Why does Sakura not have much fans or even discussion ever? She's got huge tits

Why does Sakura not have much fans or even discussion ever? She's got huge tits.

Sakura is great, but we also have Arthuria and Rin who are vastly superior to her.

>huge tits
Just Passionlip?

Her tits are nice, but her backstory is lacking.

Oh, you know. Raped by giant worms and her brother. She's not pure and all that jazz.

>I posted it again

Same pic, same thread. Sakura is the 8th most popular character in TM and Nasu says her popularity keeps growing.

Why do I even reply to bait, you're annoying, fuck off.

>not much discussion
Are you kidding? As soon as she's brought up, threads tend to devolve into arguing that lasts all the way until the bump limit. She's popular, but she also has lots of shitposters hating on her.

They may not be macrotits or anything, but Sakura has always been noted to be a busty character.

>Her servant is literally her but better in every way
>Sakura gets a route, she doesn't
Figuratively why?

Sakurafags, are, I would assume, tired of the same shit, including OP, day-in, day-out. Ergo, because they have nothing to talk about, they don't.
This might change when the Heaven's Feel movies are out. However, there is no containing the cesspool of grailmud shitpost that inevitably accompanies any Fate thread.
Blah blah blah "Wormslut." Blah blah blah
"Fat Old Men for money." Blah blah blah "Worst King." ad infinitium to eternity.


1. BB
2. Sakura
3. Meltlilith
4. Blossom
5. Passionlip