Globalist have lost control of the White House.
Us president gives a Pro-Nationalism speech in front of the UN.
How will the press spin the narrative back towards the globalist agenda?
Globalist have lost control of the White House.
Us president gives a Pro-Nationalism speech in front of the UN.
How will the press spin the narrative back towards the globalist agenda?
Now about that new hurricane...
>What trumpshills think happened
What actually happened:
>Trump is still playing demagogue so the disenfranchised majority doesn't revolt and tear down the government
>Globalist have lost control of the White House.
>Us president gives a Pro-Nationalism speech in front of the UN.
He was literally shilling for wars, for Globalist interests.
Why do nu/pol/cucks keep calling everyone /leftypol/ when /leftypol/ is just Sup Forums? They're literally not even left wing.
Here's (You)r reply, lonely guy.
Are you retarded and think that the lower right corner is invisable? revleft and sheeit, let me guess you are gonna pretend you are a lolberg/ancom meme? And the one calling others nu/pol/ is most likely the newfaggot you double nigger. Now either lurk moar or take your ass back to where you came from.
Oh man, that one got me deep. Here, try something for me. Go to /leftypol/ and try to argue against white supremacism. Watch what happens. I guarantee your thread will get bumplocked, if not deleted.
>All these buzzwords in a string
Holy shit, settle your hormones, turboautismo. Nu/shit/ is cancer.
Bruh youre probably the leaf
>2/3 of the country hates Trump
>Trump's natalism is divisive and making him more unpopular
>Therefore, globalism is actually what people want
QED. That'll take 5 seconds, so even a TV news watcher can follow it.
>shilling for kike wars
>"globalists btfo"
the truth is canada is an embarrassement and has no future, I shitpost as a nazi while awaiting approval to become American.
Lost control? Are you fucking retarded???
>disenfranchised majority
Who the faggots and landwhales I went to college with? Nigga you ain't the majority and you are certainly not disenfranchised you autistic delusional cunt.
No. The poor.
Yeah Trump who is friends with the necons has kikes in the familly and just legalized illegal spics.Globalists btfo,i wonder how they will ever recover.
hol up.
you be sayin he be saying nationalism
naw dawg
It sounded pretty gloabalist to me.
all that pro Israel n shieeeet.
>being this bluepilled
Disgusting honestly. Sup Forums is dead and we killed it
Nobody wants what your selling commie.
>inb4 you're
You mean everyone but you.
True, it was a big fuck you jews at their bastion of power. There is nothing they cant do, they wasted all their bullets in post election, instead of using elverage of international power and media... they burned all. they have no public power at this point.
>trump depicted as a white nationalist
the absolute state of lefty memes
>Go to /leftypol/
stopped reading right there
you're so dumb lmfao
it literally astounds me that you actually think the Jews are the cause of all the problems. I could maybe buy that in the 1930's. Can you really be that stupid?
If anything, Trump loves (((them))). But (((they))) are not the jews. They're the bankers. And the oil companies. And the military contractors.
Yes, a lot of them are jews. But you get hung up on that and miss the bigger picture.
Trump is not a white supremacist. He's acting like one to get all of you to support him- he's just a rich supremacist. He hates poor idiots like you. And yes, you're poor. Anyone who isn't a billionaire is poor in his eyes.
He's not a republican. He's not a democrat, although he used to donate more to them. He's just a rich conman who is playing the entire world. And you're his doting bootlickers.
PRAISE TRUMP FOR FINALLY BTFOING THE GLOBALISTS ... except for all those globalists that love what he's doing. Clinton and Trump serve the same masters. The ruling class has simply divided and conquered the American people.
If you want to change the system, we need to unite the alt right and antifa together against the bankers and oilmen. That's the only way.
I heard different.... shill.
>le ruling class
>le bankers and oilmen
kys commie.