So I've been listening to a few of his podcasts. He seems to share the Sup Forums point of view on a lot of things. Is he /ourguy/?
Stefan Molyneux
he's another miserable conspiracy theorist and cult leader but less obvious like alex jones, although they are in the same fake news camp
He's Jewish and is a disinfo agent.
I approached him and said I'd like his autograph and I bet he hates it when people bug him all the time in public. He sighed and did a nearly maniacal looking grin and said in a forced dramatic angry voice
>You mean like you're doing now?
I just stood there speechless, and finally when I found the right words he kept cutting me off. I decided to leave, and he kept trying to lecture me on how much of an experienced public debater he is.
I saw him again checking out at the register later. He had bought several milk jugs and canned produce, and the cashier explained she would scan one of them multiple times. Stefan waited impatiently for her to do this, then told her he'd like for her to re-scan them all individually to avoid "electrical interference... and so forth."
When the time came to pay instead of doing so Stefan asked that she consider giving a dollar to and the cashier politely contributed a dollar to Stefan which in turn caused Stefan to burst into a burning rage and when she tried to explain he still needed to pay for the groceries Stefan kept telling her "that's not an argument" and made for the door. The manager stopped him, and the manager explained he needed to pay. Stefan then tried asking the manager if he "supported the use of violence against him" and when the manager summoned security Stefan asked the manager if he "supported him being shot". He finally paid, and left.
I again ran into him in the parking lot. Apparently, a single mother had been spanking her kids for misbehaving in the store as he passed by. By the time I got there, he was explaining to her how "using violence to intimidate children into fearing you and obeying your commands can cause genetic trauma and be passed on to their offspring" and how the lady was a nanny state whore. Stefan then got into his car and started recording a podcast while driving off.
Just as he drove off, I heard Stefan screaming for a guy named mike to "cut him off".
>mfw I get another $1 donation
Why do people hate this guy so much? He seems to do his research and presents the facts with an alt-right bias.
I heard that this is exactly what happened! Stefan is such a douche
I wish I had an idea what the fuck was going on. :)))
its a normie tier, faggot
He's great. Fuck off with that "normie tier" bullshit. You're the same kinda guy to say BPS is a shill
His ex-wife was Asian and he is literally raising her half-Asian half-Black children. He's a cuck that doesn't see colour.
Well he has his spine left, he just uploaded excellent debate against Styx why America shouldn't legalize 11 million illegals. He even dropped race redpills
>He's a cuck that doesn't see colour.
>proceeds to rant for almost two hours about how black people have lesser IQ than whites
his content has slowly deteriorated to a strange performance act full of forced faux emotional outbursts and his topics get more and more obviously warped as he shifts his target audience to that of /r/the_donald and alt kike faggots. Its easy to tell how his content quality has slightly degraded since before the election when he had real good stuff on his show. It's also kind of funny to mock him for getting legitimately angry during arguments with people who call on the show and going so far as to get his mike friend to cut another guy off even though he advertises himself as a beacon of reason and patient rationality. I don't blame him as he's said several times he always wanted to be an actor but he also wants to make money. But its a shame he has now turned to catering to two of the most autistic groups of trend hopping election season retards. Personally I don't hate him. I occasionally watch his non pandering content as he seems to remember not everyone in his audience is a memelord and wants their shekels as well. Its just funny to mock him for his mannerisms.
Shills really hate Molyneux, really makes one think.
Also in his latest video he said that minorities don't vote lesser government and that America's white popularity is dropping real fast
1. Why are Finnish posters defending e-celebs
2. His wife's son probably bullied him, so he made a passive aggressive video as revenge
You're like 2 years late faggot, we've already chewed up and spit out Molymeme, 0 nutrition in that pseudo intellectual bullshit
>make a false claim
>get upset when the glorious khanate puts you back in your place
>acknowledging the obvious D&C shitposter
yeah hes a bit weird but hes /ourguy/
his call in shows are a bit average but some could help for problems that are similar to your own
he seems to be awoken to the state of the world at least to some extent
What he says is often fine, but he does these inane fake dramatics and forced crying alongside cringeworthy thumbnails. He's also not particularly consistent, one day he'll criticize someone for something that he'll do the next, or change his views to get on with who he's talking to. Most annoyingly he never gets anyone significant from the left/islam to argue with.
That said i enjoy his videos, they're well researched and he speaks well. He just needs to mature his channel.
Molyneux is:
- Raising his Asian ex-wife's half-black children
- 1/4 Jewish
- Lolbertarian Pro-Open borders
- Pro free movement of "labour" (immigration)
- Has one testicle
- Uses sleeping pills
- Diagnosed with Paranoid schizofrenia
Stop defending him.
he is what happens when you gain Wizard status as a virgin. A master at blaming women for everything throughout history
Leftypol has been shilling against every right-leaning youtuber lately. I don't agree with Molyneux on everything but overall he's cool. Also I'm pretty sure he has posted on Sup Forums
proof of diagnosis
proof of child
proof of use of sleeping pills
not an argument
some of his content is not bad, a lot of it seems like hes over acting like an autistic drama club faggot.
one thing ill say though, his book universally preferable behavior was pretty solid as a rational proof for secular ethics. despite its criticisms.
He's a fucking jew.
>Not defending him based on the strength of his arguments
It's all memes. He's/ourguy/
D&C shills. I may not agree with molymeme on everything but the fact that he is so on point on immigration and backs it up with facts I can't help but support him. How the hell would his position on immigration be disinfo