Richard Spencer converted

WTF he's a leftist now

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Hmmm. Paladin.

Fuck off

Lol leftypol mad

>that editing

The son of Italian immigrants was a skinhead? Sounds legit!

I dunno why everyone is disliking this video, 8pol? Its bretty good

Spencer released 6 podcasts this week

What is good about it?

Spencer did well this fucking faggot trying to "convert" him is a jewish shill

I like it

I wish Spencer shit on him more.

Does anyone get the impression that Spencer is a Fed/controlled opposition? Who the hell else in the "white identity" movement is given such a platform in the media? Twitter has even let him keep his blue checkmark (despite taking Milo's away for calling someone ugly), he gets interviewed all over the media, yet he has not been Cantwelled. Why?

at 17:45 he says "Blood, not soil" and talks about deporting niggers


They didnt even do much talking it was just That far kije talking about converting people the edits are fuxking bullshit

>Does anyone get the impression that Spencer is a Fed/controlled opposition?

It's only been suggested and proven a million times, dumb snakeposter

No it hasnt you leftypol faggot also that post was a bait reaponae for him to start posting his garbage misinformation.

Its garbage half of questions were not even answered and edited out. Its literally retarded shit. And first few minutes are not ever worth watching since only the fat fag

White house shills are going all out on spencer recently, Just as Trump signed the bill to condemn them.

Really fires my neurons

Spencer does put out some decent content though. I'll watch this later

It's a legitimate fucking question. The Feds have infilitrated every social movement since the 1960's. Look up COINTELPRO. Look at the KKK, Black Panthers, white militia movement- they were all infiltrated and destroyed from within. The "KKK leader' Hal Tuner was exposed as an FBI informant. Why is it so outside the realm of possibility that Spencer is controlled opposition? Why would you dismiss it, especially when he has been seen in the company of the former CIA director's wife!


>WTF he's a leftist now

Wow, I totally didn't see that coming.


the guy in the video is somewhat right you guys are losers

The guy in the hat is such a faggot who doesn't know what sacrifice is. Why should Spencer give in to his faggotry when Spencer and the rest of us are starting to win?

That fat faggot will amount to nothing and Spencer will - regardless of what anti-Spender shills say.

There's only one form of "conversion therapy" that would work for Richard Spencer, honestly.

t. bill mitchell

stop lying you fuck. Go look at what Hal Turners history was oh and not to mention it was literally the fucking KKK. This isn't the KKK and never has been. Anyone saying they want you to go out to kill people or do illegal shit thats when you know they could be controlled opposition.

Exactly, this shit is making me mad actually the way they edit this is dishonest as fuck. Everyone needs to go to Spencers twitter and fucking tell him RECORD THE FUCKING INTERVIEWS! Stop letting them edit your shit like this.

>I did not watch the video

It is clear that this guy has depression and personal problems. When he speaks of how he's all for "greatness" then it goes to show that he can't deal with his every day life and only lives by thinking of adventures and extraordinary situations that can be seen as this "greatness". People create myths and adventures in their head, to distract themselves from their personal problems, mental instability and calm, sometimes boring routine

Spencer and Sup Forums are poor people that need help, and that need to go to church

The point is that the "white identity" movement was compromised long ago and is filled to the brim with federal informants. Hal Turner is a perfect example of that. I'm not saying Spencer is controlled opposition, but if you know anything about history then the question is worth asking!

This former neonazi guy is a fucking joke. He never was a neonazi or he is just a guy looking for a outlet to shill more for himself.

If he was such a pussy neonazi then good he is no longer, I'm sure the right wing doesn't need more emotional cunts like him.

Also Spencer is ok.

You'd have to kill me before I'd change my opinion about jews or my people. Fuck this fat piece of shit.
BTW I know some inside info about these converts that my friend came into contact with when he was working at the holocaust museum in LA. These converts even after being this paragon of self-hate still get shit on my jews and everyone else even after bending there knee to them. From what my friend was saying he was a depressed piece of shit that sold his soul.

>The point is that the "white identity" movement was compromised
Tell me what exactly are they going to do? Hm? If we do everything legally there is nothing they can do to us and most of these people will convert to ourside. You are a fucking retard if you honestly believe they would go against the founding fathers many of those FBI informants are patriots UNLESS they are jews or females.

>former neo-nazi

Nope. Just a shill.

>that fucking editing to remove the real responses and switch them out with other ones to fit the narrative

>bringing up swastikas on synagogues which were proven to be spraypainted by rabbis themselves

You'd have to be an actual feeb to fall for this shit

>depression and personal problems

>>I did not watch the video

You are absolutely correct, I didn't watch it.

Spencer IS a plant though.

He's fucking FBI

t. bill mitchell

Nice meme

You are a plant.

Why did any of you care in the first place. He's like that guy that comes into the room shouting "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME IM THE LEADER". Most rational people scoff at the egotistical fucker, but then a small few (MSNBC and the like) go "yeah guess he is" and feed into him.

>all those salty trumptards

of course

>You are a plant.

Spencer is a crisis actor for the deep state.

Pretty much all of the "Is this (Ourguy)" e-celebs are part of an anti-Sup Forums psyop.

You are a crisis actor for the deep state and/or JIDF.

lol, le super serious internet advocate

I'm post-racial nigga. I see race, believe in race, and understand racial differences but I dgaf about my race nor do I feel any duty to it.

After Sup Forums, I'm more Jew-wise than anything. But I blame Whites for buying the poison just as much as I do the Jews for selling it to us.

Also, Richard Spencer is a faggy elitist who looks down on the vast majority of the people for which he claims to stand in solidarity.

t. kike

>reddit spacing
>but I dgaf about my race nor do I feel any duty to it.

Fucking shill.

>Richard Spencer is a faggy elitist
so you are telling me you have no teeth?

Explain why Spencer takes pictures with the wife of the former CIA director.

I highly suggest checking these two videos of Spencer out as well.

pictures? there is only one

He also took pictures with Ron Paul. Is he a secret libertarian now?

Ugh, can't deal with the editing, cut it off a minute in. If you're having a chat with a political opponent, do not slice and dice the video up. You just look like a slimy fuck who's trying to win over the audience solely with parlor tricks. This criticism goes beyond viewpoints/political position.

How about this one with Jared Taylor?

Suck my fucking dick you fucking faggot and go promote your pan-European gay bathhouse elsewhere, sodomite fuckhead.

No, I'm telling you I'm from the Upper Midwest and could care less what happens to the Whites in the rest of this meme country.

This is a typical behaviour for people who suffer from depression. He reads Nietzsche and believes only in this will to something nonsense. He believes only in greatness, great people and big historical events, he's not interested in ordinary people, family life, day to day interactions. People get absorbed by such thoughts when they escape ordinary reality, boredom or depression, to keep themselves constantly engaged in something, to never reflect and slow down. This is the mechanism of alcoholics, workaholics, sexoholics etc.

> pan-European
You are American and its a fucking laugh that you wouldn't advocate for this at least for the US which was kind of the fucking point of it.

>sodomite fuckhead.
Yeah, figures see you outed yourself here. You can't even keep it straight you fucking kike.

Yeah he did well. Those faggots had to edit the interview a shit ton and Spencer still btfos the kike shill

>he's an elitist and I hate him for it
>*is an elitist himself*
lmao, kys

do you have formal education in psychology?

A paid shill? No, I don't think so. He's just an attention seeker who is motivated by building up his own brand to at least a certain extent. Dunno why he gets as much hate as he does.

t.Freud pro

>Christian Picciolini
>former neo-nazi

Yes surely he just likes attention, and isn't at all designed to draw exactly the wrong kind of attention to right-wing movements. Nothing to see here, he's definitely not FBI, don't think about it.

That doesn't answer the question. It makes far more sense that he would be in the same room as a Ron Paul or a Jared Taylor. But why, of all people, would he be photographed alongside the former CIA director's wife? If that is not a red flag to you, then YOU are the shill.

because it's hard to attack him, he doesn't screech about jews and keeps his shit civil, so shills kvetch

the left is just wishing for a comic book jew hating character to harp on

>former CIA director's wife?
You do know that he was the president right? People getting pictures with the president is pretty common regardless of the political affiliation.

All of the evidence is soft. There's no smoking gun. Few of the eceleb white nationalists are deliberate plants (damigo and weev) but a lot have been turned into informants since becoming public white natioalists. RS is an egomaniac.

Two FBI agents interviewing each other! Good times!

>he is a SECRET CIA ASSET, so he does photos with laura bush
if he was a secret agent he wouldn't make such photos, you are really retarded

Jeffry tucker is really salty lately

I name the Jew, faggot. Do you?

I care about certain people in my region and that's it. When shtf, I'd give a guido from New Jersey as much respect as a nigger from Detroit, that is to say none whatsoever. White people are decadent. Without morality, race is meaningless. Go dildo your ass with the rest of your White Nationalists fuckbois elsewhere.

> can't call somebody a thing or you are the thing itself

And here I thought all the kikes had been expelled from Poland.

>I name the Jew, faggot. Do you?
Yeah I do you piece of shit but that doesn't change the fact that I want to help my people unlike you do you non-white fuck.

like all natsoc animals, he always was

>Go dildo your ass
You really fucking like gay shit don't you. You just can't stop talking about it. Fuck off faggot.

>You are a crisis actor for the deep state and/or JIDF.

nice comeback, peewee herman.

>I'm from the Upper Midwest and could care less what happens to the Whites in the rest of this meme country.
yeah, you burgers really work hard to be called the dumbest people in the world, don't you

Because why the fuck would Richard Spencer of all fucking people be the rat in the system? When you want to destroy a movement you either universalize it or you make it too radical with internal affairs pushers.
Richard Spencer is none of that, he's eloquent and peaceful but convicted and forceful. He's established the brand and has been clean of ties, kept the movement out of illegal activity, and forced free speech as a wedge issue.
The REAL reason he gets so much drama here is because shills know and fear the power he has. You don't make edits or counter-intel bullshit threads about others because you fear him and want people to abandon him. But all your work is trash because whenever he's doing shit, everyone interested gets on here and defends or supports him. A&M, Auburn, DC, Charlottesville, people want to hear him. That's why he became the person they used to escalate into total SHUT IT DOWN OY VEY mode.

Richard Spencer is one of the best people of the alt-right because he SCARES you. He's not some typical monster you can rally the world against, he's a sharp dressed social man who does kareoke to Depeche Mode and fights for his people and their historys and legends. The only option you have to stop him is assassination and maybe obliviating the movement in the wake, but that can easily make him a martyr and get a full on day of the rope on your hands. These memes and lies are all you have and they will fail you too.

Hail Spencer and Hail Victory!

"My people" are moral White people from the Upper Midwest. The rest of you sodomites get fucked. I hope your sisters get raped.

So, the jewish media is giving richard spencer attention... why exactly?

I don't care for Cucker either, but asking questions about Spencer's provenance sure seems to rile you up! You have a crush on him or something?

Richard Spencer looks and sounds so much like a friend of mine that it's distracting. He also happens to be my most right wing friend

that's right, the left would be far more comfortable with a nazi that screeches about jews 24/7, who they can easily attack

>moral White
damn i didnt know everyone could be white.

>rest of you sodomites get fucked
would you fuck off moerpheus we all know you aren't white.

That photo was taken way before he was famous

Guess who made him famous?

The fucking Guardian who Spencer literally invited to watch him speak, while people in his audience decided to throw up nazi salutes on that very day.

Really makes you think.

I've been saying this for over a year. Look at the schools he went to and it's obvious. How many white Nationals do you know coming out of the University of Chicago?

The white nationalist movement is an artificial promotion in order to generate a race war. White DNA is dominate. All we have to do is just keep having families and we will never go away.



no, you have, because you stockpile his photos on your computer, snake cuck ;)

fuck this controlled op faggot

This is the narrative. Richard no longer wants to pretend to be racist so they are trying to develop a way for him to have an out while maintaining his past credibility.


so? what's wrong with throwing a salute, are you scared, kike?

You don't seem to understand what FAMOUS means unless you mean to normies then MAYBE but Spencer has been doing this shit for awhile. Amren conferences, NPI, and so on. Jared Taylor is famous? Normies don't really know him I suppose but he is famous within the circles of the alt-right/white identity circle.

what are you talking about you schizo?


>do you have formal education in psychology?
why would I need it? This is simple observation of people and reading about people and history. People use distraction to run away from routine or personal emptiness

this is easy to observe for anybody that's not a gopnik and has any insight into human thinking. People who can't cope with every day life, who can't settle their private lives or suffer from depression, are looking for constant stimulus to keep them distracted, so that they don't think about their private side. This is why so many of those yuppie professionals, Hollywood, writers etc. are often drug, alcohol, work and sex addicts. They simply can't settle down, because they would commit suicide, because the depression would immediately strike in, once they sat down and started to reflect on their life

Beautiful post


You might be right, but there is something "off" about the guy in my view. It is odd to me that he can openly walk around ultra-leftist Northern Virginia without a million bodyguards, give MSM interviews, and do cringy shit like "Hail Trump" while still remaining "verified" on Twitter. He is not like he was when he used to regularly interview Jonathan Bowden, there is something far more aggressive and arrogant about the way he carries himself now. Maybe it's the media attention, or maybe it's something else.