>The absolute state of leftist memes
pic related
The absolute state of leftist memes
This is now a lefty meme thread! Post away, I need to fill a folder
This is now a CRUZ MISSILE thread. Post RARE CRUZ
Lets send him to North Korea
does anyone have that auschwitz "the left cant meme" pic? i dont know where i saved mine
lol gay
Since when the fuck was a Chuck Norris joke last made? I don't get these people.
That fucking gave me AIDS and Throat Cancer at the same time.
im not sure if this one is satire considering the general state of leftist memery
>in reality
/cruzmissle/ reporting in
Chuck Norris jokes are so old that I can't even remember any of them.
wow this meme is very pedophobic and incestphobic as well , check your privilige ,and watch your trigger words you bigot
What the fuck is wrong with these people
The left shows again their inability to master menes. Since when was ''Chuck Norris'' a right-wing joke and how many years late are they with Norris jokes being relevant.
>tfw you used to hate Chuck Norris jokes but you just realized it's been over 35 years since you last heard one
why does their pepe look so fatigued
Those racist xenophobes should base their founding ideals on better people like Stalin, Marx, and Mao!!
Sup Forums is totally known for Chuck Norris jokes
doesn't surprise me that he looks evil as fuck
>almost create half decent meme
>fuck it up because you grew up watching post-90s Simpsons and tumblr webomics that drew inspiration from CAD
>spread crafted "pro-Nazi, anti ancap" memes
What's this supposed to achieve exactly? There's already dozens of those here and it's not like some low tier antifa shitposting is going to cause any real disruption.
this cant be real, they must be cringy on purpose or something
>even their pepe has syphilis
What the hell is a chuck Norris joke?
tirelessly fighting for justice
Funny thing is, if some broad made incest porn it would be slut shaming or some shit if you said "ewww gross you made incest porn" but if you like incest porn, judge away.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are fucking up.
yea, most Americans are shit tier compared to them in regards to killing their fellow countrymen.
You're forgetting that they are literally Harry Potter and Sup Forums is Voldemort. Anything they "do" in their mind is somehow bashing the fash even if it's only seen by 3 people and given a (You).
I just traveled to /leftypol/ to find something to post. After 15min I ended up with this as the only thing worth posting as it makes at least some sense.
“Did I ever tell you about the time I went horseback riding with Brasky, but there weren’t any horses around? Well, Brasky throws a saddle on my back and rides me around Wyoming for three days. Well, wouldn’t you know it, my stamina increases with each day and I develop tremendous leg muscles. So anyway, Brasky decides to enter me in the Breeders’ Cup, right, under the name Turkish Delight. And I’m running in second place, and I’m running and I break my ankle! They’re about to shoot me. Then someone from the crowd yells out, God bless him, ‘Don’t shoot him, he’s a human.'”
Such low energy! Sad!
You have to understand that whereas conservatives find out what liberals actually believe and mock that, liberals mock what they _think_ conservatives believe, but because they removed all contrary opinions from every website they use with an ignore button they're actually missing the target by about a mile.
You can see the same thing happen when they argue with conservatives. They never address the point the conservative is making. They say "Well this isn't what I was told by liberals that conservatives believe, so it must be bullshit. I'm going to demand he answer for Hitler instead of debating with him about this highway and traffic policy."
Then they lose pretty much every election lol
still holding out for that pic where "the left can't meme" replaces "arbeit macht frei" if anyone has it
Searching hard for what might be considered a funny left wing meme.
humor like "cheeto" has lost any funny it ever had. Humor isn't funny if it's just how much you hate someone. Making fun of trump's personality traits can be funny and productive, on the other hand.
Even more /leftypol/ memes although I have no idea what they're supposed to be.
It's from their OC thread oh well
and more things that make you go mhhhm
activated almonds I guess?
what the fuck is this even supposed to be?
is he ok?
I haven't seen a Chuck Norris joke on this site in at least two years.
This. They are detached from reality when it comes to what conservatives actually believe, and many, many other things.
Does anyone remember when memeflags got instated again and there was this retarded /leftypol/ spammer making nonsensical posts about "national bolshevism" with heavily distorted Zdzislaw Bekinski paintings captioned "Nazbol"?
That's what I think of when I think of leftist "memes'
I kind of think that one is funny, too. By the way, Trump brings up a good point. Why are we admiring the people that got caught? McCain showed bravery because the VC tried to use him as a propaganda piece and he fought against it, but the others...
>implying people care about you using pepe memes
>implying people don't hope you so we can mock you
Look at that neck-to-head ratio. They're also all safe and cover non-taboo topics. This wouldn't go far in a competitive meme market.
le ebin maymay r-right?
What? Is Chuck Norris in there, and I just don't see him?
To be fair conservatives don't understand liberal issues too well, like issues you deal with in dense cities. That is fine because different people have different problems.
Difference is liberals have been trying to force their shit on others (like gay marriage, gay cakes, and tranny bathrooms). Conservatives used to do the same with abortion (which hurt them) but have toned it way down.
>le ironic role reversal
Antifa would hate being compared to police.
I have no idea what I'm even looking at desu. I just browse their "OC" thread and pick things with a lot of (you)'s.
They have to write it out so many times because they still haven't quite convinced themselves of their own a priori logical framework that lets them justify the simultaneous beliefs that labour surpluses are theft, but property isn't real.
>antifa girl does the symbol associated with white supremacy
>they have to write the names of the people like Corbyn even through everyone knows him
>poorly shopped in communist manifesto
>selfinserted OC "badmouse productions"
this is dumb as fuck considering it implies agreement with the original, god damn leftists are retarded
This is now a Chuck Norris joke thread
Somene's gotta help me out....
that one is actually kind of funny
It's a good conversation starter and most importantly it lightens the mood. There is a ton that libs and cons can laugh about together like the McCain thing. For instance the state of political correctness, joking about how sex changes will be mandatory in the future.
Here's another similar meme.
I think it's Sup Forums made, I mean it has to be to use Anne frank.
I found this one so retarded that it made me laugh. It is nothing but brainwashing.
He's just taking a nap buddy. Don't worry about him
how do they actually expect this to work, what makes memes effective is how easily they can be understood, this is like the visual form of tl;dr
don't these faggots realize that if they come here they WILL get redpilled. You can't just stop here for a visit. This place is like a fucking tar-pit. I somehow found my way over from /fit/ 2 years ago and I can't escape.
What's the punchline? How does the 'Capitalism' relate to the beginning of the joke. Just replace the word capitalism with whatever you don't like
Kek faggots don't understand men
2 years from now this will be considered hate speech because those who practice incest will be considered a sexual minority.
Fukken saved that pic
He just understands A E S T H E T I C S
Forget about going elsewhere on the internet, I don't go elsewhere in LIFE
The will to knowledge is the will to cruelty against oneself. I don't even see the black dicks anymore, just Jews
I am glad we agree on at least a few things. This guy is certainly retarded, and does not represent any movement other than the cringe one. He and you need to go back to rebbit.
Only funny part is >heckin
More cause it's cute and made up.
You're all losers
>impact font
is this 2003?
it's almost if human history is a bunch of savagery. holy fuck what a revelation
The left can't meme, because women are bad comedians (cause they can't make fun of themselves).
Is there more of these?
Found on a Europeon activist page
lol Stirner was no commie, I even saw a post on /leftypol/ warning the faggots making commie generals here to stop bringing him up after a couple anons here pointed out that Stirner wasn't actually a commie.