What does Sup Forums think about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
What does Sup Forums think about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
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Meme currency. No real backing. Useless when shit goes down.
Made a small chunk of change from it. Now that I no longer hold any, I hope it crashes.
Got 1k on it in february and 500€ on eth, i watch it slowly grow every month. Pretty good so far, i should have bought more.
Just like the Pound Sterling then.
What does it cost to make a Bitcoin?
What does it cost to create a US dollar?
That is the modern definition of meme in my book
What if we archive it
I've just been looking into it ,thanks.
The shit you are referring to in this case is the entire Internet, and if it goes down the entire human race has gone down so it's too late for anything. That's one of the fundamental concepts of crypto and why it's been so successful.
from what I remember it's an obsolete Magic Card digital token P2p client made to trade and wage from a failed trading card website
The reason I'm richer than you at 18.
Not really. BitCoin is not a tangible assets. If you don't have a computer, yo don't have bitcoin. Wait till the EMPs drop or power grid goes down.
I mean, except you're not.
What are two useless questions?
don't expect decent discussion on BTC here. Sup Forumstards are boomer-tier and will talk about bitcoin lacking "fundamental value" as if fiat currency isn't the biggest scam of all time.
Cryptocurrencies and the blockchain are the future of money. No more BIS overlords, no more memeconomics
So why are all the major global companies getting into BlockChain?? You are literally buying into a system that can now track every transaction.
more than most my age, at least.
I take a lot of pride being able to keep up with those kids with their parent's money while being enitrely selfmade.
>The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record NOT JUST FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS BUT ALL THINGS OF VALUE".
>letting the Gov and (them) into your digital wallet
There you go champ. And good for you, but you basically made your money gambling, and someone who makes money that way, is not someone who always keeps it. Good luck to you with your new money that can literally be tracked down to every transaction.
That's why you have currencies with internal mixers.
Another scam
Meme currency that's only good for money laundering and buying illegal things on the internet.
Crypto is the next frontier of currency. It'll be a while till it replaces fiat and the golden standard, but it would be foolish to think its not a strong force in the picture of the entire world market. Also, chadcoin.
Bubble. If they ever become a real threat to governments they will be shut them down in 5 seconds. They will simply block the protocol. And if that doesn't work, DDOS them with trillions of trades per second.
Buy real money like gold and silver. At least there the government has to send real people to steal your money not just electronically wipe your wallet.
Bitcoin will be totally wiped out. If you have profit right now I'd sell.
I made some money on it, but I'm slowly cashing out.
I'll be laughing at the fudders from my lambo in 5 years
t. hodling .5 btc
Richer than who? A nigger behind the counter at Popeyes?
The future
Fuck central banks
the identity of each party behind each transaction is hidden. If you're really concerned about anonymity use Monero instead.
the blockchain is the new internet. The media had to accept the idea of peer to peer information exchange. Twenty years later old media has been effectively replaced. Now they are going to have to accept the idea of peer to peer monetary exchange.
I've wondered this myself. If the grid goes down then your fucked. If the Transport industry stops then your fucked.
>Hey bro ill trade you 0.0063 BTC for some water and food?
lol get fucked and die
Great in theory, just like communism.
I do still have some hope for it, but I never invest in gen 1 anything.
>What does it cost to make a Bitcoin?
Computing power and electricity. If not calculated for economies of scale you will be at a loss mining. Unfortunately this poses a barrier to entry for individuals wanting to enter the bitcoin mining industry.
>What does it cost to create a US dollar?
More than their actually worth, at least I know that is true of the coins. Paper money might still be more valuable than the paper its printed on.
>They will simply block the protocol. And if that doesn't work, DDOS them with trillions of trades per second.
>mfw boomers are posting on Sup Forums
Stop fucking wasting space on Sup Forums with this garbage you fucking shill tard.
>but I never invest in gen 1 anything.
I bought 15000 siacoins recently. I really like the idea of the company behind and and who knows if in 3 or 5 years and its worth something. It would really help me out.
>buying pajeetcoin
you got me there buddy
>implying I only have crypto assets
I don't ever plan on selling what I currently have, at least for the time being. All of the money to my name at the moment is from running different businesses on the side, for example making websites for local businesses at $750 each(normally), affiliate marketing, setting up Bitpay at local businesses(they will actually pay you to do this), and a lot of other side hustles id rather not talk about. Business is my hobby; it's a shame(and a blessing) jt isn't everyone's.
Not even close to a bubble, only 1.5% of the world population has bitcoin at the moment. And once that number gets to 3% (by next year at the current pace of growth) then it will be on the permanent path to mainstream adoption based on the principle of Diffusion of Innovation.
>setting up Bitpay at local businesses
Can you expand on this one senpai? Do I need credentials/how the fuck do I shill Bitpay to local businesses and get paid for it?
You think how overvalued an asset is, is measured by what percentage of the world population owns it? Are you retarded?
(((they))) try to get rid of cash for some while now, trying to make you sure only electronic ways of payment
and of course sweden seems t try to be the pioneer
remember, thats the same country that started chiping people with RFID chips already
so why are they doing that? remember when the bankruns happened in greece and suddenly there was not enough money in the banks? they claimed this is because of unllawful practices of those banks, but the damage caused by those is insignificant. pic related about the mechanism of banking showing how even normal banks can create indipendent from the centralbanks, which results in only a small part of the money in circulation electronically being available in hard cash, perfectly lawfull. but of course they couldnt admit the system itself is faulty. so what do? reform the system that enables the (((high finance))) to controll the economy at will, or just prevent bankruns by getting rid of hardcash resulting in all money being electronical enabling limitless controll and creation of money without anyone from the outside even being able to check upon it? of course they will just do the latter one and shift the blame of the chaos that happened on the very few unlawfull actions of very few banks.
remember, the current system enables you to create pretty much limitless money and even gives you more free money if you miscalculated resulting in a bail out if you abide to the laws. there isnt even a reason for them to go outside the law.
so they get rid off cash, make everyone pay with credit cards, or their phones or whatever. and not far from there it will be the RFID chips you use to pay in your forehead or the back of your right hand. i see bitcoin only as an enabler for this trying to tell people "look, electronic money is so good. we should only use this from now on
haha ignorant sack of shit
>be young, look successful, act intelligent
>say the word bitcoin or blockchain to a rich boomer
>watch as he shovels money in your general direction
>have no connections with Bitpay or know how to setup a commercial account for someone
What do? Bitpay just allows you to sell their product to people?
It's not overvalued by any stretch of the imagination at the moment - wait to see its value in the next 6 months. 3% is the critical threshold within the Diffusion of Innovation because then you are in the "Early Adopter" subset phase. With the advent of any innovation within society once that invention is accepted by 3% of the population then there's basically no turning back from it and its only a matter of time before it is adopted wholly by everyone, such as the case with cellphones. So you can plot the growth of cyptos to the growth of cellphones within the world (ie it took x years for the first 1/2 billion to adopt use of cellphones and the next 1/2 was X times faster.)
The adoption growth rate from 3% to 10% should be about 6x as fast as we've seen in cryptos. So to make the math work, if cryptos had only existed 6 years, then all of the growth we've seen in the 6 years will occur in the next 12 months (relative to gaining that new body). You have not seen anything yet - we are in the 'Innovator' subset. If you think it is overvalued now you are sorely mistaken.
This is a compelling argument. So you're saying to keep investing in bitcoin and it'll pay off?
Fuck, you are in full tulip mode. I hope you make it out alive of this bubble. but it doesn't look like it.
Cellphones have a purpose. The utter arrogance of cryptofags is sickening. Can't wait to read stories about people blowing their brains out when they lose it all.
It's goint to $10,000 per bitcoin in 1 year. Screencap this nocoiners!
only 11k? wtf have you been buying? only 6 eth? git gud at crypto faggot
Lol you fucking retard you'll get rekt
Lols...this is the type of delusion that made me leave crypto. 'NOT EVERYONE USES IT, IT CANT BE A BUBBLE YET!"
nsa nigger scam
Salty nocoiner boomer fucks.
My wealth is growing exponentially and I'm sticking it to the banksters.
Mister tax guy can get fucked too.
Correct. Everyone that is talking about a bubble is talking out of their ass. As long as it stays decentralized it will pay off bigly. Fuck the BIS even plotted bitcoin within their definition of money. Why people ignore these flags are beyond me.
email me a fucking tulip and I'll send you computer parts
'Satoshi Nakamoto' is the name of a CIA operation
Yeah, connections are big. I met my first client at a tailgate at a football game; he was a friend of my dad and actually heavily involved in crypto. He happened to own two high-end restaurants in town and I told him about setting up bitpay, and made $3k selling him one website for one of the restaurants, and setting up bitpay(inputting each menu item, setting up service with their bank, etc). From there he said he'd recommend me to people for a 20% commission and it's worked out really well so far.
>Be 2014. Learn of the crash of Mt. Gox
>Research what the fuck is a Bitcoin
>Buy 1 Bitcoin for $330 for YOLO's
>Bitcoin goes up to $420.
>Oh shit yo, I can make money on this
>buy $25 of Bitcoin a week for a year
>Buy Bitcoin miner. Make over 680% returns by just letting a computer do maths for a year
>Begin learning how to trade Bitcoin
>Be 2017
>Working at shit retail job
>Store Manager sees me trading on my phone almost all day when at work
>I Make $1,000 in one day from bull run
>Quit job
>Full time trader with a portfolio 894% return YTD
>Bitcoin up 525% YTD
>make roughly $400/day
Photo: My setup
Where do you learn
That looks like the apartment of someone that earns 4 dollars a day not 400
All self taught. It's nothing like trading the stock market
I didn't know you could judge the price of some place off of 2 walls. Surprise surprise, it's a house.
Well I wanna learn too, got any hot tips on where to study?
It's just dumb to bet everything on the first iteration of an idea. Moxie cola, anyone?
Have you heard of our lord and savior BLOCK?
why post this?
Just do a lot of Due Diligence. Right now I'm currently invested in:
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, BLOCK, DASH, OMG, DCR, FCT, GNT, CVC, STRAT, IOT and ETC. Those are my personal favorites.
Research each coin and see what problems they solve? Then see what kind of following a coin gets. Bitcointalk.org is a great place to get other peoples feedback on whether or not a coin is going up or down.
coinmarketcap.com for leading coins, coindesk.com for crypto news
Pretty much you just gotta get involved within the community and follow along with what people are talking about in the news and what could potentially cause a rocket ship to the moon or a dump to the Mariana trench.
But the biggest thing is not to play with your emotions. That is what killed me when starting out. I would panic sell. Just keep calm. You are only losing money temporarily. It always goes back up
Where do you recommend starting to learn. Just started Nicehash a few days ago coz I already owned a couple of gaming rigs. Planning on leaving Bitcoin in the wallet and not cashing out for awhile in hopes it does go way beyond its current value
I got a gaming PC with free electricity and a 1060, what's a good coin I can start mining when im not using my PC?
>It always goes back up
Well, I stopped mining earlier this year once everyone started mass buying miners. It's not as profitable as it once was. Before I used to be able to mine close to 1ETH a day on my GPU rigs.
It's more efficient to directly buy crypto then trade it.
As far as learning how to trading, I honestly don't know. Everyone has their own style of trading. I happen to trade off of the depth chart and trading book. I don't really watch the candlesticks.
It sounds unorthodox, because it's not really a normal trading habit, but it works for me.
There is a guy named Chris Dunn and I think he is what really kick started my Trading and Bitcoin career. Just take a gander out his videos. Sure they're a little old, but they still hold up today.
>implying anyone ever had faith in a soda called Moxie
search youtube for Nicehash. Its what I just started a few days ago & you get paid in bitcoin. Extremely simple to setup. While thats generating bitcoin i'm learning more about everything and researching mining the other alt currencies & considering buying some more cards
Well, Nvidia cards suck at mining and today everyone and their mom is mining, so the difficulty is extremely high. In turn that means it'll take longer for you to ever make any money. You could mine Zcash, but you might make about $1/day if you're lucky.
Mining in general isn't as profitable as it used to me. The machines are high priced, same goes with building a GPU mining rig, the expected ROI is a lot longer, and that doesn't include future difficulty changes and price fluctuation.
It's the whole reason I sold all my mining gear. I made more buy directly buying into Bitcoin and all those other coins instead of spending hundreds if not thousands on hardware that would have me break even in possibly a year.
Thanks, will check'em out. I realize i missed prime time, but i find it fun & w/ a baby on the way I don't have the income to invest buying atm
Agreed. Its just used for speculation. As soon as a crash happens people will drop bitcoin so fast to offset their other REAL assets that are falling like stocks, real estate, bonds...
Living at home does not mean free electricity.
I understand. Before I left my job I actually got my buddy into buying crypto coins and he managed to get on the Litecoin train before it blew up from $3.98/coin to now $54.90.
He actually just called me the other day telling me he's gone part time so he can trade more. So, seeing that not only myself, but my friend who had no prior trading or crypto experience can learn in just a couple weeks how to make money in crypto with just a little bit of research and Due Diligence.
Anybody can make crypto a full time gig just like day trading stocks. Crypto trading is like a much more accelerated Stock Market.
literally lol
fiat is backed by an entire nations economy
btc is backed by shite and speculation
nations are a spook
BTC is backed by cryptology and being deintermediary (trustless) form of exchange.
>China will end up owning the world
>China has abandoned Bitcoin
>Therefore, Bitcoin has become a meme
BTC is backed by the energy required to maintain the blockchain as well
And the US dollar is backed by 14000 nuclear bombs.
I know it sucks and I too want a free an independent form of wealth representation and medium of exchange outside the filthy hands of bureaucrats. But if you seriously think they will not utterly annihilate cryptos the second they become serious competitors you are in for a big surprise.
Someone will try to hack it.
Challenge accepted??
I dare you!
Cool idea, gonna be under fire hard from established institutions and "special interests"