth working 8 hours at mcdonalds just so you can drink for 2.

>worked for pay
why work if the pay cant get you any of the above? work just for the fuck of it? nah, there needs to be an end game.

and ofcourse if you live in europe especially germany or uk france, owning a car is 10x a meme than in the new world

We've been 50 years away from utopia since the 1880s. Grow up and realize no one is going to come save you from your shitty life.

I live in the capital city's metropolitan area. A town of 30k people. No public transit. Only in the city is there public transit.

>tried alcohol
lmao fucking jews want you hooked on the liquid jew

yeah it was memes, then it actually is real this time.

It is mostly the white suburbanites since they still are the main majority of the burbs don't make people rich just means they have a home. We are the ones who have to drive every where and pay car repairs, fuel, traffic traps, pileups, parking. We whites pay so much and the bastards want more and more every day draining us of waht we work for. Then some lefty fuck tards scream we need a million more non white SHIT SKINS THAT WILL MAKE THE ELITE RICHER BUT YOU'RE A REPUBLICAN AGAINST YOUR OWN INTREST POOR MAN!




We won't have UBI in the US ever because this country is going to collapse in 30-40 years. UBI won't be seen outside of a few places like Finland until at least 2070, probably more. The world isn't rich enough yet.

We don't even know what human intelligence is. We will never create a sentient computer because we don't understand sentience. If we do, it will be a complete accident and at least 50 years from now.

Sex bots will be better, but they will always lack the humanity of a real lover and conversational skills.

VR will always be trash because you'll never be able to physically move your body and have that move you in game without some gigantic fuck off set up worth thousands. The actual deep VR you long for is centuries away.

>Has driver's license
Can't afford a car.
>Ever dated
>Tried alcohol
>Worked for pay
>Implying there's any jobs left

In 1983, 18 year olds could drink alcohol. In 1984, this was raised to 21 years old. So a drop in alcohol drinking is not surprising when stores refuse to sell you booze.

Cunt I wanted to marry when I was 20 wanted to go off to college to quote "sow her oats"

She bought me MK3 (Mortal Kombat 3) for Christmas when I told her not to. She was a Kike and did it anyway. I wasted a year of my life on that game the fucking whore!

Later on same area I met a guy at a job I had. Come to find out he married my X-girlfriend. Their first two kid were slightly retarded or autistic more or less. Why did they go for a 3rd?

Who wanted me to be a MAN CHILD AGAIN?

Lets not also forget the single parent homes the boomer fucks and later raised where the children become a surrogate parent in the chores and daily duties for the lone parent. Making many to feel completed to be tied down to that parent and their home. Like little Antifa boys and their Mommies!

My mother fucked an Iranian immigrant in the 80's which ultimately lead to my families divorce. Lets call the fuck a refugee! Who wants to fuck white woman? Who is killing the White Race?

Shit wages. I refuse to work for a mexican wage.

Done it all! (still lonely with no job though)

I own car, but no licence
I work, but don't pay taxes
I don't drink, but use other more healthy ways to get high
I don't date, I have a gf

>tfw good looking successful and talented but you lack the confidence and social skills to net a qt gf
closeness/intimacy/physical touch with a woman scares me and I always run away from it wtf is wrong with me. Did pornography do this to me?

no you have autism, like you are literally on the autism spectrum

But im a completly normal guy. I can talk just fine. I just have certain feelings that can cAuse me social distress. Can't decide If its maybe light autism or just deep paradigms and self image issues

not an argument

>fewer break the law and drink alcohol when they aren't supposed to
That's a bad thing, why?

>Generation manchild, ladies and gentlemen.
More like generation "let's crash this bitch down with no survivors".
Fuck you oldfag scum. I LOVE reading those headlines like "You're not going to believe which industry millenials killed now".
Take the Varg pill, find a worthy woman, live off the land minimally and have plenty of children. Stop feeding the monster, inspire others to do the same. Enjoy the simple things and let it all burn down.